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❝See, the thing is that it's okay to look back, so long as you don't let it keep you from moving forward. Because who you were then and who you are now are two very different people.

Carrie White. A name not likely to be forgotten since that night of prom where she murdered nearly everyone in her school in a blinded rage with her telekinetic powers. Most thought she'd died after her house collapsed on both her and her psychotic mother. Before that fatal night, the town had been a quiet place, and Carrie had been a quiet girl, both going unnoticed by many. Now, however, both are all everyone could talk about. People moved away out of fear or guilt, investigators moved in, tourists come to gawk at the destruction made by "the killer prom queen" as Carrie had been dubbed by reporters. Yes, the face of Carrie White had become the face of a ruthless killer, and the horror she'd caused was all she'd be remembered for.

Everyone thought Carrie White had died, but she wasn't someone to go down so easily. After crawling out from the remains of her home, she's found by a man with remarkable abilities like her, someone who takes the time to explain exactly what she is, someone who's willing to hand her a second shot.

Starting over is a difficult thing to do when your old life continues to haunt you, but that's why her new friend and mentor, Darren Morgan, decides to pack up their bags and move her and his family to a small, gloomy town in Washington named Forks. Not so bad, right? A chance to finally have a semi-normal life with people who don't know who she is, a chance at actual friends, a chance to finally be rid of all the crazy stuff, right?

Wrong! See, Forks is a small town, and a small town means people have a tendency to talk. They talk about the strange, new neighbors who've moved in. About the husband and wife who seem to like people yet shut them out whenever they ask one too many questions. About their two biological daughters, one an albino who looks like a ghost with an odd style, too busy exploring the woods and believing in things that don't exist to make friends, and the other appearing normal yet her gaze lingers a bit too long at the pretty girls passing by. About their adopted son who read and wrote stories more than he talked. About their newest addition with eyes like a deer in headlights who doesn't like to be touched or laughed at, who it seems there's more to than meets the eye.

The talk is soon replaced by the sudden leaving of Forks' old resident strange family, the Cullens, and the whispers about how the sheriff's girl had gone into a near-catatonic depressed state after her boyfriend, Edward Cullen, broke up with her before he left. About the disappearances going on, about the sudden coincidental appearance of enormous wolves.

But what they don't talk about, though is how the albino Morgan girl runs away to the woods and believes in fairytales as a way to escape into a world better than the one she lives in, to hide from the whispers and the taunts. They don't talk about how the Morgan boy who hardly talks doesn't because he's found books and creating new worlds of his own distracts him from the memories and nightmares that plague him. They don't talk about the new girl with the eyes of a deer in headlights battling her own demons as she's thrown into this world full of monsters and the supernatural.

They don't talk about how she starts sneaking around with her new friends to find out the reasons behind the strangeness taking place. How she struggles to control both her emotions and her telekinetic abilities. How she ended up dragged by the sheriff's daughter into something that started out as just fun but turned into something much bigger than her. How her eyes strayed toward the Quileute boy she's starting to find quite nice until it turns out he has a secret just like hers.

In a small town like this, people talk, but the thing about small-town people is that they tend to overlook certain things. Carrie White knows that firsthand about that. About overlooking the loneliness of a person, of overlooking what might go on behind closed doors, overlooking the desperation of parents. But what can you do? Carrie wanted something different, didn't she? Well, now she's got it.


Chloe Grace Mortez as CARRIE WHITE

You know what? This might be hard to believe, but I have feelings just like all of you.❞

Hugh Jackman as DARREN MORGAN

Sometimes all you can do is just hope everything will turn out for the best.❞

Scarlett Johansson as ORENDA MORGAN

If there were no bad days, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good ones when they come around.❞

Tom Holland as HENRY MORGAN

I think we're all a little damaged. Some are just better at hiding it than others.❞

Elizabeth Olsen as KENDRA MORGAN

Please, I'm way too pretty to limit myself to only boys.❞

Nastya Zhidkova as FAE MORGAN

❝Forks? Forks? That's the best you can do? But nothing happens in Forks!❞

Eiza Gonzales as SILVIA ESPINOZA

I made some mistakes in my life when I was young, but I'm an adult now and the least you could do is stop judging me.❞

Mckenna Grace as ANA ESPINOZA

I know it sounds crazy, but something about this town just doesn't feel right.❞

Jordan Fisher as BARRY WRIGHT

In these situations, I just do the same thing my sister does. Close my eyes, count to ten, and remind myself there's no WiFi in prison, then smile at the asshole and walk away.❞


❝My way of dealing with people is simple. I just close my eyes, count to ten, and remind myself there's no WiFi in prison. If I find out there is, those people I restrained from murdering are screwed.❞

Twilight Cast as their respective characters


So it seems I have little to no self-control over these things. And I suck at intros. Either way, here it is. This story starts a bit before New Moon, and it takes place during. While there will be some romance, it will be more underlying, because it won't be the main focus. Not yet anyway.
No, at first, this centers more on family dynamics and personal problems as some of these characters, Carrie especially, have baggage. I'm not going to write a fanfic with Carrie White and not focus at least a bit on the baggage she'd carry with her even in trying to start over. I've always been interested in the book and the character, and I always thought she'd deserved better because her story is just so tragic.
So do you guys think I should continue with this idea or not? Is it alright or too much?

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