With Bleeding Wounds Comes Grieving Truths

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Dipper- A.K.A. Max POV

"Thoughts"   "words spoken out loud"


As we were all pact in the golf cart driving as fast as mechanically possible from the Gnomes, now once again formed into a giant unit me and Emily said unanimously "Well, Mable, Stan, how did your 'oh so brilliant plan' work?!"

    Gruncle Stan bellowed "I'T GOT US THIS FAR, DIDENT IT?!" Gasping for air Mable replied "I'M SORRY, I THOUGHT ADRENALINE WOULD TAKE OVER BUT IT DID NOT!" Luckily we so far got the entire family out, so far, not so luckily we got caught last minute. Great uncle Ford scowled and said "I swear to the ancients!  Unless if its how to get out of here in one piece I don't want to hear any of it!" He swerved sharply to the right "I am NOT above turning this vehicle around, do you hear me!" Even though Ford could not see it, every one including Emilie's family nodded in slight shock. Great uncle Ford narrowed his eyes at the road "good. Now, any Idea's?"     

 So in summery, the rescue went south and we are now we're being chased by Gnomes. Wonderful. (note the sarcasm) 

   "Ok! So, Max, how did you and Mable defeat the Gnomes last time? Because we could really use that right now!"  I looked at Emily and grinned sheepishly " We may of had used a leaf blower..."  She gave me a blank look "are you... please tell me your joking."  I narrowed my eyes "look, I know that's defiantly not going to work now" Then I brighten up  "but, at least it taught me this, that if we get Jeff away from the others than the whole system will fall apart!"  Our eyes widen as the Gnome giant tossed a huge oak tree our way after Great Uncle Ford, miraculously, was managed to doge it. Emily added dryly "yea, good luck with that."

Just as she said this I felt my self being picked up by them and smashed in to the tree.

   And at that moment everything stopped.

so.. much... pain 

Emily POV

And with that he toppled down the tree like a rag doll, everyone seemed to freeze, even the Gnomes as he landed to the ground with a sound crunch. A pool of blood began to form around him. We could all see that a tree branch was impaled through his left side. Pain isn't really a emotion,

   but suffering is.  And it hit both of us like a brick wall.

The scattering of Gnomes snapped us back into reality. Max's Gruncle Stan was the first to move "DIPPER!" as he scattered towards him the rest followed in clumsy and quick movements. My dad looked up to the two great uncles "Do you think we can move him?!" Both my Dad and Stanford shook their heads my dad looked up with grief stricken eyes "If we move him, we might damage something. And- EMILY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?*" As they were distracted I pulled the branch out. The suffering multiplied ten fold, but it had to be done. And hugged him as close as possible not caring about the blood spreading through my clothing...

   His blood.

But just as my dad was about to yank me away he froze, and his jaw dropped. The flowing hole in Max's chest was rapidly closing. Max's painful gasps, greedy for air slowed to a steady, stable breathing.

   As soon as Stanford came over and saw what was happening  his eyes widen "how- when..." he must of noticed the scrapes and cuts disappear from my face as he froze in shock. But at the time, I didn't care,

I didn't care that we pulled a medical miracle,

   that we just did the impossible

As I burred my head in Max's slowly healing chest I curled around him. All that I cared about in the moment was to let... whatever this is do its job.

Like as its done so many times before.  

*author note*

Just saying, how Emily saved Max is (yanking the tree branch out of him) is very dangerous, could defiantly kill some one. I have little to no medical experience.   

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