Tbh: Danny.

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You are such a sweet and loving guy. You truly try hard to understand me to the point where you might hurt yourself, haha.

In all honesty, I've never had someone read my eyes.

Someone that cojld sense the emotions that came from them, which made me really happy when you could see what was inside of them.

You really like to compliment me, which gets me mad at points, but it's still really sweet.

I know we've had a LOT of dark times, but I think they just bring us closer together.

And even though you said those words to me, doesn't mean I'll ever think less of you.

You're very loyal and caring and I'll always remember that.

I'm sorry I'm such a brat sometimes to the point that I get annoying.

And that I can be selfish, or clingy.
And I'm sorry for everything I've ever said or done that has hurt you.

Just know that I love you, and I hope you know that and remember that. ^^


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