Chapter 15

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My cutie pies

So here comes my fifteenth official chapter.

Hope you Will like it




Arnah's POV

"Angel look beautiful" -  He stuttered.

"Thank you" - i blushed at his comment and turned around deffidently.
He chuckled at my reaction and blush creeped more on my already reddened cheeks.

"Okay lets go" - i linked my arms with him and dragged him with me to The success party, after i regained my posture.

We reached The party which was held on The Darwin trek from where we started our one week trekking adventure.

I looked around The Place which is decorated with all sorts of beautiful decorates like ribbons, candle Sticks, lanters, and what not.

On going further, i spotted The red flag flying High in The sky, which was our starting point.

On reaching near The pole of The flag, i remmembered all The events that took place on this point, seven Days ago.

How a mere shy, introvert, quite girl came here all The way from Asian continent alone in a trek to Australia.
And her journey with all The different people from different places of The World, to prøve herself that she Can dø anything on her own Will.
How she struggled First, to climb The peaks of The Hills but atlast was successful.
How she måde Friends with The different people on The trek When all The people on her own country despice her.
How she became confident And bold enough to Express her feelings infront of all The strangers who were with her on The trek.
And atlast How HAPPY, beautiful, confident, extrovert she felt after The trek which on whole, changed her totally into elite.

And that she is none other than but me.


I roam my fingers on a picture of Vicky and me climbing together on a peak with grin on my face and that infamously stupid signature smirk of his.

God i decieved that smirk on his face with a passion And i remembered how he use to irritate me with it When all other girls were fån of his smirk.

I giggled a Little on Remembering all those funs we had there which now turned into one of my Best memory.

I closed The photo album with all the Photos of The Australian Trek  which i visited two years back.

Till now all The memories Are New on my mind as IF i had visited yesterday to Australia.

I always open The album and rewinds The memories which i experienced there, When i feel very Low.

With that, i stood up from The ground and stocked all the Photos which were scattered on The Floor in my album.

I walked to my room and kept The Photo album in my wardrobe between my clothes.

I glanced on my clothes and felt that i really need some Work clothes.
On opening my online wallet, i found 20,000 bucks more left after tranferring 10000 bucks on my bank account, 15000 on my sone Home stuffs and Body products.

So that means you Can imagine my salary!

I Don't know When i became this Lucky to get a job in a company like 'The Raichand' where The condition of a mere security was way better than The older me!

Wait! Remembering about me getting The Work, my mind went towards Hailey.


Its been one month, since i last saw her.

God! Where is she? Is she okay?
I started getting anxious as her mobile is been switched off from one month. And she hasn't Even dropped me any message about her whereabouts.


My train of thoughts were broken, When i heard a message flashed on my mobile.

Hie - Ayush texeted

Hello!- i texted back

Are you at Home?

Yeah. Why? - i replied.

Well then, lets catch up.

Cool! Lets go to a mall. I have some shopping to dø.

Fine with me. Be ready in ten minutes. I am comming. - He texted.

I hurriedly rushed to The washroom and took a quick shower.

I walked out of The washroom and walked towards my wardrobe. I grabbed a ribbed boyfriend jeans and a faded sweatshirt to go with it.

I glanced at The mirror and tied my hair in a High ponytail and finished my look with a bit of lip gloss on my lips.

I heard The door Bell rang and rushed towards the door with my wallet and mobile phone.

I opened The door to find Ayush standing there in a blue jeans and a grey hoddie onn with a stupid grin on his face.
I chuckled at his expression on which He smiled widely.

"Shall we?" - He asked for my hånd and I happily linked my arms with him.

We røde on his Buggati Veyron to The mall.

Now Don't ask me where did He get it from as you Can guess our salary.


"Arnah How's this?" - Ayush asked whislt showing me a maroon maxi dress.

"Nah" - i scrunch my nose at him.

"This one" - He showed another.


"This" - He showed another with a Little Hope.

"Noooooh" - i sang in disapprovement.

"Argh. This is so annoying." - He raked his hånds in his hair in frastration.

I just shrugged in response and press my lips in order to suppress my laughter.

"God its so difficult to impress girls." - He said and pouted a Little.

"Awe. You're such a baby" - i pinched his cheeks whilst He flinched at it.

"Hey i am not a baby." - He rubbed his cheeks in annoyance.

"Trust me you Are." - i said and Stück my tongue at him.

"Now whose the baby here?" - He raised one eyebrow at me.

"Ofcourse you" - i said and smirked at him.

"Godd... you're crazy." - he huffed in utter dismay.

"Okay lets drop this act and find you a dress." - He said.

"Okay let me find one by myself." - i looked for dresses whilst He went to another section of dress displayed.

I went to The trial room to try The dresses i selected for myself as a gift from Ayush which i tried to deny but He being The stubborn one, insisted on buying me a dress. For which i had to agree.

I went inside a cubicle and tried a Black lacy dress which reached till my mid thighs and was backless and hugged my curves tightly showing it off fully.

I might agree that it really suited me and made me look beautiful ør rather sexy.

I opened The door and without looking, turned my back towards Ayush to show The backless portion of The dress.

"How is it?" - i asked excitedly whilst showing my back.

I heard some footstep approching towards me and I felt hot breathing near my neck which initiated tingling sensation on my Body and my hair on my neck attentioned.

A hånd snacked around my waist and pulled me closer and my back automatically hit a hård wall like chest.

Another hånd grabbed my hair and put it aside to my left shoulder and a thumb drew circles on my bare back which jolted electric cuttents on my Body and I arced my back in adrenalined.

"You look sexy as Hell." - i heard The velvetic voice of The person whom i expected least to Be and left a shot pain on my earlobe as I left a bite on it.

I turned around to find a smirking Vernan standing in front of me whilst pulled me closer.

I looked up at him to find him already staring at my lips.
He Bent his head and brought his lips towards mine. With a last look on my eyes, He closed The Gap between us and hungrilly claimed my lips with is Cold but soft lips into my warm ones.
He pulled me more closer IF possible to vanish The tiny Gap between us and moled our Body together whilst smooching my lips. I wraped my hand around his neck and pulled him more towards me as I felt bold on his touch. He bite my lower lip a Little on which i gasped and He instantly inserted his tongue in my mouth, exploring every part of it. We moved our lips in sync with The intense rate of our growing heartbeat, Till we felt breathless. He pulled out his lips from me as we grasp some air and looked away from him as hot blood crept on my cheeks making it red as tomato.
Vernan chuckled a Little on my reaction and Again put his hot mouth on me hungrilly.

We were kissing each other intensely When some one cleared their throat and i pulled back immediatly gaining consiousness.

I looked forward to find Ayush glaring at me angrilly.


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