Expression's And Explainers

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  (Emily's POV)

"Max, look at their face's!"  I was biting back a laugh as Max turned around.  Mabel looked like Christmas came early, Wendy's eyes were wide as she fell off her chair, Stan wait... where is he?  Oh, he fainted.  And Soos... poor, poor Soos.  You know that picture of Patrick on SpongeBob Squarepants were he is absolutely shell shocked mouth open, eyes wide?

   That was Soos.  Wait.  When did Soos come in? 

As I left Max to greet the others I felt a warm vibrating sensation leave me at the corner of my eye I could see a paper cut on my thumb immediately disappear.  From Max I could feel joy in seeing me but some disappointment that I left him to greet his family.  Right before we found out that we can communicate through each other mentally we also discovered that we could feel each other emotions.  Some times its convenient, other times it can be pure torture.  Mainly because unlike our unique way of communication,

   we can't turn it off.  Ever.

Now that doesn't sound too bad but, to give you an idea of what I mean when I say 'pure torture' here's a example, this one time when we were ten, I found out my twin brothers had been sneaking into my room and stealing my candy from Halloween and taking some of my other stuff.  I was so angry (because come on, for most of us at that age become a consistent time-bomb) little did I know that Max was feeling my anger and became angry too.   While my parents tried to calm me down, Max looked like he flipped out for no reason at all.  Even now, if one of use starts to feel any strong emotions, the other will start reacting the same way no matter where we are or whomever we're with.  Or one of us will try every way to calm the other down and vice versa.

   Soon I was face to face with Max's sister "Max, this is Mabel right?!"  (I've never seen her before.)

  "the one and only"  He replied (mentally)

   I held my hand out "Hello!  My name is Emily, you must Max's twin sister, Mabel.  Its so nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you!"

She smiled and shook my hand "You call him by his real name?  Cool!" Then she lean forward and whispered loudly "what's your secret!  I've been trying to have him let me use his real name for years!"

I chuckle "comes with the territory.  Come to think of it, its kinda sad that I'm the only one that calls you by your real first name and I can practically read your mind" 

Max's annoyance came off in waves as he replies "I resent that"

"you didn't deny it though."

"Shut up."

I answered smugly"Kinda hard to do when your not speaking"      

   Before he could reply, Grunkle Stan must of woke up during the conversation because I heard him say "Max?  That's it!?" We all turned to him as he got up from the floor waving away a helping hand from Windy.  "I thought it was some girly name your parents gave you, and you were so embarrassed that you were desperate enough to be called 'Dipper'." Nods were followed by this statement.


   I turned around to were Max was and I smiled playfully "Dipper is a pretty weird name".

Before he could respond, we all herd the bell attached to the door by a red string ring.  My parents and the rest of my family walked in.  My dad has a light brown hair, bright green eyes that was just like mine except with a good humor mischievous twinkle to them.  He looked about forty (which he was, forty five to be exact) with sharp angle fetchers, and a crooked nose that looked like he broken it a couple of times as a kid.  And a slight tan.  He is wearing a slightly stained white t-shirt with blue jeans and worn sneakers. 

   My mom, has black spiky hair like mine and a very carved shape also like mine.  Her skin has a dark tan.  She has a round, kind face with gentle fetchers, her eyes are a soft chocolate brown with a kind gaze to them he was also forty five years old.  She is wearing a light blue wrinkled sleeveless turtleneck with blue jeans and sneakers.  She put her hands to her hips and scowled playfully "Emily!  You had us, your parents waiting in that car forever.  Couldn't you see that we were dyeing out there!"

Dad crossed his arms in mock of disappointment.  "Yea, kid.  Not cool."

A huge grin spread across Max's face as he walked up to them "Do your parents prefer to be called Mr.  and  Mrs. Clearwater or Drake and Maria?"

  " Just there normal names will be fine"

He smiled "Okay then, thanks.  Also do you want me to tell them my name is Max or Dipper?" 

   I smiled mischievously "Hey!  I'm the only one who can call you Max!"  

He held out his hand to my mom and dad "hello Drake and Maria, I'm Dipper, a friend of your daughter.  It good to meet your acquaintance."  "Hey, Emily, what do you mean your the only one that can call me Max?  What happened to Dipper being a weird name?" 

   "shut up"

He answered smugly "kinda hard to do when your not speaking."

"ok."  I answered in defeat "I deserved that."

Mom and dad curiously took turns shaking Max's hand (dad first) my dad asked Max "so ,Dipper, how long have you known Emily?"

   Max let go of my mom's hand from shaking it and answered shyly "about seven years..." 

Mable let out  a dramatic gasp.  "Dipper!  How could you keep this a secret from me!"

    My mom nodded her head in agreement.  "I was wondering the same thing. Emily?"

Soos shook his head "Yea, dude.  Not cool." 

   I walked next to Max we both looked at each other, then Max faced Mabel and I faced my parents.  We both accidently answered at the same time.

"When we were kids, we did tell you.  You just thought Max/Emily was a imaginary friend."

   My dad raised a brow, "How did you two stay in touch?"

   I mentally asked Max " should we tell 'em?  We can prove it now."  He immediately understood that I meant our unique way of communication.

"I don't think so Emily, your parents haven't seen or experienced any of Gravity Falls weirdness, or even anything like it anywhere else in any time.  Who knows how they will react.  They might just need time to get used to it.  Heck, they might not even bat an eye and act like nothing happened, fully understanding and accepting... or they might try separate us, despite the new knowledge they received, or they might try to 'get rid of it'.  Right now there're just trying to get used to the fact that we've been friends for seven years without their knowledge.  And their having some trouble with that.

    A impatient grunt from my father snapped us back to reality.  I cleared my throat and answered "the internet."

I could feel each other's sadness crashed into the other.  Max said sadly "Emily... if you like, once we think their ready, we can tell them.  All of them.  Your brothers and your sisters.  My family have been through a lot of weirdness and I think they are ready.  But I can wait until your family is ready also.  It wouldn't be fair otherwise."

  "Thanks Max."


Then my mom kindly asked her gentle voice full of curiosity"so how did you two meet?" The question was fairly innocent, really, however, it had a destructive effect.  Horror and dread crawled up my spine, stealing away all warmth inside of me.  It didn't help that Max was feeling the same way.  It wasn't the idea of meeting each other, or that we were afraid of our parents finding out.  It was how we meet was the reason why we were reacting this way.  Terrible, horrifying memories surfaced one by one.  She looked at us, surprised at our reactions.

  "Mom..." I said slowly raising my head to look at her in the eye, not realizing that before hand my head was down.  "We meet seven years ago... we were both seven."

My parents faces fell as they heard that, while every one else exchanged confused looks.

💀Mean while in a unknown area💀

-Third person POV-

   A head arise from the ground and ashes below it.  It was misshaped and old, dust peeled of as it slowly risked higher and higher and where the eyes should be were instead two empty black sockets.  Soon a neck and a torso could be seen.  Like the head, it, or as now you could see, a she was disfigured and disgustingly thin.  Soon you could see knotted thin legs and feet could be seen.  She looked around. 

The area was wasted and ugly, nothing grew, everything was just black and dead almost like a crater like hole.  Soon out of nowhere black muck like ribbons surrounding her.  Until a more fleshed out woman like creature could be seen.  The black muck that surrounded her was fluent, and content.  Always shifting and moving, yet always maintaining her form.

   She smiled a hideous smile.  One full of fangs, one to Make your skin crawl up your spine.  "fîñällŷ" she whispered darkly repeating it through out the night "finally".

-Authors Note-

Hi! This is me again.  I finally finished this chapter! First I want to say that again, constructive criticism is more than welcome.  Also at least two commits and/or favorite would we awesome.  And finally, I would like to thank Gravity-Falls-Nerd for following me.  

P.S. if your reading this Gravity-Falls-Nerd, I just want to tell you that I am a fan of your work and I would follow you (not in the creepy way😃) if I knew how!  Keep writing!            

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