Bitterly Sweet | Chapter Seven

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Bitterly Sweet • Chapter Seven
"Found Another Victim"

On our way back home, a call came from Levi's phone. "Hello?"

"Levi? You need to hurry quickly back to the office. There's a huge emergency."

Levi arched a brow, "What's wrong? You sound really upset." Erwin sighed from the other end, "I don't have a lot of time, but long story short, they have another child."

"Oh shit..." I whispered. Erwin hung up and we were left alone in silence. I awkwardly twiddled my thumbs at the tension gathering in the car, "Um so—" I started but a loud bang interrupted me. I looked up to see Levi clenching his jaw, eyebrows knitted, and a fist firmly on the armrest.

"Levi? Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. "Just shut up for a minute, brat." Levi hissed out. My eyes widened at his tone, but I shut up as he told me. Instead, I reached up to my neck and winced at the sore spot near my collarbone. Damn, he bit me hard.

I went back to staring at my lap, having nothing else to do in the silent car. Levi was still super tense, all the way from Daniel's house to the office.

We parked in the underground parking garage before Levi angrily stomped out of the car and into the elevator. I quickly scrambled to unbuckle my seatbelt and follow him.

I barely made it when the elevator closed and went up to the highest floor. It was chaos when the door opened. Many of the workers were scrambling all over the place, looking stressed or tired.

I didn't notice I was staring till Levi pulled me to Erwin's office and shut the door. "Why do they have another child?! We were keeping a close eye on every single one!" Levi growled.

Erwin sighed and rubbed his temples, "Don't you think I already know that?"

"The only kids they were targeting was Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Who did they take?" He said, trying to calm himself down.

"They took an 8 year old child by the name of Mina Carolina. Her body was found in the Maria river by one of our search teams. Hanji is doing a DNA test right now." Erwin explained.

"So instead of selling them, they're resulting in killing. But why? Obviously to get our attention, but there has to be another motive." Levi said thoughtfully.

"That's what I was thinking. After we found Daniel and the murder, things didn't add up. If Daniel isn't the one who's been texting Eren, then who was? It has to be someone who's been in contact with the Jägers."

They both turned to me.

Levi spoke up, "What happened to your parents? We need the details."

"Oh..." I looked down at my lap, "Um...well my mom was really sick after she gave birth to me. She never was healthy, but she tried her best to make my childhood good. My dad usually did all the house work. He took care of my mom and played with me and Mikasa when we were bored. But then...the sickness got really bad..." I gripped the edge of my t-shirt.

I breathed then continued, "She was moved to the hospital, but didn't stay there for long. She died a few days later. My dad had changed after. He would hurt me when my sister was out with her friends. Then he would leave for days, sometimes weeks for my sister and I to take care of ourselves. Then one day he just disappeared. The police tried to track him down, but there was no record of him. They just told us he died."

I finished and looked up, seeing both their shocked faces. Erwin cleared his throat, "What's your father's name, Eren?"

"Grisha Jäger." I responded. Erwin typed in the name into his files, and a profile of my father came up.

"Well...the brat was right. There's nothing on here." Levi crossed his arms.

"No, Levi, look!" Erwin said as he pointed to the small font in the corner. "Last seen, Maria River Bank 2010. That's where Mina Carolina was found. Coincidence? I think not." Erwin leaned back in his chair with a smug smile.

"So you think my dad is in charge of this organization?" I asked in disbelief.

"Everything is pointing to it." Levi answered. Erwin glanced up, "When we were training a few weeks ago, I noticed you had a scar on the nape of your neck and one on your thumb. How did you get those?"

"Oh!" I piped up, "Those are my birthmarks. My dad told me it was rare to have them in those places. Ever since he's been in the medical field, he's never seen anything like it. I'm actually pretty proud of them!" I said haughtily.

A loud bang came from the door from Hanji running in with some papers. "Erwin! Levi! You won't believe this!" She screeched. She shoved Levi out of the way and displayed papers on his desk.

"Mina Carolina attended Titan Elementary school, the same school Eren went to when he was 8. She was in Mr. Shadis's class, Eren's exact teacher!"

My stomach dropped. "She was also murdered by a slice from the nape of the neck and we found her right thumb missing as well."

"What?! Eren, show me your birthmarks." Levi said as he stomped over to me. He pulled my collar down, exposing my neck while Hanji inspected my thumb.

"No way..." Hanji breathed. Erwin smiled, "Guys, I think we have a lead."

"S-Sir, they're going to catch onto us very soon! You're hints weren't very subtle!" A voice squeaked from behind.

"Shut up. I know what I'm doing. My baby knows what's right from wrong. He'll come soon."

A man entered the room, "Father! I got what you requested for!"

He handed over Polaroid pictures of a certain chocolate haired child. The man smiled smugly.

"Thank you, Daniel..."

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