It's not about Gender

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A 17 year old boy Aditya was one of the most bright students of class. Teacher's favourite. A soft hearted guy with whom everyone wanted to be friends. One day he went to school like everyday. But today was something different. He never thought from this day his life will start changing.

He reached class. All were discussing something. Aadi went to his friends.

Aadi: Hii guys

Nina: Hii Aadi

Aadi: What's going on? Everyone is so busy in discussing something

Ritvik: Yee actually Verma Sir is leaving school today. And a new teacher will join

Aadi: Oh

He got lil sad because he was attatched to all his teachers too much.

Rekha: I just hope new teacher is nice

Daksh: Same yaar

They were talking and bell rang indicating first lecture to be started. All settled on their seats. Their class teacher came in.

Students: Good morning ma'am

T: Good morning students

She took their attendance.

T: So students you all know Verma sir left school. So a new chemistry teacher is joining from today. Her name is Niharika. So please behave yourself and don't trouble the new teacher. Ok?

Students: Yes ma'am

T completed her lecture. After break there was maths period. All were excited for new teacher. As she came all greeted her. She smiled and looked at all students and asked them to sit. She asked for introduction. All students introduced themselves one by one. After that she started her class.

Aadi felt her gaze on him. He felt uncomfortable but just shrugged off. She was walking around the class and rubbed her arm with his arm. He felt weired but thought maybe by mistake and chuked his thoughts.

Few days passed like this. Niharika used to look and touch Aadi and he never liked it. He ignored but at same time he felt disgusted. He didn't feel like attented her class. His favourite lecture earlier used to haunt him  now.

One day he was sitting outside school ground as it was his physical education period. He was looking lost so his friends went to him.

Nina: Aadi


Daksh: Aadi


Ritvik shooked him and he looked at them.

Rekha: Aadi you ok? We are calling you from long time

Aadi: Hmm

He said looking down.

Daksh: Look Aadi we can see how ok you are. Tell us what is wrong?

Aadi: Guys I am ok. Don't worry

Rekha: Aadi tell us right now what is it?

Aadi took a deep breath.

Aadi: Umm guys actually that new ma'am she behaves weirdly with me

Dash: Means?

Aadi: Wo actually

He was hesitating to say.

Aadi: A...a...actually guys l...l....l...ooks at me weirdly and also t...t...t...tou...touches It makes me feel uncomfortable

He said hesitantly but thought his friends will understand him. But to his surprise, all started laughing.

Rekha: So you are sad at such a small things

Aadi: Means?

Nina: Aadi only boys touch girls with wrong intention. A girl never make any boy uncomfortable. You are just overreacting

Rekha: And you to must be loving her touches na?

She asked in a teasing tone.

Nina: Obvio na Rekha. All boys are just too desperate to touch a girl and here a girl is giving you pleasure on her own without even asking and you are behaving like this

All group was laughing at Aadi while Aadi was feeling like crying. His eyes filled with tears. He just left from there.

Rekha: Pagal ho gia hai. Ladkiyon ki tarah ro rha hai

They all left for playing.

After 2 days

Nih: Aaditya

Aadi: Y..y..yes ma'am

Nih: After school I have some work with you. Come to my cabin immediately after last lecture

Aadi: But ma'am

Nih: I said come to my cabin

Aadi: Ok ma'am

He said looking down. After school, Aadi was really nervous. He wasn't getting he should go or not. Finally he went to her cabin. He knocked the door.

Aadi: May I come in ma'am?

Nih: Oh yes yes. Lock the door and come

He did as she said.

Aadi: Yes ma'am? What work I have to do?

Nih: The first moment I saw you, I had desires for you. I really want to fulfill them

She said roaming his hands around his upper body from above his shirt.

Aadi: (shockingly) Ma'am

His eyes were wide open.

Aadi: Ma'am please what are you saying?

She ignored his question and started opening his pants.

Aadi: Ma'am please stop it

He said almost crying. She didn't pay any heed to his pleadings and took out his dick. He was crying violently and asking her to leave him. She got angry and slapped him tightly.

Nih: Just shut the fuck up and let me do my work

He got scared and stood quitely. Tears rolled down his eyes. But she didn't give a fuck. She took his dick and gave him a blowjob while he was silently crying. She did her work.

Nih: I know you also enjoyed baby. Don't hide from me

She said rubbing his cheek with her palm. He was just crying silently looking down. She took out her phone and took his naked pics.

Nih: Now you can leave but you have to come tomorrow again and you are gonna give me pleasure everyday

Aadi looked at her pleadingly.

Aadi: Ma'am please no don't do this to me please

Nih: Ok don't come tomorrow

He got lil relief and picked up his bag immediately and quickly move towards door.

Nih: Aaditya don't come tomorrow and these pics will be viral

She said smirking. Aadi just froze at his place.

Nih: Thing wisely babe. Either show your amazing body to me and gimme pleasure in turn I will pleasure you or I will show this body to everyone. Decision is in your hands

She left him there. He cried his heart out cursing his fate and went home. He thought to tell his parents but remembered what his friends said, how they made fun of him. He thought his parents will do same so he changed his mind.

He didn't feel like going school next day but he didn't know what to say to his mother. So he went to school. He didn't talk to anyone whole day. He was too lost in all lectures. At the end of the day, he was thinking should he go or not. He knew if he didn't, she had his nudes and she can do anything. He went to her cabin trembling. With trembling hands, he knocked the door.

Nih: You are intelligent my boy. I am proud of you

She again did same thing. He pleaded her but no effect. Days passed like this. He got too quite. Everyone was so tensed including his teachers and parents. He never used to talk to anyone. He used to lock himself in room at home and used to skip food. When his parents used to ask he just use to say leave him alone and let him study. They were so tensed for him.

Aadi used to get nightmares of those incidents. He used to feel her dirty touch on his whole body. He lost his sleep. He forgot to smile. Now he didn't even use to cry or plead her to stop. She used to rape him everyday. His tears dried up.

Months passed like this. Finally he couldn't take it and consumed poison.

The End!!!!

Not only girls, even boys don't like someone touching them without permission. They also feel uncomfortable.

Not only boys, girls also need to be taught how to behave with a boy.

If a girl has a right to hit a boy, then why not a boy? If a girl is wrong, he has full right to slap her.

No matter you are a girl or boy, if you are uncomfortable because of someone, it's wrong and you have full right to deny and stand against it whether it's intentional or unintentional.

Boys also get raped. There are cases of male rapes. Even they are not safe. Those girls think boys are so lucky. They have no feelings. They don't feel problems. You are fucking wrong.

If boys need to respect girls, even girls have to respect boys and respect their privacy.

Also along with girls teach boys also self defense. They also need it.


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