47 - Godparents

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Draco hadn't been wrong about the business doing well.

As promised, I signed over a share of Ron Appetit to Draco. But before I did, I had a proposition for him.

"How about I only sign over a third to you?" I suggested lightly as we lazed in bed with Scorpius one Sunday morning.

"Oh?" Draco asked, looking up from his newspaper, raising his eyebrows at me inquisitively. "You know you don't have to sign anything over to me, it's your company, Ronnie."

"I was thinking about splitting it three ways." I continued, ignoring him. "I have a third, you have a third and we give the remaining third to Luna. It would mean you and I still own the majority of it between us so it will still be in Scorp's best interests."

"You want to give away a piece of your business to Loony?" Draco exhaled incredulously.

"She's shown nothing but fierce loyalty towards me since I took her into my employment." I shrugged. "And it would lighten the load for us, giving us more time for Scorp."

"As I said," Draco shrugged nonchalantly, turning back to the paper, "it's your company."

"Ours, Draco." I said vehemently. "Ours."


Luna was over the moon, of course. And even more over the moon when I asked her to be godmother to Scorpius.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Draco bellowed when I confessed to him upon entering the living room just after I put Scorp down in his cot.

"Shhh!" I hissed, "you'll wake the baby!"

And this is exactly why I waited for Scorpius to fall asleep before telling him.

"Isn't this the kind of decision we should be making together?" Draco seethed, gritting through his teeth.

"She's our business partner, Draco! And who else were we going to ask? My sister?!"

I felt the familiar ache pass through me at the mention of Ginny. It had been four months since our argument, and she hadn't tried to reach out to me at all; refusing to be in the Burrow at the same time as Draco and I.

I hadn't even been permitted to meet my new nephew, Albus Severus, who weirdly enough, they named after Snape.

"Why the fuck would he name his kid after someone who wanted to bone his mother?!" Draco had spat. "Snape absolutely loathed Potter, he gave him hell for years!"

"That's Harry for you," I muttered. "Thinks everyone fucking loves him, even when they stand on street corners trying to flog I Hate Harry Potter t-shirts."

"I still can't believe he let Chang off on a caution for that." Draco said bemusedly shaking his head.

In the end, we both agreed to ask George to be godfather, which was a no brainer, really. He utterly adored his nephew, always popping over with great big fucking teddy bears which I kept having to use shrinking charms on because George seemed to fail to see how little room we actually fucking had.

"Don't tell anyone this, but Scorp's my favourite." George whispered conspiratorially to me after readily accepting the role of godfather. "And I never ever thought I'd ever say that about Malfoy's kid."

"Hey, watch it," I warned. "My son is a Malfoy too, so you can't bad mouth that name anymore."

"And you?" George asked, raising his eyebrows as he bounced Scorp on his knee who kept squealing with delight at his funny uncle George. "Any plans to become a Malfoy yourself?"

"I hate weddings." I muttered scathingly. "Why the fuck would I want one of my own?"

"Well, to make a commitment to the person you love, Ronnie." George answered matter of factly. "Has he not even asked you?"

Giving the fact that I was the caterer at his last wedding, Draco and I always skirted around the awkward topic of marriage. And it was true; I hated weddings. And I had the feeling that Draco's stance was mutual on that.

"We're happy as we are," I simply murmured, closing my eyes as a sudden, unexpected wave of exhaustion flooded over me. "We have Scorp, we have the business and we have each other. There's no need to change anything."

But, of course, life had a habit of changing.


Six months to the day that he was born, Scorpius Frederick Malfoy was christened in the church where Fred was buried; the same church that Harry had bribed so that he could conduct his own son's christening.

It was a short, sweet ceremony, because luckily Harry wasn't there boring everyone to fucking pieces with his god awful sermons.

I couldn't help but smile at George and Luna standing side by side as they declared their intentions to be there for Scorpius.

"Don't you think they'd make a cute couple?" I whispered coyly in Draco's ear as the vicar splashed water over our son's head.

"Please, leave me out of any matchmaking business, Weasley," he drawled quietly, tightening his arm around my waist. "I've no interest in anyone's love lives except ours."

I looked around the small gathered crowd, smiling at my mum who was sat proudly between Dad and Draco's mother. I was horrendously relieved when my parents treated Narcissa with the same warmth and kindness they had shown Draco.

Amongst the other attendees were Bill, Fleur, and my nieces; Victoire, and Dominique; Charlie; Percy and his wife Audrey with my other niece, Molly; Hermione, Neville and their daughter, Rose. And, towards the back of the church, sat Bambi and Blaise, looking blissfully happy as Blaise lovingly stroked Bambi's swollen belly.

In a way, I felt my sister's absence more than I felt Fred's, who by now, I had learnt to carry with me in my heart. I especially felt this when we later convened at the Burrow for the christening tea.

"She just feels that she needs to stick by Harry." Hermione explained as she jiggled a cooing Rose who kept trying to reach out for Scorp who was perched on my lap. "She loves him so much, you know."

"Yeah, I do know," I said gruffly, trying to steady my fidgety son who was desperately trying to get at Rose. "Harry was apparently her first bloody word."

In the end we plonked the kids down on the grass by our feet and let them topple around together, grabbing and chewing at each other happily like a pair of puppy dogs.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, chatting and drinking around the ginormous table in the Burrow's garden as the children played around us. Even Narcissa seemed relaxed, chatting animatedly with my mother about grandchildren.

But, despite the pleasant atmosphere, I was keen for it all to be over and to get back home with Draco and Scorpius.

"Thank fuck that's over," I sighed heavily as I crawled into bed next to Draco later that night.

Draco shuffled towards me, placing a hand against my cheek as grey eyes flickered in concern. "You look exhausted, it wasn't too much for you, was it?"

"I just wish my sister could have been there, that's all," I murmured sadly.

Arms went around me pulling me against a firm chest; the scent of woody cologne arousing my senses.

"Let me cheer you up," he growled, affectionately tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, his eyes suddenly swirling in hunger as they darted down to my lips.

"Draco," I breathed, instantly responding to him as we kissed in a fervent, frenzied passion.

It wasn't long before clothes were removed and sweaty heaving bodies were writhing together as one, hands tangled in hair and fingers digging fiercely into flesh.

"Fuck, Ronnie," Draco growled as he shuddered inside of me, his body going taut in sheer pleasure.

We both fell back against the pillows in breathless sweaty messes as we recovered from our states of euphoria.

"I love you so fucking much, Ronnie," Draco panted, his hand reaching out for mine, intwining our fingers so they locked as one.

"I love you too," I breathed, turning my head to face him, my lips tugging into a warm smile at the genuine love swimming in his silver eyes.

"Do you remember the first time we did that?" He murmured huskily, answering my smile with one of his own, causing his eyes to twinkle amusedly.

"How could I forget?" I scoffed, "Afterwards you threw that potion at me and openly shuddered at the thought of Weasley's procreating."

"Yeah I admit I was a bit of a dick," he chuckled, not being able to hide his smirk. "But it was good though, wasn't it? You and me, I mean; despite what we've been through, it's always been good."

"I don't regret it." I said at once; solemn. "I don't regret anything."

Our eyes locked as we both recalled the efforts it had taken to get to this point in our lives; to finally be together.

"Don't take your potion tonight." Draco said, startling me with the intensity of his tone and the sincerity in his eyes.

I stilled for a moment. "What?"

"You know what I'm saying, Weasley; don't take it. I was wrong all those years ago. Because the way I see it now, there can't ever be enough of you in the world, Ronnie Weasley."

My heart hammered as I thought about what he was suggesting. I thought about how happy I was and how much I loved the little boy lying in the other room; the best of me and the best of Draco. I thought about how much I loved the white-blond haired man next to me, and how nothing would make me happier than to fill our home with love and joy, just as I had growing up.

And I knew then, that I wanted nothing more.

"Okay," I whispered, squeezing Draco's hand in mine as a rippling pleasure flooded my entire being at the immense joy lighting up his face. "I won't."


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