Chapter 13

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Hie cutie pies...

Here comes my thirteenth official chapter.

Thanks for all your votes and comments.

Hope you all like it.




Arnah's POV

" Very Good morning Arnah" - said Ayla cheerfully. Oh! This woman. How Can she bring so much of Energy in The early morning at this age. We here Are all catching up so lazily Even though we Are much younger then her! But look at her, she is so energetic and cheerful with such a motherly vibe in her. And it feels refresh to See someone like her so HAPPY. She always makes others cheerful.

"Good morning Ayla. I see You're very energetic this morning." - i waited interestedly for her reply.

"Well my daughter is coming back from London today. I am very exuberant to meet her after so Long."

"Wow that's Great. I Hope you have a Good time with your daughter."

"Yea Thanks. Well i See you very beautiful today."

"Thanks but its all your generosity."

"Oh No No. Well what brings you here?"-she asked.

" Ver...i mean Sir busy?"-i asked hesitantly.

"No. I mean Vernan hasn't arrived yet."

"Okay. So Can you give Sir these files for his signature."

"Yeah sure."- she smiled.


It was almost time to go Home when....


Hello - i said.

Arnah? - i heard Ayla's voice from The other side.

Yes Ayla.

Arnah i actually have to go to The airport now as my daughter is reaching. So IF you Don't mind, then Can you go to Vernan's house for submition of some reports and files. - Ayla asked unsurely.

What? Me? No...No...I Can't go to Vernan's house?

Arnah? - Ayla repeated my name.


I am really sorry to trouble you but i've No other option but to rely on you. - she sounded helpless.

No its fine. I Can go .- i assured her.

I knew that you would agree. Thank you so much. You Are my saviour. - she chirped cheerfully and ended the call.

I sighed loudly.

God! Now i've to face Vernan.


I reached his Place in a cab. I paid thr driver and walked towards The gate. There were several securities and bodyguards guarding his exotic penthouse.

Rich much.

On reaching near The gate, one of The securities stopped me...

"Maam May i know your reason for The visit." - he asked in a No-nonsense manner.

"Ummm...i've to submit these files to Mr. Vernan Raichand." - i replied politely.

"Okay. May i know your name?"

"Arnah Mihir. I am his..." - i was about to introduce my Work status to him when he cut me off after hearing my name.

"Oh! I am so sorry Maam. Please do Come in. I had No idea that you Are Arnah Mihir." - he apologised me and opened The gate and bowed his head Down in respect.

Huh? What's happening? Why is he behaving like this all of a sudden? And giving me Royal treatment?

I reached The door and knocked.
I waited for few minutes but No response came. So i knocked The door a Little Harder and to my surprise, it got opened.

Doesn't Vernan Lock his door?
Why Will he? He has got so many bodyguards to guard The house so There is No need for any safety Majors.

I stepped inside The house and gasped out loudly on noticing The interior design of The house.

Framed in mahagony Are parchment panels and marble Floor in The entrance gallery.
Every nook and corner of The hall is Well furnished with Unique materials.
The ceilings Are more than fifteenth feet High. With Windows which Are made as Wide as possible. On Turning left, i spotted an enormous fireplace with small logs in it.
I was drooling over The hall when suddenly my brain signaled me for The reminder of The Work I was here for.

"Sir?" - i called out whilst entering his enormously lavish
Sitting hall.

"Why you're here Ms. Mihir?" - i heard Vernan's weak voice coming from somewhere.

"Sir i need your signature for some paperwork's." - i replied whilst standing on The same spot.

"Okay leav-" - he left the sentence incomplete and The next second i heard some thrown up sound from him.

"Sir Are you alright?" - i asked concerned.

I didn't got any reply back but heard more thrown up sound from him. Immediately I ran to check on him as I got anxious.

I opened The First door which i noticed. But it was empty. I checked The second to find The same. I checked all The rooms on The ground Floor to find The same.

Hell! Where Are you Vernan?

Worriedly, i ran Upstairs and started checking on Every door which came in my view.
On reaching The median room, i pushed it open and gasped in besiege.

I found Vernan lying on The bed in a fetal position with his back curved, head bowed Down and  hands drawn up to his torso.

Holy lord! How vulnerable he looks right now.

I walked up to him and immediately a foul smell entered my nose.

I flickered The lights on and grief stricken me.
Littered with thrown up all over The bed and Floor , There lied Vernan on top of The thrown up.
I went near him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at me in surprise but a frown appeared on his frail face, The next moment.

"Sir Are you okay?" - i asked softly.

"Yes. I am fine. Just go from here." - anger appeared on his fragile voice.

God! The ego of this man.

I searched for some Water in The room and a found bottle on the nightstand. On grabbing The Water bottle, i gave him to drink but he refused.  I again held it in front of him but he didn't budge and hold his head in frustration. I tap his shoulder Again and he immediately grabbed The bottle and gulped all The Water in one go in anger and frustration.
I sighed in relief as he drank The

"Sir please get up and go wash your face as their is thrown up all over your face and hair."

"You Are what? My wife ør my girlfriend that you Are taking Care of me." - he snapped at me.

What? Wife? Girlfriend?

"Sir i am your well wisher" - i replied with a smile for him, to trust me.

He took a Long breath and exhaled slowly.
Then got up weakly from The bed. He was about to take a step towards The washroom when he stumbled and was about to Fall but I grabbed his hand and steadied him.
He looked at me and smiled weakly in gratitued for which i returned a smile of assurance.

He walked to The washroom with greatly difficulty. I stared at his back and sighed at how vulnerable and weak he is in this moment.

Without further ado, i changed The puked bedsheets with fresh Ones and hastily started cleaning The thrown ups on The Floor.

Vernan came out oF the washroom and stood beside me.
I turned and looked up at his now-freshed face.

"Aren't you feeling disgusting to clean up all my shits?" - he asked odiumly.

"Nope. Why Will I feel disgusted? You Are Sick and its a human act and Its normal." - i smiled at him.

"I thought you Will loath seeing all these shits of mine. But you Are....different. you actually cleaned it all without wrinkling your nose." - he flushed in embarrassment.

"Its fine." - i said as i didn't find anything Better to reply.

"Take this." - i said giving him an aspirin tablet with a Glass of Water.

"Thanks" - he said.

"Your welcome."

With that, i went downstairs to the Kitchen to Cook something for Vernan.


"Sir drink this Soup, you will feel good." - i gave him The veggie Soup that i prepared for him.

"No i Don't want to drink anything. My head is paining like Hell." - he said pouting a Little like a toddler whilst whimpered in pain
And oh Boy! He is looking so cute.

"Sir please drink it. You Will feel Better." - i requested.

"Only IF you call me by my name, i'll drink it." - he said and a smirk appeared on his face.

God he is so stubborn!

"Okay. Si... i mean Vernan please drink it."

"That's like my lady." - he smiled at me in appreciatiøn and gulped The whole bowl of Soup.

"Okay Vernan. Now you have some sleep. I've kept The Papers on your study. Please sign it later on." - with that i was about to leave when he called me...

"Arnah" - he called me softly.

Oh, my name sounds so beautiful when he rolls it with his tongue and pronounce it.

"Yes?" - i turned around to find him staring at me.

"Where Are you going"?" - he asked.


"Please Don't go" - his voice cracked at The end.


He cleared his throat and spoke Again.

"I mean its almost  late at night and its not safe. So you Can stay here." - he said looking at me with a blank expression but his eyes had another story. It Seems like pleading me to just syay near him.

But Why?

"Okay." - i said.

"You Can use The next room." - he said with void of emotion.

"Thank you." - i said and he immediately turned his gaze towards me while giving me Are-you-just-kidding-me look.

"I should Thank you." - he Said.

I shrugged in response as I had nothing to say.

" take rest. I'll go and refresh. Dø call me if you need anything. I am right here." - i said a Little later and left.


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