Chapter 10

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Hie cutie pies...

So here comes my teenth official chapter.

Thanks for all your votes and comments.





Vernan's POV

"Sir you're hurting me." - Angel tried to free her hånd from me. I looked in her Hazel eyes for a second noxiously. Gaining The opportunity, she immediatly went out of The car.
Angel please Don't leave me - my mind pleaded.
My gaze went towards her where she was Heading to The entrance of The Office.

"Uhha" - i cleared my throat to push away The hurtful expression from my mind.

"Sir shall we go?" - Max, my driver asked.

"Um" - i hummed in response.

Max roared The engine to Life while i gazed a last time at Angel and found that søn of a bitch Ayush with her. Oh! I just want reap off that fucking head from his Body.

We were in The middle of my way Home when...

"Max stop The car." - i ordered

"But sir..."

"I said stop this god damn car!" - i shouted.

"Yes sir" - he pulled up The car near a boot.

"Now go" - i shoo him off.

"Sir would you be save?" - Max asked with concern. Oh! This man. He cares for me so much and I just scolded him.

"I Can take Care of myself. Don't worry" - i smiled at him while putting  500 bucks in his pocket.

"No sir i Can't..." "Hey i am your boss and you should obey me" - i said sternly and speed off The car.

Well now i am Heading towards The Office as I am having this feeling of my-Angel-is-in-danger.

i  stopped near The Office to find No one There. I went to The ice-cream parlour nearby to enquire but The result wads negative.

I climbed on my car and speed of to The nearby bus stop. But No, she was not There.
Uff! I banged my fist on The steering while in annoyance. 
Angel where Are you?

I was driving back to Home when i heard shouting from a girl. I drove a Little near to The voice and heard a  similar voice.

"Help...please someone Help me" - i heard The yell Again.
Wait...isn't this Angel's voice?
I ran in The The direction from where i heard The yell.
Øn reaching, i found Angel running towards me with her heels in her hånd near The chest and an expression of fear, nervous, helplessness on her face. Behind her were some fucking goons running after her with a High intensity of lust and what not on There eyes.
'How dåre those søn of bithches Chase my Angel? I realky think they Are asking for a fucking death wish. And I'll surely grant There wish.'
I was murdering those stupid bastards in my thoughts when i felt someone strike me. I looked Down to find my Angel's eyes closed shut tightly while she was murmuring something in fear.
At that sight, my Heart melted like Wax. I immediatly wrapped my arms around her small waist, hugging her tight. She looked up at me in confusion for a second but covered it up and pulled out herself from me. I looked behind her to find those goons staring at me in confusion. I gave Them my signature murderious glare to which they ran back in fear. Bloody cowards!

I gave Angel a Water bottle which she gladly accepted readily and gulped it at once.
I hold Angel's wrist tightly and dragged her to my car.

On reaching, i opened The door for her and she sat Down immediatly. I walked to my Seat and drove The car towards her Apartment.

We reached her Place in 10mins.
I gaze at her to find her already staring at me.

"Th...Thank you sir. I am very grateful to you for saving my Life today. Without you, i Don't th...thinK  i would have make it out." - she shivered in fear.

"Don't ever say that. When i am with you, i wøn't ever leave you alone and helpless. You Are my responsibility." - i assured her while Holding her hånd.

I got out from The car and walked towards her.
She came out of The car and looked at me in pain and fear.
I immediatly hugged her as I kniw she needed it. She wrapped her hånd at The back of my neck tightly and slowly started crying loudly. I rubbed her back for her relief. She cried more and I felt like my shirt is fully drenched.

"Hey Shh...i really appreciate your crying right now but I am afraid as Cold to catch me cause my whole shirt has been drenched with your tears." - i said to lighten her mood.

She pulled up from The hug and looked at me for a second before we both burst out laughing our ass off!

For The First time i saw my Angel laughing in this way clutching her stomach.

We both stopped and looked at each other. She walked towards me and hugged me out of the Blue.
We stayed like The for few minutes and after that she pulled out Again.

"Thank you once Again sir" - she said confidently this time without stuttering.

"My pleasure. But call me vernan"

"Okay si... i mean Vernan"

"Ok so i take my keave now?" - i asked

"Yeah"  - came her reply.

I started walking towards my car when she called me.


I turned around to find her coming towards me.

"You forgot something?" - i asked in confusion.

"Yeah this" - with that, she kissed my right cheek and gave a slight peck The tip of my nose.

"I like your narrow nose" - she said and quickly run to her Apartment.
I stayed There fixed for some time, registering The past event.
Man, did she really Kiss me? Okay not on lips put on my cheek?  No Wonder i am dreaming.  I thought and pinched my skin Hard to conform. Oh god! That was for real. I felt all so surreal.
I put my hånd on my right cheek where she kissed me and rubbed it gently caresing as IF trying to feel her plush lips Again.
I jumped in Joy like a toddler when realization hit me.
I am not going to wash my face for some Days! Its like a dream Come true. Oh Wait...she said that she liked my nose. And The peck. Uff! This is Toø much to expect. I pinched The tip of my nose and did a HAPPY Dance Before climbing my car.

"Oh man! I am insanely in love with this girl." - i shouted at The top of my voice when i reached my penthouse.

Shit! I love her.


So cutie pies....

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