2 - Bambi

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"Ronnie, are you okay?"

I blinked up at Luna who was looking at me strangely.

"I- uh... I- just think I need to-"

But I didn't finish my sentence due to the sudden rise of bile from my stomach, and I raced to the bathroom to throw up violently into the toilet.

I couldn't do it. I had to get back to this Bambi woman and tell her I had made a mistake in saying yes.

Bambi. He was marrying a woman who shared the name with a stupid Muggle cartoon deer! What were they going to name their kids? Thumper and Flower?

My stomach heaved as I imagined him holding a baby - their baby.

"Ronnie? This is good, no?" Luna called from the other side of the door. "Ron Appetit is saved! Oh, Daddy will be pleased! I was starting to worry that you'd have to close the company - money has been so tight at home. Especially after we had to rebuild it after the Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn exploded!"


I shakily flushed the chain, not wanting to get into that argument again.

Fuck. I didn't know what to do. Luna was right - this gig could save us.

But... Draco.

I leant over the sink, splashing water on my face. It had been five years. Five years. Of course he had moved on. I was being pathetic. I needed to get over it.

I couldn't let a stupid teenage fling get in the way of business.

Taking a deep breath, I held my head up high and walked out of the bathroom.

Besides, I thought, she was probably really fucking ugly.


She wasn't.

In fact, she was so breathtakingly beautiful that I wanted to vomit again.

"Ronnie Weasley?" She asked, standing up to enthusiastically shake my hand. "You don't know how glad I am that you responded so quickly. You've simply saved my life, darling!"

She gave me such a warm, kind smile that I just wanted to burst into tears. Why did she have to be fucking nice?!

We were in Javu's; a restaurant that only the elite witches and wizards frequented. It had been Bambi's idea. She 'simply' insisted that she treat me to lunch right away so that we could discuss the menu.

"But I'm not dressed for it!" I had spluttered to Luna as I read Bambi's immediate response to my 'yes'.

But Luna had assured me that my tired, grey, crappy suit looked fine. I looked like a fucking frump next to Bambi though, who was dressed immaculately in what was no doubt a highly expensive designer white summer dress.

"I understand you went to Hogwarts with my fiancé?" Bambi gushed, after clicking her fingers at a nearby waiter ("Your finest bottle of Champagne darling - only the best for my saviour!").

"Um... yes, but we were in different houses." I mumbled, anxiously shuffling my paperwork in front of me. I didn't want to talk about him. In fact, I was praying we could get through this job without having much to do with him at all.

Besides, I couldn't imagine the likes of Draco Malfoy wanting to get involved with the planning of food at such occasions.

"Oh yes!" Bambi giggled as the waiter immediately reappeared with the popping of a cork. "The infamous Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry! Obviously, being a Beauxbaton's student, I wasn't really in the know- come on darling, you can do better than that!" She said, turning her attention to the waiter who had poured small measures. He apologised, instantly filling up the flutes to the brim.

"We got on okay," I shrugged. "The Slytherins never bothered me like they did Harry."

"Oh - yes, of course! The Golden Trio!" She exclaimed excitedly, making the waiter jump. He apologised profusely before scurrying away. "Imagine! My engagement party being catered by a wizarding hero!"

It was unfortunate that I had just taken a sip of champagne because I then proceeded to spit it out all over my paperwork.

"Well I wouldn't quite put it like that, Miss Peverell," I said, quickly trying to clean my menu ideas with my forearm. "It was all Harry and Hermione. I just tagged along."

"Oh, please!" She gushed, "don't be so modest, Ronnie! I hear you were quite the hero! And please, call me Bambi."

I tried so hard not to wrinkle my nose in horror. I really didn't think I could call her that without cringing.

"Well, let's get on with the buffet ideas." I hurried, desperate to get this meeting over with before she brought up Draco again. "Now, what's your take on vol-au-vents?"


Luna was waiting expectantly for me when I tipsily fell through the office door three hours later.

"So?" She asked, her eyes sparkling excitedly. "How did it go?"

"You tell me," I said as I slapped a cheque down on the desk in front of her.

Her already wide eyes widened even more as she read the great big sum scrawled in Bambi's zealous handwriting.

"Payment up front." I said, buzzing on champagne and success. "She insisted on adding extra for the short notice."

"Extra?" Luna breathed, "she's more than quadrupled what we would have charged!"

I tossed the finished menus on her desk. "You get ordering the ingredients, I'm going to organise a team. Oh, and we're going to be using the kitchen at Peverell Manor, which we'll be visiting tomorrow to get ourselves acquainted with." I dramatically placed my hands on her desk, my chest rising and falling with heavy shaky breaths as I leant towards her. "We do this right Luna, and we'll be buying a great big sparkling new kitchen of our own, plus an army of staff around the clock."

I could see it now; a row of shiny white vans with my face on the side, ready to go out into the world to deliver the very heart and soul of every function. The food.

Two hours later, once the alcohol had worn off, I started to panic.

"I can't fucking do this!" I wailed, banging my head against my desk. "What the fuck was I thinking?!"

Luna looked up, her radishes bobbing beneath her lobes.

"I think you ought to call it a night, Ronnie. Get some sleep so you're fresh for tomorrow. It's not a good look for the head caterer to show up with a hangover. Especially not with the Peverells. Ooo, do you think Draco will be there? He wasn't a very nice boy in school to me; he kept calling me Loony. And his dreadful family kept me locked up in that cellar with poor dear Mr Ollivander. I suppose he did help Harry in the end, though, and he had seemed quite taken with you, if I recall rightly? He didn't once think about attempting to save any of us until you came along-"

"Good night Luna." I said, shutting the door behind me as I stepped out into the night.


I was starting to understand why the last catering company jumped the fucking ship.

"What?" I spat grumpily into my phone, pissed off at the rude awakening.

"Oh Ronnie, darling! I'm so sorry to call at an unearthly hour but I simply couldn't sleep for fretting!"

I looked blearily at my bedside clock. It was half past three in the morning.

"B-Bambi?" I spluttered incredulously, wandering what sort of catering emergency requires an urgent middle of the night phone call.

"I can't stop worrying that it might be too cliche to have the caviar. Perhaps that's more of a wedding day thing?"

Was she fucking kidding me?

"Okay, we'll scrap the caviar," I mumbled, getting ready to hang up.

"But wait- will they think I'm not trying hard enough, though? Oh, Ronnie - I just can't sleep! This engagement party must be good but it can't be as good as the wedding. I mean, at what point must one say stop?"

I wanted to shout 'now' and slam the phone down, but I had to keep reminding myself what this job meant to the business. I had to keep her onside.

"Bambi," I said, gathering all my efforts to stay patient, "just breathe. We still have four days. I promise you, everything will go fine."

I closed my eyes as I hung up.

It was going to be a long fucking week.


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