10:36pm (Waning Crescent Moon)

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Jesse sat next to a large piece of rock and cried, burying his head in his knees. Everything was silent as Jesse sobbed, still hurt by Lukas's words.

Well, and he thought he was alone.. a twig snapped in front of Jesse, making him look up. A boy with yellow eyes looked at him silently, his brown hair waving a little in the chilly wind.

Aiden looked down at Jesse and held out a hand for him to take. Jesse looked at it, wondering what Aiden wanted him to do. Jesse startled when a crow landed beside him, looking at Jesse with its dark eyes.

"Do you want to talk?" Aiden asked in his usual monotonous voice. Jesse shook his head, his tears stinging the place where the brown wolf had accidentally scratched him. Aiden kneeled in front of Jesse and held out a piece of tissue paper which Jesse took gratefully.

"I'll leave you be then." Aiden said, standing up and holding out his arm for the crow to fly onto it. He started to walk away.

"Aiden.." Jesse said, making the boy turn to look at him.


Aiden didn't smile, he just nodded and left Jesse, disappearing through the trees.

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He didn't know how long he stayed there, sitting beside the rock and just staring at the ground in front of him. He watched as ants walked past him, occasionally walking over his shoes as he counted them one by one.


Jesse looked up when he heard Lukas's voice. Oh crap, he was in the woods- no matter how much Jesse was hurt by Lukas, he still was his best friend after all. Jesse stood up and headed towards Lukas, following his voice.

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Jesse was roped down, shivering as he tried to stand. He was angry. At Lukas. He wanted Lukas to apologise for whatever he said.

He wanted to make him pay.

Jesse groaned, suddenly feeling the pain in his stomach again. Jesse gasped, curling on the ground and finally giving in.

He burst free from the ropes and saw the door start to slam shut in front of him. But there was an opening, just a small crack in the wood as Lukas tried to shut the door.

And he couldn't control himself before his instincts took over. Jesse leapt at the door, now a fully grown blue-silver wolf. And Jesse killed Lukas with one swift bite on the neck.

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10/8/18 (Waning Crescent)

Jesse gasped, sitting up in bed. It took him awhile to adjust himself. It was morning... and he was in bed.. just a nightmare. The same one he's been having ever since he found out he was a werewolf.

Jesse closed his eyes, still sitting up in bed. He couldn't believe how realistic his nightmare was. It almost felt like it were real... but he'd never kill Lukas, no matter how angry he was with the dumb blonde.

"Drit." Jesse muttered as he looked at the clock, which showed that he was late for school. Why didn't any of his friends wake him up?

Jesse looked around and caught sight of a piece of paper poking out from beneath a bowl of chicken soup. He picked it up and read it silently.

dear jesse,
                   if you're reading this, you're probably awake. petra and i went out to the mall to grab some food and we'll be back shortly. we kept you home because... well... it's better if we told you face to face. but we'll see you soon.


Jesse frowned. This wasn't unusual since Lukas usually wrote in lowercase and this was definitely his handwriting. But that last part definitely troubled him.

What was so serious that Lukas had to tell him face to face?

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"About time!" Jesse said, running up to the two friends as they bickered all the way from the main road to the house.

"Seriously? I told Petra specifically to get Froot Loops but did she listen to me? Of course not. She got cornflakes instead!" Lukas said.

"But I like cornflakes you idiot! And it's my own money, I do what I want with it!" Petra shot back, lugging a bagful of cornflakes into the house with a very confused Jesse following behind.

"You mean this shopping trip was all just for cornflakes?" he asked, following the two of them into the house. "Well, duh. I was hungry!" Petra called from the kitchen as she set out boxes and boxes of cereal.

"You guys have gone mental." Jesse told them. Lukas and Petra glanced at each other. "She/he 's mental!" they pointed at each other.

Jesse rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Grow up and tell me what happened this morning." Fun fact, Jesse was the younger of the two, just by a few months but sometimes, he didn't know who was older. Him or them.

"Oh.." Lukas scratched the back of his neck. "Well... you shifted this morning."

There an an uneasy silence. Except for Petra eating for cornflakes that is.

Jesse blinked, immediately looking at the calendar. "But it's not even the full moon." he replied, still looking at it.

"Exactly. We don't know how or why, but Lukas found you as a wolf, scratching at the door." Petra said in between bites. "But that should be impossible. It's not the full moon." Jesse repeated.

If they weren't lying... then it would've been dangerous. Was it because of his nightmare? That rise in his stomach as he shifted? Jesse didn't know. And the only way he could get answers was if he asked- the pack leader... Soren? But he had never seen him before and didn't know what he looked like.

Maybe he should ask Gabriel... the first werewolf he met besides the one who turned him. That Ivor guy.

Jesse sighed, not realising that Lukas was asking him a question. "I'm going out." he said.

Without even waiting for Lukas or Petra to reply, he just pulled the door open and shut behind him, not looking back as he ran into the woods.


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