66 - Onwards

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Scorpius stared morosely out of the train's window as they made their way back to London.

As much as he was looking forward to seeing his sister again, he found it difficult to accept that his mum was still dead; that he had been so close to saving her, but in the end, his time travelling adventure had come to nothing.

"I'm so sorry, man," Albus said sympathetically, as he clocked his friends face. "But that life, it wasn't real."

"I know," Scorpius said heavily, his heart squeezing horrifically. "I just feel like I've lost her all over again."

He was dreading seeing his dad again; his heart broken, grief stricken father. He could only hope his mum's letter would help, but he failed to see how.

It didn't bring her back to life.



Scorpius's heart swelled as his little strawberry blond haired sister came running up the platform to meet him.

She was back. It really had worked.

Thank you mum, he spoke in his head as Freida barrelled into him with such force that they both nearly toppled to the ground.

He wrapped his arms fiercely around her, kissing the top of her head. He looked up to see his Nanny Cissy smiling sadly down at him.

"Let's get you home, Scorp," she said softly.

The sadness swimming in her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

And even though he had expected it, it still made his whole body tremble in a horrific heartbreaking grief.

His mother was still dead.


Draco stared down at the white envelope his son had just handed to him, his heart thudding ferociously at the familiar handwriting scrawled across it.

"What's this?" He breathed.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Scorpius said shakily as he handed over something else.

Draco shook as he took the gold trinket from his son's hand. The Time Turner.

And then at once he understood. He had gone back to try and save his mum. Draco's heart lurched, suddenly knowing exactly what this letter contained. She would have done the right thing, Draco knew, she would have sent Scorp back to how things should be.

And this letter was her goodbye.

"I just wanted to get her back," Scorp murmured quietly. "I wanted to make things okay again."

"Son, it doesn't work like that," Draco said sadly, shaking his head as he felt his heart break all over again.

Didn't he realise? If it did, Draco would have used it himself by now. Every second that he was alive when Ronnie wasn't, was completely and utterly unbearable.

"I know that now, Dad," Scorp said sadly. "I know."

And with a heavy aching sadness, Draco opened the letter.

My Draco,

If you are reading this then it means it worked; our beautiful, wonderful, caring son is back where he belongs.

Back with his sister; to our daughter.

Don't be mad at him, he was doing this for you. He's worried about how you're coping and just wanted his dad back.

I'm sorry I had to leave you, sorry I had to go. But I'll always be with you, in your heart, and within our children.

They come first Draco, they always do. And they need you right now, especially our little girl.

Please don't blame her for being alive when I am not. This me never knew her, but I always felt like I was missing something. She completes me Draco, along with Scorpius, and along with you.

If you can do anything for me, then be their dad. Be the father they need. That's all I ask. It's their time now; our time has passed. Give our children the life they deserve.

And you; live the life you still have. Forgive yourself and don't regret anything. Be happy Draco - I want that for you so much. And if you find another woman to share that with... well then I'll come and haunt her fucktard tits off.

But in all seriousness, live your life, Draco. All I ever want is for the people I love to find happiness; you, as well as the kids.

It is time to let me go and say goodbye.

I love you Draco, I always have and I always will.

Your Ronnie.

Draco let the letter fall to the desk before him; his heart squeezing and twisting painfully in his chest as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Dad?" Scorp's voice wobbled.

"Come here son," he sobbed, pushing his chair back as he held out his arms.

Scorpius hesitantly stepped towards him allowing Draco to comfort him as they wept together.

"You know what we have to do, Scorp?" Draco said, wiping his face as his eyes flicked to the gold trinket sat next to the letter.

It was too risky, Draco realised. He should have never held onto it in the first place.

Slowly, his son nodded.

Draco shakily withdrew his wand, pointing it at the only chance he ever had of getting his Ronnie back.


The Time Turner blew up into a pitch of flames before turning into a pile of ashes, and Draco knew this was finally it.

It was over, and Ronnie really truly was gone.


Draco slowly looked up at the timid little voice in the doorway.

His daughter stood, blue sparkling eyes wide with fright. Their daughter. The little girl he had found impossible to look at because she looked so much like her mother.

And he suddenly felt utterly dreadful for the way he had treated her. Ronnie was right, he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself and start being the dad his kids so desperately needed.

"Come here, darling," he whispered, beckoning Freida over.

As with Scorp, she seemed a little hesitant at first, but when Draco called her again, keeping his voice soft and gentle, she eventually conceded and came running into his arms.

Draco closed his eyes as he felt her soft little body against him. A rush of sad love flowed through him; warming him, healing him, fixing him.

How could he have not seen that Ronnie was right here in his children? He kissed the top of Freida's head, vowing to be the best dad he could be.

And, as he held his son and daughter to him, he thought only one thing.

I'm so sorry, Ronnie.


There was a loud click as the green door opened ajar.

"Well," Fred said, after we had Seen without Seeing, "despite the risky move of passing Malfoy a letter through dimensions of time, it seems that they are finally ready for you."

I wasn't sure how long we'd been in the Waiting Room, but I had felt the shift; time had realigned itself, and all was right with the world again.

I was finally allowed to die.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I looked sadly back at the closed red door that I knew I would never get to go back through.

"It'll be alright, sis," Fred smiled, his eyes twinkling as he held out a hand encouragingly, "you'll have me."

I knew he was right.

And I knew that down there, Draco and the kids were going to finally be okay. They had their peace, and now it was time for me to find mine.

And who knows, maybe one day, I'd be reunited with them again in some way or form.

So, taking my brother's hand, we slowly approached the green door.

And I knew I was going where I needed to go.



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