4 - I'm Sorry, Ronnie

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The following few days went by in a frenzied blur. I was desperately trying to find last minute staff, organising uniforms and dealing with Bambi's constant indecisiveness.

"I'm worried we don't have enough pink food." Bambi's voice came out of my phone at two o'clock in the fucking morning of the engagement party. "Can we add something in the sweet section, perhaps?"

"I'll throw in a plate of pink fucking wafers!" I bellowed into the phone before throwing it across the room.

"I'm so sorry, darling," Bambi said, greeting me hours later as I arrived at Peverell Manor with my new put together team. "Mummy keeps telling me I can be a bit of a worry wort at times."

"It's all right," I muttered dryly, as I led the staff into the kitchen. "It's not like I need sleep to live or anything."

To my surprise, she giggled hysterically as if I'd said the funniest thing in the world.

"How funny, you sound just like Draco!" She trilled, making my heart still at the unexpected mention of his name. She barely spoke about him, to the point that I kept forgetting that this was his engagement party too.

There had been no more close shaves like on Tuesday, much to my relief. After reassuring Bambi that house elf foot rot was not contagious, we threw ourselves back into the plans for the party and she never once again mentioned getting reacquainted with Draco.

But I knew I was going to have face him at some point; it was his party after all. However, a part of me wondered if I could stay hidden in the kitchen for the entirety. I had enough staff not to need to go and serve the canapés myself.

"But darling," Bambi said, wide eyed when I told her I hadn't brought a dress to change into. "You're going to be my guest of honour! The hard work for you now is done - that's what your staff is for. I simply insist you borrow one of my dresses. I intend to show you off to everyone tonight!"

The panicky feeling returned to my chest. In the few days that I had known Bambi, I already knew that she wouldn't take no for an answer. She was an oddly persuasive person.

But on the other hand, I couldn't help but think of how much favour mingling with this rich crowd would do for my business. I would be an idiot to turn the chance down.

I needed to pull myself together; Draco Malfoy was my past. My future was my business.

And so that is how I found myself walking down the manor's grand, opulent staircase in a figure hugging long green sparkling dress.

"Wow!" Bambi exclaimed excitedly jumping up and down at the bottom of the stairs. "How nobody's whipped you up yet, I'll never understand. You're simply dazzling. Perhaps we'll find you more than just a business client tonight."

I let her pull me into the ballroom where staff were busy setting up. I noticed her looking around frustratedly.

"Draco should be here by now, I have no idea what's keeping him." She sighed heavily, a sound of rare annoyance to her voice. "Anyone would think this party wasn't about h- oh darling, there you are! Come here and meet our gorgeous new caterer! She's been an absolute life saver!"

I froze at the sound of footsteps entering the room behind me.

Bambi wheeled me round and I found myself looking into a pair of startling silver grey eyes. He was looking good. So fucking good; dressed sharply in a black suit, his white-blond hair falling down sexily across his brow.

"Weasley, good to see you again." He nodded, his eyes flashing as they sweeped over the length of my body.

"Draco," I said, amazed my voice worked. I quickly looked down, trying to ignore the horrific ache in my chest. "Long time no see."

"Oh you can do better than that!" Bambi exclaimed, to my horror. "Weren't you old school chums? Now give her a hug, Draco - this wonderful woman has literally saved our lives!"

My heart pounded fiercely as Draco obeyed and took a step towards me, engulfing me in his arms. The familiar scent of expensive cologne and earthy sweat hit me and I had to close my eyes against the ripping tide of giddying emotions that swooped through the entire length of my body.

My hands went to his back, and I briefly clutched at the fabric of his jacket, marvelling at the feel of the firmness and warmth of him beneath my fingers; hardly daring to believe that he was here and I was in his arms again.

The boy that was once mine.

I quickly stepped back, allowing our arms to fall away from each other. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks; I felt flustered and I was terrified to meet either his or Bambi's eyes.

"I- um, better go and check on the kitchen." I stammered, hurrying for the door. "I won't be long."

"Poor girl," I heard Bambi sighing pityingly to Draco. "She's been working so hard. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her."

I practically threw myself into the kitchen, sighing with relief at the sanctuary of the place. I'd done it. I'd survived my first meeting with Draco. Just.

"Oh, don't you look wonderful!" Luna said cheerily, popping out from behind a fridge door with a pair of fucking wacky looking glasses across her face. "Everything is right on schedule here!"

"Damn it, Luna! We are trying to look professional here!" I scowled, praying that she wasn't going to let herself loose on the party later.

"We wouldn't want a Wrackspurt to make us become confused or unfocused, now." Luna said smiling serenely as the staff worked tirelessly behind her.

I was utterly horrified to see that every single one of them were each sporting an identical pair of the ludicrous atrocities.

Great. I was going to be a fucking laughing stock.

"Don't you fucking dare let them out looking like this!" I spat.

I turned on the spot, storming out of the kitchen.

And right into Draco Malfoy's chest.

"Woah," he said, placing his hands on my upper arms to steady me. "Where's the fire?"

I looked up at him and felt the breath hitch in my throat as his steely grey eyes glinted down at me.

I quickly stepped back so that his hands fell away from me. My heart was suddenly going wild and I was fearful that he would hear it.

"Just Luna being her usual fucking lunatic self." I muttered, casting my eyes away from him.

He gave a low soft chuckle and the familiarity of the sound made my stomach flip. "I must admit, I was surprised to hear that you'd teamed up with her."

"Not teamed up - she works for me." I suddenly felt very determined to prove myself to him - to show him that I've been doing all right without him.

"So how come you're out here dressed up for a party, and she's in there clearly doing the job you were hired to do?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I felt an anger spark inside of me. He was talking to me as though I was just some lowly servant.

"If you must know, Malfoy," I sneered, "your fiancée insisted on me being a guest tonight as a reward for working tirelessly all week planning and organising the food for your fucking engagement party."

His eyes flashed as he rammed his hands in his trouser pockets; his mouth twitching up at the corners. "Still the same fiery Ronnie, I see."

"Did you want something? Only I've got an engagement party to cater for." I snapped, hating the way he was making me feel.

And the way he was looking at me was completely unsettling, not to mention fucking inappropriate.

"I thought you just said you were pretty much having the night off." He drawled, his eyes twinkling amusedly, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on me.

"I've changed my mind!" I spat, furiously crossing my arms. Besides, I was beginning to fear leaving Luna in charge.

"If you need any help...?" He asked, and I was shocked to hear the sincerity behind his words.

"Draco, darling?" Bambi's voice echoed down the hallway. "The guests are about to arrive! Come stand with me, we should greet them together."

"You better not keep your fiancée waiting," I said, turning back to go into the kitchen.

Long white fingers suddenly curled around my wrist, halting me in my tracks. Startled, I looked up into silver eyes; eyes full of regret and sadness.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie."

A sudden bolt of electricity shot through my stomach as an image of our sweaty naked bodies writhing together, crying out into each other's mouths flashed vividly in my mind.

"You always are." I said, yanking my arm out of his grip.

And I turned my back on him, letting the kitchen door slam shut behind me.


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