Bitterly Sweet | Chapter Three

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Bitterly Sweet•Chapter Three
"Inside the Secrets"

Where did he go? I wondered in my head. I pulled my hair and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. I broke his mother's music box for my own goddamn selfish reasons! I walked into the station and was immediately greeted by my boss who was standing next to Armin.

"Mikasa Ackerman." He acknowledged my presence. I nodded. "You endangered the health of witness Eren Jaeger and damaged his personal belongings, is that correct?" He stepped forward. Armin's eyes held, 'I'm sorry.'

"Y-Yes it is, sir." My voice quivered. "Please hand me your badge and gun, Ms. Ackerman. You're done in the FBI until you can be safe with civilians." I ripped my badge off my belt and took my gun out of its holster, putting the items in his hand. "Thank you Ackerman. You served well."


The drive to this so called HQ wasn't long, but it felt like 5 hours. It was clad in the middle of the city, a tall glass modern building. We hopped out of the car and entered. "Good morning Levi!" Hanji appeared from the left. She was in on this too?!

"Woah, what's the cutie doing here?" She smiled. "He's been too much involved with me. Might as well tell him what's happening." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh, I see." She walked passed me and talked with Isabel, Levi leading me away from the two. "What's going on? I don't want to be involved with your stuff. You're a killer!" I struggled against his hold.

"Stop being a brat and follow me." He huffed and entered the elevator. "Hey! How come I was naked this morning?" I blushed, "We didn't do anything, right?" He pressed the button to the top floor. "No, I washed you." Levi leaned against the wall. I nodded and big my lip. Should I ask why? No, too many questions...

It was a comfortable silence until the doors to the elevator opened. There was a busy hallway with way too many people in my opinion. They also had on weird uniform. The uniform consisted of what looked to be black jeggings, black combat boots, and a blazer with wings on the shoulder that had one white side and one navy blue side.

"Come on. Stop staring." Levi kicked my leg as a sign to get out. I stepped out and followed him to the last door.

Erwin Smith

Levi didn't bother to knock, instead he just opened the door. "Levi, I was expecting you. As I was expecting you..." Erwin looked just as confused as I did. "This is Eren. He's the brat I was talking about earlier."

"Nice to meet you, Eren." He stood up and looked me over. I nodded in acknowledgement. I felt like a little blade of grass and he was a full grown tree. I only reached to his shoulder. But I could laugh at the sight of Levi standing next to him.

"Yep." Levi took the liberty to sit down on one of the chairs. I stayed standing up. "Eren, have you felt followed or uncomfortable the past three days since you met Levi?" I shook my head. "Oh! I wouldn't count this as a follow, but it is really uncomfortable." I unlocked my phone and went to iMessage.

I handed the phone to Erwin. "Mikasa? Mikasa Ackerman?" I nodded my head, "Yeah, she's my sister." Erwin looked at Levi. "She's also been taking her anger out on Eren, seeing as I killed them." Levi looked at his finger nails. "What? Killed who?"

"Well, Eren. I'm going to tell you a story. And it's not one of your bedtime stories. I joined the Survey Corps when I was 10, and since I didn't have anything better to do, I accepted. At the time, Erwin's father owned the business and Erwin was 17. I got assigned my first mission at age 14, the mission was to kill Mikasa's parents. She was 6 at the time and she remembered everything, taking her reaction when she found out who we really were. I was still a newbie, only 4 years into the business and I wanted to get the kill over with. I was being careless and I lost my pin on the job. She must've joined the FBI to track me down. Before I left she said that she would do anything to stop the Survey Corps for ruining any other families. Instead of keeping that promise, it seems like she did the total opposite to yours..."

It was hard to take it all in. This man. This killer. Murdered my sister's family. "W-Why?... Why did you kill them?" I felt the tears forming at the corners of my eyes. "Simple, brat. They would've sold your sister to old men. She would've been a sex slave. Her parents were 43 when they had her, and had many other kids that they had sold. They were in business since they were teenagers."

They were one of the kindest people he knew..."And here's another shock of surprise. They would've sold you too, Eren." Levi looked at me, scaring me to no end. Me? Why me? "What?! Why?!" I put a hand over my mouth. "Well, you were worth a lot I guess. You came from Germany, you were pretty. Easily mistaken as a girl, both looks and pleasure. You were an easy target. And you were naïve. The thing is, more children are in danger to this day. After I don't know how many years, we still haven't found out who's been running this business, but we intend to use you, Eren."

"Before you ask why again," Erwin said, "it's because they're already tracking you down. Don't worry, you won't be raped or anything, but we need you to corporate. Only if you want to." The way both Levi and Erwin were looking at me, I knew I wasn't given a choice. "Y-Yeah," I nodded, "I'll do it..."

"Good. If it isn't too much trouble, Eren, we would like you to stay either in the HQ where the other members live, or with one of the members in their personal homes. We know now that they have you, we don't want to risk your family getting in danger." Erwin started. He looked at me as if he wanted to eat me up.

"U-Uh, yeah s-sure." I backed up a bit, standing a little bit closer next to Levi. "Oi, Eyebrows. I know he's a hot piece of ass, but that's what got him in trouble in the first place. He doesn't need a giant monster on him to add the weight." Levi took my hand as we headed for the door. "By the way, he's staying with me."

I said goodbye to Isabel and Hanji before we left, and I found myself back in Levi's apartment.

Armin Arlert
I'm staying over at a friend's. Don't worry, I'm safe. You don't need to send a search party. I'll be back by|

My curser was blinking as I didn't know what to put. "Um, Levi? What time can I go home?" I asked. "Until this shit is cleared up. Not for a while." My mouth hung open, "How the hell am I supposed to explain that?!"

"Just say you ran away. Or you moved in with me. Either one." I grit my teeth at his casual tone. "It's not really normal to move in with someone overnight." He rolled his eyes, "No shit. What the fuck do you think I can do? I have no fucking clue Eren! I've never done this!" I sighed, "What about clothes? I can't say in my onesie my whole life." "I'll pick send someone to pick them up. I can't risk going over there."

Armin Arlert
I'm moving in with a friend. Don't worry, I'm safe. You don't need to send a search party. Someone will come over to pick up my clothes.

I sent it with a shaky breath. I guess I have to quit my job too.

Group Message: Connie Springer+Sasha Blouse+Historia Reiss+Ymir
I'm sorry, but I have to quit my job. Something came up.

Oh my gosh this wasn't easy. I felt like my whole life was just falling apart in just a few minutes.

Group Message: Connie Springer+Sasha Blouse+Historia Reiss+Ymir
Sasha Blouse: OMG WHY
Connie Springer: eren babe whose ass am i gonna grope now
Historia Reiss: I'm sorry to hear that Eren! Even though I didn't hear it. I'm gonna miss you! Dinner maybe?

I rolled my eyes at Connie's reply. "Levi?" I looked at him from the couch. It seemed like he was cooking lunch. "Yes, Eren?" He replied. "Can I go out to have dinner with my friends?" I felt like he was my dad now. I had to ask him to do everything. "You can't go out, but you can have dinner here." I groaned and pulled at my hair. Why the hell am I free one minute, then the next I have to ask when I can take a piss. "Fine. I'm inviting 4 over. What's your address?"

Levi gave me his address and I typed it down.

Sure! Dinner sounds great. I can't leave the house right now, but you guys can come over at 7:00?? Here's the address...

The constant dinging went off.

Group Message: Connie Springer+Sasha Blouse+Historia Reiss+Ymir
Ymir: Fuck off Jeager, she's mine
Connie Springer: i can make it as long as i can feel it again
Historia Reiss: Ew Connie! You have Sasha for that!
Sasha Blouse: excuse me but does no one see that fact that eren's address changed
Ymir: True Eren did you move

My breath hitched.

Kinda sorta.

Group Message: Connie Springer+Sasha Blouse+Historia Reiss+Ymir
Sasha Blouse: cool ill be over by then
Historia Reiss: Same.😊
Ymir: If my baby is going so am I
Connie Springer: im coming too make sure you have your ass ready
Sasha Blouse: CONNIE

I giggled to myself and turned off my phone. "What should I make?" I wondered to myself. "It's fine brat. I can make whatever you need. Just get some rest, I'll wake you up at 5:00."

I nodded and walked into the bedroom that I was sleeping in previously. I lied my head on the pillow and looked at that glass of water that had been left here by accident from this morning. Tears welled up in my eyes. Things were changing too early.

I just wanted things to go back to the way it was.

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