Bitterly Sweet | Chapter Five

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Bitterly Sweet•Chapter Five
"Prove It"

'It's been a week since training and a week till my mission.' I thought in my head as I fixed my hair in Levi's mirror in his office. Sighing, I dropped my hands and gave up. "I wouldn't try anymore, brat." Levi said, giving me the extra phone.

"I know, I know." I sighed again and took it from his hands. We made our way to the 'Extra Special Rooms' as Hanji called it to start off our mission. "My honey bear!" Hanji squealed as she hugged me. "Hey Hanji!" I smiled. "So, first off, here's our target's number." Erwin said, sliding a price of paper over to me. I typed it into the iPhone.

"So what do I say?" I asked. "Just wing it." Hanji smirked. I nodded and typed away.

Hey it's Eren!

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Eren? You sure you have the right number?

Yeah. I'm kinda sure.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
What's your full name? Age?

I bit my lip and looked at Hanji, Levi, and Erwin. "Go ahead. We're not going to let you into any possible danger." Levi said seriously.

Eren Amathyst Jeager. I'm 20.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Send me a picture of your pretty face.

"I don't think I can do this!" I put the phone down and covered my eyes. Hanji came to my side immediately, "Look, Eren. I know it's hard. But, there are millions of kids at steak." I took a deep breath and let myself continue.

Picture Image Sent

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Oh, so pretty. But why the sudden contact?

I got a new phone. I wanted to text all my contacts to let them know.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
I see...

So, I was wondering why I have you number in the first place? What's your name? It only comes up as (xxx) xxx-xxxx.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
My name is not important. If you want to know who I am, I would recommend a coffee shop nearby.

That sounds great! When?

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Next Friday perhaps? 10:00 AM?

Early. Hmmm. "They said next Friday. At 10:00 in the morning." I said. "Good. Just continue."

Sure! I'll be there.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
As much as I'd like to keep talking to you, Eren, I have many children to attend to.

My breath hitched and I covered my mouth. Setting the phone down, I felt tears pricking at the ends of my eyes. Hanji and Levi rushed over to my side, but I already felt my head become dizzy. Then blurry. Then black.

"He's been out for a while." I heard a female voice. "I know. His mission is today and I don't know what to do." What?! I've been out for a week? "If we're lucky, he should wake up today..."

"I hope so. If he doesn't show up, our target will catch up on us. I'm going to get the forces ready. Call me when we wakes up."

"Will do."

My eyes fluttered open as I looked around the unfamiliar room. "You're awake!" Hanji came a little too close in my face. "I'll call Levi." She jumped up in the air with her cell phone. "Levi! He's awake! He's awake!"

I giggled to myself, grabbing my phone off the table and feeling something under it.

Show this to anyone, you're dead. I can't wait till our meeting today. I'll finally be inside you. Take care my little one. :)

I quickly shoved the paper in my phone case. Levi entered the room that same minute. He saw me and rushed over with a relieved look. "Shit, I thought you wouldn't wake up." He hugged me tight. I hugged him back.

"Enough you lovebirds! Let's get to the important stuff." Hajji said, clapping her hands. "Right. You were out for a week after we had our conduction and today is Friday. In other words, if you feel ok, we need to get going in about 20 minutes." Levi said. I felt normal, the only thing that made me feel nauseous was the note. What did he mean by inside you?

"Um, yeah. I feel fine." I said, getting out of the bed. "Good. Your clothes are on the table. Get dressed and brush your teeth. Don't worry about a shower, I bathed you last night. We need to get going." Levi walked away with Hanji, talking in his weird walkie talkie thing.

I looked at the clothes, grimacing. Why were they so revealing?

Don't worry my honey bear! These clothes are what our target likes. I hope you don't mind I got women's clothing. I noticed you had a very feminine, petite body and a very nice ass. ;)

I sighed and slipped on the booty shorts and the oversized pink sweater. I did a little 360 in the mirror. No doubt about it, I looked like a fucking woman. Thinking back to what Hanji said, I really did look like a girl. My legs were hair free, slim and thin. My hips were definitely defined with a tiny waist, small shoulders, hands, fingers, and neck. I didn't have any pimples or acne. I suddenly felt very insecure.

I'm a guy, I don't want to look like a girl! I slipped on my regular pink Uggs and trotted outside.

"Ready to go?" Levi asked, eyes wondering down to my ass. "Yeah." I fidgeted. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, "You're going to be just fine."

"No I'm not! I'm going to chicken out and run away! What if I can't save these kids! It's going to be all my fault. I'm just going to look like a weak baby. I want to be strong like the rest of you guys!" Tears pricked the ends of my eyes.

"Prove it." Levi said. "W-What?" I sniffed.

"Prove you're strong."

A few tissues, an inhaler, and 15 minutes later, we arrived at the café. I looked around, "Where are the officers?" I asked. "Doing their job. Blending in with the public. Don't worry about it." Levi said squeezing my hand.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded slowly and got out of the car. It drove away until I couldn't see it again. Fuck, I'm terrified. I opened the café door, bell ringing.

My eyes skimmed over the crowd of people until I saw a man with a dark hood over his head, finger beckoning me to come over. I took a deep breath, slowly walking over to the man.

"Hello, Eren." He said, almost hopefully. "Um...hi?" I said, sitting down across from him. "You look absolutely divine." His face was covered by the darkness of the hood, the only thing visible was his mouth moving. His voice was deep, smooth, and youthful.

"Thanks..." I trailed off, looking to the side. This was really awkward. "Would you like anything?" He asked. "No no, I'm fine. I came here to see you. You said you would tell me your name." I said, taking a daring move to reach for his hood. His hand immediately caught mine, intertwining our fingers.

"Not yet, baby. How about we go outside?" He said. Shit. This wasn't part of the plan. If I say no, he'll get suspicious. "Sure!" I put on a fake smile. Our hands still laced together, we walked out. He was tall, really tall. I only reached to 3/4 of his arm!

"How about we go to the park?" I suggested, pointing to the many trees lining the trails. He mumbled something to himself that I couldn't catch. We stopped under a ever-green tree with a cute little pink bench. He quickly turned me around and trapped me in his embrace, "I want to take you home. I want you to see all my children, they'll love you." He whispered in my ear.

Wait what?! Full access already?! Fuck it, I'm taking it. "I'll go with you if you show me your face and give me your name." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Mmm. I guess it's worth taking my baby home."

He pulled off his hood as I gasped quietly. He was very handsome. Dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, a cute little nose and chubby cheeks. He definitely had boyish features to him.

"You're hot." I blurted. I quickly covered my mouth and blushed. "Thanks, baby. You are too. We would make a perfect couple..." He groped my ass and nuzzled his nose into my hair. I bit my lip and tried to pull away.

"My name's Daniel." He added. "Daniel..." I tried it out. "Shall we leave now?" I nodded.

"What?!" Levi yelled into his phone. "Where did he go? I told you to fucking keep an eye on him!"

"We are sorry, sir. He left the café to go to a park. We got pictures of our target, but afterwards they just disappeared. Our target offered to show him the kids, Eren took it."

He cursed to himself for not warning Eren about a fucking trap like that. Levi only got one solution.

Eren made an awful mistake, and it was his fault.

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