20 - Potter Palace

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"What do you need me to say my fucking name for?" I bellowed. "I fucking helped save the cunting world with the fucktard that owns this pissing place!"

"Sorry, but I've got orders to check everyone."


"Ronnie Weasley and guest," Blaise intervened smoothly, gently squeezing my waist to his side.

Neville took a moment to check his list, paused and frowned. "There is a Veronica Weasley but no Ronnie."


He shook his head, sighing softly, before finally scratching something off with his quill and nodding us along.

"Chill, baby," Blaise purred softly, pressing his lips against my ear as he guided me in through the magnificent, yet pretentious doors, "let's just enjoy ourselves tonight."

"I was Harry's best friend at school!" I spat, still feeling pissed off by the undignified welcome. "Without me he would have been sitting on that fucking train alone!"

Blaise gave a low impressed whistle as we stepped into the large circular entrance hall.

"Damn, Potter certainly hasn't done too badly for himself," he murmured, his eyes widening at the massive gold fountain in the centre. He squinted up at the statue in the middle of it. "Bloody hell, is that-"

"Dumbledore, yes." I muttered. "Brown-noser till the fucking end when it came to that dude."

"I'm guessing Head Auror pays a tidy wage," Blaise said, shaking his head as if he couldn't quite believe it. "You never fancied being part of Potter's team then?"

"As if I would want to be associated with that loser crew. Anyway, that kind of hero shit has never been my cup of tea like it has Harry's. Honestly, I swear he gets off to watching his own 'How I saved the fucking world' motivational speeches."

"Oh yeah, my mum's got one of those on dvd. 'Bringing out your Inner Hero', I think it's called."

"Not to be confused with 'You can be a Hero too'. That one won him the Crabbe's Chronicles Most Inspirational Speech Award. You should see his fucking trophies, it's sickening."

"Don't tell me," Blaise said, his eyes glinting amusedly, "he keeps them in a case where he takes them out to polish everyday?"

"A case?" I scoffed. "He has a whole fucking floor dedicated to his cock enhancers."

"Ahhh, Ronnie!" A jovial voice called from the top of the white marbled staircase.

Blaise and I looked up to see Harry dressed in robes displaying a rainbow of bright patchwork colours. It looked like one of my mother's ghastly creations.

"Damn," Blaise sniggered quietly in my ear. "Joseph just called. He wants his coat back,"

"Welcome, welcome," Harry beamed as he came gliding theatrically down the stairs with his arms grandly outstretched. He paused when he reached the bottom, blinking slightly as he looked at my date. "Oh. It's you."

"Fuck off, Harry," I hissed, "Don't be so pissing rude or I'll turn around and leave right now."

"But a Slytherin, Ronnie." Harry whined, as though Blaise wasn't even stood there. "I don't think I've ever had one of them step foot in my palace before."

"We're not cursed you know," Blaise drawled disdainfully, "your precious palace wont burst into flames just because a Slytherin breathed in it."

Harry glared up at Blaise, pressing a stubby forefinger on the bridge of his glasses, haughtily pushing them right up against his face before waggling the same finger in front of him. "I'll be watching you, Zabini. Any trouble and you're out."

"Fucking idiot," I mumbled, as I led Blaise into the crowded ballroom, desperately trying to locate the alcohol.

"Seriously, I don't know how you put up with him all those years," Blaise chuckled, "and didn't he spend all the holidays with you too?"

"Unfortunately, yes," I muttered, almost slamming into a waiter carrying a tray of champagne in my urgency to get to him. "And not only did he help himself to my bed, but to my sister too. Cheers."

We clinked glasses as Blaise studied me, the disco ball's light twinkling out from his black slanting eyes.

"You look damn fine tonight, by the way, Weasley," Blaise murmured silkily in my ear,
snaking an arm around my waist. "I've got to say, red definitely suits you."

I was hit with the scent of his cologne and my stomach suddenly pooled in desire as a vivid image of our hot sweaty naked bodies writhing together flashed in my mind.

Flustered, I stepped away from him, silently cursing myself for being such a horny bitch.

"You know, we're not doing anything wrong," Blaise smirked, clocking my face which undoubtedly now matched my hair and dress. "If you're worried about what Draco and Bambi-"

"I couldn't give a flying fuck about them," I lied, my heart twisting at the mere mention of him. "They've made their choice, and now they can lie in their literal fucking bed."

"Exactly, baby," Blaise purred, "And what about us? Aren't we entitled to a bit of fun ourselves? Maybe even happiness?"

"I just can't be doing with all these games, Blaise." I sighed tiredly. "I want an uncomplicated life. And I want nothing more to do with Draco and Bambi when this wedding is over."

Hurt flashed in his eyes. "What about me? Surely you are not going to just cut me out too?"

I looked up at him, momentarily at a loss of what to say. I wasn't expecting him to react like this.

"I've come to like your company, Weasley." He continued, inching his face closer and closer to mine as he spoke, sending my heart racing. "Look forward to it, even."

"Blaise, I-"

"Witches and wizards, giants and house elves," interrupted Harry as the lights went down all around us and a spotlight landed on him at the back of the room. "Thank you all for attending the Potter's New Year's Eve Extravaganza! As you all know it's been a busy year for myself - finally gifting Ginny the wonderful name of Potter, and if that's not enough for one year, I also managed to create, grow and bring a beautiful new life into this world; James Sirius Potter, who tonight is being looked after by our wonderful parents; Molly and Arthur. Two people who took me under their bosom when I was just a wee lad myself, now taking in my own child, a child that is mixed with their own flesh and blood-"

"What the fuck is this guy on?" Blaise muttered in my ear.

"Just be careful he doesn't invoice you for this speech," I murmured dryly, "last I heard, he was charging ninety five galleons per head."

"Shhh!" A grouchy old witch hissed at us as Blaise and I started sniggering uncontrollably. "You are drowning out the Chosen One!"

"Come on," Blaise murmured, grabbing my hand and tugging me away, "I've heard enough Potter Prattle to last me a lifetime."

"Where are we going?" I asked, tripping after him in his hurried attempt to get us out of the room of Harry's adoring fans.

He grabbed an unopened bottle of champagne off the side on the way out, toppling into the entrance hall.

"I was hoping you could give me a tour," he drawled slyly. "We've still got two hours left of the year and like heck am I spending it listening to that prat when I could be having fun with you."

A loud pop reverberated around us as he expertly uncorked the champagne, white fizz bursting from the end.

I couldn't help but lick my lips as he grinned wickedly at me.

"What do you say, Weasley? Up for it?"

Hell fucking yes. I wanted some fun.


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