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How often do you see a girl dancing in the clubs of Europe with ear pods on grooving on a beat completely different from others in afternoon on a weekend , well not often right , neither do I, neither do I come to clubs at this time but a friend of mine was lying drunk at the couch and has messaged me to pick him up but this girl on the dance floor completely ruined my plans of just picking up my friend and leaving,with not much crowd on the floor her hand movements were free and from where I was standing I could clearly see her lips syncing with the music in her ear pods and her ass groove, but I was not the only one. she has got the attention of many guys but she didn't seemed to be aware of it

Leaving my friend groaning at the couch I took my ear pods from my bag as I went to the dance floor putting them on in , playing some I pop on my phone I started to dancing on it that is when I got her attention , her lips opened up in a smile as she moved towards me still grooving , her lips still in sync with the songs she was dancing to , she was moving quite close to me and if anyone would have seen us they would have definitely though we were together, that's when my inner Punjabi woke up and I realised the words her lips were forming were of hindi , taking a step back I took a look at her and then all made sense , to be true she looked indian, but here in Europe you can never tell.

She made me dance when I was here for strict business , I would have probably made a video or two of my drunk friend ali to make him pay for my meals in future but here I was dancing with this supposedly indian girl on the floor clearly forgetting that I should be taking my friend home.

I waved my hand near my ear as an sign that I wanted her to remove her ear pods, and she did

Now that the crappy music of the floor was getting in my ears as well as hers I bent forward right by her ear my jaw line brushing with her as I spoke


Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me , her sceptical expression soon changing into the smile one as she again bent forward by my ear


She said shouting trying to make me hear her voice over the crappy music, I never liked the music at clubs at this time, but boy was her voice good, maybe it was the crappy music , or the connection my heart has immediately made when I heard she was a desi but her voice sounded really beautiful to my ears

Her hand went behind her back as she took her phone out from the back pocket of her silver shorts , her smile immediately disappeared as she read what seems like a message , she pressed the power button of her phone as she placed it back in her pocket looking around in expression which normal people would classify as frustration, irritation and anger

She bent ahead again


She said as she turned around to go back and I also stopped dancing knowing that I was no more interested in the dance floor as I moved back to my friend picking up my man purse putting it over my shoulder as I started to pick my friend up

''Do you have a car'', a voice came from behind me , and I turned around to look at the face from the dance floor in front of me , looking more calm with all the lights off it


''Listen I really need to go somewhere , please drop me , there are no taxis outside please help me, its not far ,itll barely take 15 minutes please just this once'', she said folding her hands in front of me with her head down her curled shoulder length hairs covering her face full of sincerity,

Knowing that this could get me in trouble, and I also have to help my friend, I said the most irrational thing I could have said at that moment

''Yeah , sure, where do you wanna go''

Fuck yourself neil.

Her face lit up as she grabbed my hand as we went towards the parking

''Marriage registrar's office'', she said putting her seat belts on

'' What ,''

''What what, I told you the location right, and listen please don't back off now please'' , she said her lip tinted in a shape of wine gave me a threatning and pleasing smile

''Ok'', I said releasing the deep breath knowing that she is a trouble and I am in a trouble I pressed my foot on the accelerator.

As my car came to a hault she stepped out in cold evening leaving her jacket in my car in her silver shorts and cream crop top which could have done barely anything to save her from cold

Picking up her jacket from the passenger seat I stepped out of the car walking in the fast pace being her running figure

Her feet came to a halt in front of a lady dressed up in a white maxi dress holding flowers in her hands

She snatched flowers from her hand

''Have you lost it rhea'',she said hiding the flowers behind her,'' wow'' was she courageous , being at someones wedding like that

And to say rhea as per this girl was calling was shocked would be an understatement, all the colour from her cheeks have drained

''Who told you, what are you doing here'', rhea said trying to snatch flowers back from her

''Listen you can not marry that abusive bastard like this, for gods sake rhea come back home, sweetheart come home huh, we will talk it out'', she said grabbing her hand pulling her

A man came from side as he jerked her hand off rhea's, dressed in tuxedo jerking her off to the ground, she fell flat on the ground and even after knowing that most probably I should not be getting in the seen considering the facts that I did not knew all the facts but in no way I was going this man treat a lady like this,I ran upto her picking her up as she placed her hands on my hand smearing some of her blood on my cuffs

''See ,rhea even now he physically hurt me, till now you were just her girlfirnd and he used to use foul words with you and even hurt you physically, what a man like him will do to you once you are married to him is just...'',she paused and her silence said far more than she could

Guy's eyes became red as he rose his hand to hit her,

''ENOUGH'', I said blocking his fist with my hand and she stood unfazed her eyes red

''Please rhea'' , she said as a tear left her eyes maybe to prove to rhea what her words couldn't

''ENOUGH, your tears and baby face wont work here, he is an amazing man and will you stop saying things about my future husband, girls like you ruin images of nice guys, just because you are best friend I am not reporting you to cops so stop putting false alligations on my husband GET THAT'' she said pulling her wedding flowers back from her hand and went forward with the guy as she fell on her knees on the ground with her hands over her face

Even though I did not knew about all variables but I knew that this girl was right

I squatted down as I placed her jacket on her soulders

''Hey it is not your fault , get up'', I said trying to get her up from cold tiled floor

''He will kill her, kill her'',she said hugging my chest her body moved fiercely moved as she cried because she could not save her friend rhea

I know I might not know this girl, or know her since past 3 hours or so but something bounded us far more than just being desi in foreign land

She sat their until after her friend came out, but this time she didn't rose up from the bench in front of the office that she has settled on keeping her self respect intact that got brutally killed few hours ago

I turned my watch to realise that it was alrealy 11 at night and she was still sitting on the cold bench in those flimsy cloths unaware of all the people who have been checking her out with what not their intention

And I knowing that it would be immoral to leave a girl like that at that time I sat on the alternate bench giving her her time considering that I did not even knew her name

Rising up I removed my jacket off my shoulder I placed it on her bare legs getting her attention

''I thought you left'', she said finally looking at me forcing a smile on her face

''I look like a mess righ''t as she moved a finger under her eyes collecting all the messed up makeup

''You look perfect'' I said passing her a bottle of warm water to drink

She took it from me immediately turning to face me

''Thank you''

''Oh it is fine'', I said waving my hand in air

''No I mean it, thank you for bringing me here, ,

thank you for saving me form that punch

thank you for picking me up from the ground,

thank you for not judging me when I cried

thank you for giving a this jacket I was cold

and lastly for joining me on the floor you got quite the moves'' she said with a giggle again hiding it with her hands

''come on'', I said standing up,let us drop you home

''oh hello mister, bahut kuch kar diya apne, now ill go on my own'',she said with her hand in mid air showing me her palm making both chuckle on her hindi

''then lets call a cab'', I said opening the app to call a cab,

we sat and talked for next 10 minutes about desi things before her cab came and she left

I returned towards the car with a smile , I touched the handle at car door realising that it was moist and here I was talking to... to...shit I forgot to ask her name, I said crunching up my eyes and noes on my stupidity, I was so lost in talking to her that I completely forgot to ask her name , to even care about the weather , I grabbed the car handle and I sat in driver's seat,

Guess I'll never get my jacket back or get her name or maybe her contact

But all in all this was definitely not my usual weekend

Parking my car in the garage I turned back to get my bag from bag seat that is when I saw another small sling black bag alongside mine

Ignoring my bag I picked up the black bag taking out the wallet to find an identity card in it

''avni pariekh, well miss pariekh I don't think youll be a mystery for a long time'' I said reading her official address with a smile,

Cause you don't meet a girl like that every weekend.


hey there , its arc again

primarily written as a one shot with a potential to turn into a book

so vote and comment , 

write book in comments to tell me i should turn it into a book

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