41 - Underground

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Draco couldn't tear his eyes away from the girl he had fallen in love with back in Hogwarts.

The girl who had never stopped holding his heart; the one he had loved, to this very day.

But he didn't need her standing there to know what he was going to do next.

Because he had already made his mind up.

"Shall I go on?"

The officiant's question cut into the air as Draco teared his eyes away from Ronnie, turning back to Bambi, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry... I can't do this," he murmured regretfully, yet determinedly. "I can't marry you, Bambi."

The whole tent gave a collective gasp of shock and horror.

"What is the meaning of this, boy?!" Arnold Peverell yelled, his face going rapidly puce.

"Take the honeymoon, and take Blaise," Draco said authoritatively to Bambi, ignoring the seething man behind her.

Draco pushed Bambi into Blaise's arms who was stood in complete shock.

"I'm sorry for everything, man." Draco said to him. "Please don't be hard on Bambi, she has been pressured and bullied into this in ways you cannot imagine. Take her away now, and look after her."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Arnold bellowed, his whole body shaking in furious anger.

"And you, sir," Draco said, seeming to have grown a sudden unnerving amount of confidence as he turned unflinchingly to face his almost father in law. "Are nothing but a racist prick."

And then, to the yells and screams of everyone inside the tent, Draco punched him.


I quickly stepped back, letting the flap fall closed.

"What's going on in there?" Luna asked calmly, despite the obvious chaos going on inside the tent, "Is there a problem?"

"We need to get back to the kitchen, quick," I said, feeling utterly shocked by what I'd just witnessed. "I reckon Draco's just started a fucking riot. The absolute fucktard."

"Oh?" Luna said looking almost bored. "Did he not say yes then?"

The sounds of shouting and scuffling coming from inside the tent were rising, and all I could think of to do was run; Apparating was out of the question with the extra security placed on the grounds for the wedding.

My heart was racing, I needed to get out of there and get to George. This was just one big disaster that should have never happened in the first place.

But just before I reached the kitchen door, a shout sounded from across the lawn, halting me in my tracks.


Slowly, I turned around, my chest heaving heavily from a mixture of exertion and adrenaline.

Draco was running towards me, leaving the chaos of the tent in his wake.

"Ronnie," he panted breathlessly as he caught up with me, "I love you, Ronnie, I love you so much. I've been a complete and utter idiot."

I just shook my head in disbelief, taking a step back away from him.

"I'm leaving, Draco," I said, my heart beating furiously in my chest. "It's too late."

His face crumpled in hurt, but he nodded. "I know, I'm not asking you to stay." He said hurriedly as he gave a quick furtive glance over his shoulder at the angry approaching figures behind him. "I wouldn't do that to you, not now. I just want you to know, I love you."

Angry voices started rising from the marquee. Lucius was striding towards us with Narcissa close behind.

"What in Merlin's beard have you done, boy?!" Lucius seethed, his usually pallid cheeks high in colour as he snarled and spat in our direction.

Draco turned to face him, stepping back, almost as if to shield me from his father's ferocious glare.

"I can't marry Bambi," Draco stated, his voice surprisingly calm, "there's only one woman I've ever loved and if I can't have her then I don't want anyone else."

Lucius's eyes bulged as he looked at me in complete disgust. "Please don't tell me you are talking about Weasley?"

"Yes, I'm talking about Ronnie," Draco spat, "a person who is by far superior to you or I father, a person who deserves much better than this!"

"SHE'S THE FUCKING CATERER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Lucius bellowed, clutching at his chest as though he was about to have a heart attack.

"She's a HERO!" Draco spat back with more conviction than I'd ever heard from him before. "No, she's more than that, she's the most incredible and beautiful person I have ever met. She's strong and determined, and despite the shit people throw at her; fiercely loyal and brave."

Lucius fell into a stunned silence at Draco's words, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish.

Narcissa caught up with him, panting slightly behind him as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Leave it, Lucius," she said sternly, eyeing Draco and I warily, but saying nothing. "Let them be, come on."

She guided her husband away who continued to splutter incomprehensible, incredulous sounds.

Draco turned back to me, still slightly breathless as he grey eyes pierced sadly in mine.

"If I could change the past, I would," He murmured remorsefully.

"I know," I nodded, taking his hands in mine. "You've done the right thing you know, even if it did take you fucking long enough to get there."

"But you're still going." He said, his face falling in understanding as he looked into my eyes.

"I've got to do it for me, and for George," I said, "it's something that I should have done a long time ago; I meant it when I said I've suffered too much pain and hurt here."

I left it unspoken, but it was clear by the sadness and regret swimming in his eyes that he understood what I meant; he had hurt me too much. My heart had been too damaged by him for me to be able to put it back in his hands.

Tears were brimming in his eyes, his face crumpling in his heartbreak.

"I love you, Ronnie," he choked, his voice breaking as his tears finally tipped over and fell.

"I know," I said sadly, "I love you too, I'm just sorry it wasn't ever enough for us."

And with a heavy, but determined heart, I allowed my hands to drop away from his.

"Goodbye, Draco," I whispered, and then, before he could say anything else to try and change my mind, I walked away from the Slytherin Prince without looking back.


"Are you ready, Ronnie?"

I looked up at my brother and nodded as George started the engine of the Muggle car he hired to start our journey in.

As we pulled away from Peverell Manor, he quickly clasped my hand in his.

"It's going to be alright you know, Ronnie," he reassured me. "We're going to get through this together. The three of us."

I felt a rare flutter of joy as my hand flew to my stomach.

And I knew he was right. It was time to start finally finding our peace and happiness and make new beginnings.

We were at last saying goodbye to Fred; our wonderful, lovable, goofy yet insanely annoying brother.

And saying hello to the new life I was carrying inside of me.

But something wasn't right. There was still one more thing I had to do.

"Wait!" I gasped, making George suddenly slam on the breaks.

"What?" He asked, panic flitting over his face. "Have you forgotten something?"

"Yeah, this," I said rolling down my window.

I stuck my arm out, giving the finger to Peverell Manor.

"See you around, FUCKTARDS!"

And then laughing, we drove away.


No one can blame you for walking away
But too much rejection, uh-huh
No love injection, nothing

Life can be easy
It's not always swell
Don't tell me truth hurts, little girl
'Cause it hurts like hell

But down in the underground
You'll find someone true
Down in the underground
A land serene, a crystal moon


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