Tbh: Ari

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Now you already know that I love you more then anything and anyone, but imma say it again.

You are and always will be my treasure.

And even though your debating about leaving, I want you to know that this place will never be the same without your weird, potato loving self.

You are the one I trust more then anyone on here. You've had my back since the beginning, and helped me through my problems and made me realise that even though I'm a horrible person, I can still be living and caring.


You made me love myself for who I am, and accepted myself for the sins I commited and the lies I spreaded.

You're so amazing in my eyes.

And you have NO idea how lucky I am to have someone like you in my life.

You will always be more then a friend to me. You are my sister. Maybe not by blood, but that doesn't matter. Not to me at least.

You are savage af, and I know to NEVER get on your bad side cause then it would be world war 3 if you and i went at each other XD

But I know that will never happen.
Because we never fought before.

I know that I can tell you anything and you won't judge me. I trust you and I hope you trust me too.

I love you so much, and that will never change.

Now I can stay here and talk about how much I love you, but I'm not that much of a sappy person XD

So, I'm just gonna say that, even if it kinda feels like we're spreading apart, I'll always be here for you.

I'll always love you.

And if anyone FUCKING HURTS you.........

I'll make sure to break every bone in their body, especially their legs so they can't crawl away when itake out their eyes and shove them down their throat SO THEY CAN SEE ME RIP THEIR GOD DAMN BODY OPEN.

^-^ Love you so much, nee-nee!!

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