45 - The Split

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"We'd like you to properly meet Scorpius Frederick Malfoy."

Everyone looked up speechlessly at Draco and I, as we stood united with our tiny son held in my arms.

It was the day after I'd moved back into the flat with Draco, and we'd decided to make a trip to the Burrow to break the news to my parents that their grandchild was actually a Malfoy.

However, I hadn't anticipated on Harry and Ginny being there visiting with James.

"This better be some kind of sick joke, Ronnie!" Harry spluttered incredulously as his mouth gaped open at the three of us.

Draco gave an audible hiss as his arm tightened possessively around my waist. "Does it look like we're joking, Potter?!" He snarled.

"After everything?" Harry continued, ignoring Draco whilst he carried on glaring at me. "HE NEARLY KILLED YOU ON YOUR SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY!"

"I've apologised for that." Draco sneered.

"HE WAS ENGAGED TO ANOTHER WOMAN!" Harry continued his face turning maroon with rage.

"And I've apologised for that, too." Draco added, clearly trying to keep his voice steady with effort.


"And one that you let off on all charges if I recall rightly, Harry," Dad said, stepping in.

Everyone's heads swivelled in surprise to my father who was looking thoughtfully towards Draco, whose arm remained firmly around me.

"B-but, Arthur!" Harry spluttered, his face now purple. "Surely you are not condoning this? You hate the Malfoy's as much as I do!"

"No, Harry," Dad sighed, shaking his head almost pityingly. "I admit, I've had a few altercations with Lucius, but the man I see standing before me is Draco, who, in the past seven months has proven just how much he loves my daughter by everything he's done for her. And that's good enough for me."

"Thank you, sir," Draco said solemnly, "and I do; I love Ronnie very much and I'll do everything I can to look after her and Scorpius."

I looked up at him, my lips tugging into a smile as a deep rush of love flooded my heart.

"Call me, Arthur, dear boy," Dad said kindly, stepping forward to warmly shake Draco's hand. "And welcome to the family."

"Thank you, Arthur," Draco replied, accepting his hand and looking slightly nonplussed.

"Thanks, Dad," I murmured as he moved across to kiss me on the cheek, before taking Scorpius off of me to have a cuddle with his grandson.

"And you can call me Molly," Mum said, bustling over to smack her lips on Draco's alarmed cheek. "Please know that you are welcome here anytime."

"Err, thank you, um... Molly," he stuttered, looking as though he wasn't used to such affection.

"THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!" Harry bellowed, his eyes bulging out from behind his glasses in utter disbelief.

"Harry, calm down," Ginny said sharply, jostling James on her hip. "You're starting to sound jealous!"

"Ronnie!" Harry implored, looking desperately at me, "don't you remember the first time you met?! He made fun of you for being poor!"

"Oh, give it a fucking rest Harry!" I scoffed. "We were eleven years old!"

"Um... maybe we'll just take the kids upstairs to see the ghoul." Dad said, beckoning furiously to Mum to grab James. They hurried up the staircase, leaving the four of us alone; Draco and I facing Harry and Ginny.

"Look," Draco started, "maybe now's not the-"

"I will not tolerate this!" Harry hissed, cutting across him. "I will not stand by and see this- this... snake destroy your life!"

"IT'S A BIT LATE FOR THAT!" I roared, feeling anger coursing through me. "WE'VE HAD A FUCKING BABY TOGETHER!"

"Hey-" Draco cried, looking down at me.

"I didn't mean it like that." I said quickly, touching my fingers to his alarmed face.


"HARRY!" Ginny cried at the same time as Draco wrenched himself away from me to step threateningly in front of Harry.

"Now I've been trying to keep my temper in respect of the fact that I'm in Ronnie's parent's house," Draco growled dangerously, "but I will not hear you speak about her like that again, Potter, or so help me, I will fucking kill you."

"You see!" Harry spluttered, looking pathetically past his shoulder at me. "You see what kind of man you're choosing to be with? Threatening murder when his own baby is just upstairs. Not that he'd ever have the guts to do it... as we all know."

It happened so fast that neither Ginny or I had time to react. Draco grabbed the front of Harry's robes in one hand and drew out his wand in the other, jabbing it so hard in the side of Harry's neck he looked as though he was going to pierce the skin.

"You just fucking watch me, Potter," he snarled dangerously low, pushing his face down into his. "I think you underestimate just what I'd do for Ronnie."

"I swear if you hurt a single hair on his head, Malfoy..." Ginny warned, holding out her own wand above her nine month pregnant belly.

"Draco, come on - he's not worth it." I muttered, stepping forward and grabbing his arm, trying to coax him away.

He conceded, albeit reluctantly, glaring at Harry who continued to look smug. Hatred ripped through my stomach and it took me everything not to draw my own wand on him.

"So, you're seriously choosing Malfoy over me;" Harry whinged, turning to me. "Your best friend?"

"Draco is my best friend!" I snarled. "He's the father of my child and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with - so yes, of course I'm choosing him over you."

"Oh please," Harry scoffed, "You didn't even bother to tell him that you were pregnant! Instead off you went, running around the world with your brother whilst you left him to run your pathetic little business like the whipped ferret boy that he is."

"Ronnie, seriously I need to get out of here before I do kill him." Draco seethed, his whole body furiously clenched in shaking anger just as my parents came hurrying back down the stairs, clearly having heard everything.

I grabbed Scorpius out of Dad's arms before turning to Harry. "From now on Harry, consider our friendship over."

"Good!" He yelled back. "And you can keep your pureblooded Malfoy's away from my kids!"

"Whether you like it or not, Potter," I spat, "James is my nephew as well as Scorp's cousin!"

"Look now," Dad said hurriedly, looking panicked as he watched a new rip start to tear through the family. "Let's all just take a moment to-"

"I think maybe it's for the best." Ginny said shakily, glaring at Draco. "I will not have anyone that is capable of so easily threatening violence around my family. Harry didn't deserve this betrayal from my sister; especially after everything that he has done for the world."

"Ginny, no!" Mum gasped, tears filling her eyes.

I tried to ignore the hurt, turning away from Ginny, towards Draco who instantly put a comforting arm around me.

Apologising to my parents for the commotion, Draco led me and Scorpius outside where he Apparated us home.

It was the last time I ever saw them in the Burrow.


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