25 - ...And Hug

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I was pleased to see he had returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"It seemed like the safest option," he smirked, acknowledging my approving look as he poured the burgundy liquid into the glasses. "I figured if I left through the front door or came back with a cup of tea, you would never talk to me again. And that's the last thing I want."

He scooched along the sofa to pass me a glass. My fingers brushed his as I went to take it from him and for a moment we stilled, our eyes meeting as the air seem to spark between us.

Shaking myself, I quickly removed the glass from his hand, turning my head abruptly back to the TV, praying the heat I had felt rise in my cheeks hadn't shown.

"I'm surprised you have a such Muggle thing in your home, Weasley." Draco drawled, sitting back at his end of the sofa, as he too turned to watch the cat lady explaining how she doesn't need friends because she talks to her cats everyday.

"That's having lived with a Muggle-Born for you." I muttered, taking a deep welcoming gulp of my wine.

Draco nearly spat his own all over the place. "You mean you shared this shoebox with another person?! Where did you all fit?!"

"Oh give it a fucking rest, Malfoy!" I spat. "At least I don't still live with my mummy and daddy!"

Draco smarted at this comment, but didn't say anything.

"Out of curiosity," I added, giving him a sideways glance. "What exactly are your living arrangements going to be after the wedding? Surely you're not going to continue as you are; living with your parents and only staying at Bambi's when you fancy a quick fuck?"

"Why do you do that, Ronnie?!" Draco bellowed, slamming his wine down on the coffee table.

"DO WHAT?! I roared, my heart racing angrily. "YOU'RE FUCKING MARRYING HER!"

He closed his eyes and let out a disdainful sigh. "I just wish you wouldn't bring it up. I'm enjoying this; you and me. I've missed this."


"I meant hanging out. I love your company, Ronnie; I always have. Nobody has ever challenged me quite like you do."

"It's just a shame that's not enough for you." I muttered, focusing my eyes on the chin whiskers of the lady on the TV. Would I get a beard too? Is that another symptom of singleitis?

We fell back into a stiff silence.

"So, I guess you're back living on your own now that Granger's shacked up with Longbottom?" Draco said after a while.

"Yes, why? Are you hinting you want to rent a room? A little down market for you I would have thought." I snapped irritably. Couldn't he see I was trying to watch the fucking television?!

"Heavens no," he shuddered, glancing around him as though he might catch poor persons disease just by being here. "I'm surprised they're allowed to rent them out this small."

"Fucking charge enough and all." I snarled bitterly. "I nearly had to move back in with my parents until your wedding gig came along and saved me."

Draco blinked over at me. "How come Potter got a fucking palace and you're struggling to rent a poxy old shoebox?"

"Because the fucktard sold himself out. And do you fucking mind? This is still my home you're trashing!"

"If you can call it that," he muttered.

"Do you want me to shove this remote up your tight backside," I snarled at him, "because I fucking will you know."

"Look, if you're struggling with money, I could always help you out; perhaps help you rent out a bigger place." He shrugged, as if he was simply offering to shout me a drink.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I spluttered, my jaw dropping incredulously. "Who the fuck do you think you are, Draco? My fucking sugar daddy?!"

"No, wait," he said at once, sitting up in panic. "I- I didn't mean to insult you. It just doesn't seem fair to me that you helped save the world with Potter and he gets to prance about in a palace whilst you're relying on someone's wedding to help make ends meet."

"Yeah well life is not fucking fair." I said moodily. "And I don't want your hand outs. The last thing I want is to start owing people. Especially you."

"You wouldn't be owing me anything, Weasley." He said solemnly, his grey eyes looking at me sadly.

I just looked back at him, trying to suppress a bark of laughter. "Yeah I fucking would. And besides, you promised to stay out of my life after the wedding, remember?"

"Please, Ronnie," he implored, his face pained. "It doesn't have to be this way."

"What? Will you commission me to cater for your first born's christening? I don't fucking think so."

Pain ripped through my stomach at the mere thought of Draco fathering another woman's child. I closed my eyes, shocked at the force that hit me.

I was faintly aware of my wine glass being removed from my hand and when I opened my eyes again, Draco was sat right next to me, his fingers caressing my cheek, causing me to shudder a deep sigh. The scent of his cologne suddenly overpowered me and I could feel my heart thudding furiously as our eyes fixed upon one another.

"I miss you, Ronnie," he murmured hoarsely; so close that I could feel his breath tickle my face. "I miss you so fucking much."

I closed my eyes again, feeling an overwhelming emotion of such sadness and love.

"Love, don't cry," he breathed, wiping the tears away that had started to roll down my cheeks without me even realising it.

But how could I not cry? The man I loved was marrying someone else. He was never mine; never could be mine.

His arms circled around my waist as he pulled me to him, and I found myself surrendering to him as he lay down, bringing me with him so that I lay snuggled against him, nuzzling my cheek upon his chest. I felt my body sigh in bliss as his arms tightened around me and he pressed his lips to the top of my head.

I felt too exhausted to point out that this was wrong; too exhausted to even care anymore.

Because being in his arms again felt so right, as if there was no other place I'd rather be.

And so together we lay on my sofa, locked in each other's arms as the wine sat abandoned and the TV played endless mindless crap.

That night we were just Ronnie and Draco. And as I closed my eyes listening to the steady beating of his heart, I could almost forget that he wasn't mine to have.


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