Discovery's part two

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Emily's POV, meanwhile at Max a.k.a. Dipper conversation=

   I let out a sigh of annoyance as my family shot questions at me when we came back into the car.

My parents- Who is he?!

   the twins (Rin and Danny both have brown hair and brown eyes, darker skin like mom, they are ten years old and they are siting in the two middle seats in front of me in the 2013 odyssey minivan van).  "A boy!? Emily meet a boy!?

My older brother (Asher, he has red hair and green eyes, and he is about sixteen years old)- And you've known each other for seven years.  And you've never told us this!                                                                                                                 

Apparently Max was having the same conversion with his family because he then said," Emily are you hearing this! They think were dating!"

"Yea, my parents and siblings are thinking the same thing." I replied.

   His thoughts full of mild disbelieve, replied, " I thought they knew!"

"They know something bad happened, not what happened!"

"oh" was all he could say.

After Max let me hear a part of the conversion (he has this annoying habit of repeating what he heard in is head, can't judge him though, I do the same thing sometimes.) "For a old man that's convinced that he's stupid, he's pretty smart."  I stated, slightly impressed.

   Then I heard Stan say "wow. Stop right there. Goody, goody two shoes here ran away?! Pff, please he wouldn't even last a day."

"Its a good thing that your great uncle has some faith in you"  I said sarcastically.

Ignoring the statement, he desperately asked, no, begged "Aren't you going to help me out here?!"

   "Nope, your on your own Max. Besides, It's going to be difficult to get backup from a girl that's not there anymore... Plus I'm having the same conversation with my parents. Remember?"  I replied

As if to the universe was out to prove my point I saw Asher and I soon realized he was waiving his hand in front of my face "Hello? Earth to Emily.  Is anyone home?"

"Nope!" the twines said unanimously

   Danny started making kissy faces as Rin continued "she's too busy thinking about her-" then Danny screamed "Boyfriend!"

Then I felt a shiver run through my spine the same feeling we get whenever the subject of our disappearing is brought up."Max... Its okay. We're past that now. Its been seven years. T-too long for them to be able to b-bother us an-any mo-more.

Each and every person kept shooting question at me, soon the car evolved into total chaos.  So much, that, my dad had to stop the car at the side of the dirt road by the woods.  But before I could answer any of them, A giant silhouette engulfed the car as we heard footsteps coming closer and closer...





My Dad's eyes widen "what. The Hell.  Was that."

Then the top roof of the car was ripped off, we all screamed bloody murder.

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