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Chapter 12-It's my fault

This chapter is all about what was going on with Lucy while Natsu is at the hospital. Enjoy!

Lucy's P.O.V

Natsu had sent me home and all I could think about was how it was my fault that Natsu was in the hospital. I didn't tell him what was on my mind because I knew he would deny it, but i truly believed it was my fault so I'm going to have to make it up to him somehow.

When I went home I saw my dad pacing around the living room eyebrows furrowed, it was odd because he was never home. "H-hey dad?" I said well it came out as more of a question.

"Hey dad is all you have to say to me!!! Where have you been young lady?!?!?" my father shouted at me angrily.

"I-I was with a friend" I answered him shakily not telling him who I was with.

"What friend!? Oh I know you were slutting it up with a boy weren't you!?!?"

"N-no of course not!! You really think that low of me?" I was nearly in tears, but I stayed strong because I will not show him of all people that I'm weak.

"Tch" and with that he left, but I knew what his answer was. He really thought that low of me, he thought I would just give my body away to anyone well I wouldn't.

I held in my tears a little longer and went to go see my mother. I know she is going to ask about the yelling, but I can't tell her what it really was about.

"Knock knock." I heard a faint come in so I opened the door and walked up to my mother. "Hey mom. How you are you doing?"

"I'm fine sweetie. What *cough* was all that *cough* yelling about?" she questioned while trying not to cough up her lung.

"O-oh that, it was nothing just dad being loud." I lied with a fake smile. Usually my mom would know if I was lying or not, but she was focusing on not, you know dying.

"D-did you guys have *cough cough* a g-good talk?"

"Y-yes it was a great talk. Anyways mom guess what?"

"*cough cough* What?" she asked with excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Well I had my first kiss last night!!" I squealed while squeezing her hands ever so gently.

"Really honeybear?!? *cough cough* That's amazing!!" she squealed like a high school girl.

"Yeah it was magical!!"

"Tell me all about it!!" my mom shouted, her eyes sparkling with amazement.

"Well he took me to his beautiful park....."I began telling my mom the whole story and y'all already know what happened so let's just skip it.

"And when he kissed me he passed out and now he's in the hospital. It's my fault mom...I don't want to lose him." I started to cry because I felt terrible.

"Oh honeybun it's not your fault, maybe he was just so amazed by the kiss he passed out." she let out a small chuckle before going into a coughing fit.

"Yeah maybe. Well I have to get going, I want to go back to see Natsu." I let out a small smile and hugged my mom gently.

"Alright sweetie, I'm really *cough* happy for you. Don't stay *cough* out too late." she hugged me back smiling widely.

"I won't. See you later mom, I love you."

"Love you too." and with that I was out the door. I leaned on the door, still holding on to the door knob breathing heavily and trying not to break down, looking down at the ground thinking about the day.

I lifted my head up, straightened out my clothes and hair, wipes my eyes and walked out the front door with my head held high, even though I was dying on the inside. My father was screaming for me to come back, but kept waking until I heard him shout that I was never allowed to step foot in this house again, unless it was to apologize or get my stuff. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. "W-what?"

"You heard me. You aren't allowed in this house unless you apologize to me or to get your stuff." He spat angrily.

"W-what about mom? C-can I still see her?" I asked stunned that he would kick me out.

"You won't be allowed to see her either."

"A-ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!?? S-she's my m-mom. I need to see her." I fell to my knees crying my eyes out, letting out all of the pain I had stored up.

"I don't care, you are the one who brought this upon yourself." my so smacked father walked away, leaving me crying on the front lawn.

After a couple of minutes I picked myself up, straightened myself out and went back to the hospital.

When I went to check up on Natsu he was sleeping so I sat by his bed watching him sleep, he looked adorable. I put my head on his arm and slowly fell asleep listening to the beeping of the heart monitor.

The Author's Note:
The next chapter will be out right after this one. Also I'm sorry for the lack of chapters!
You might see a lot of updates, but there are only three new chapters, I will be fixing some things in the old ones.

Guess what my people?!?

I hit 100 followers!! Yay! I know some people are like "Wow you are happy about 100 followers, I have WAYYY more than that", but I am still really happy!! ❤️💛💛❤️ Thank y'all for the support!! I Love all of you!!! ❤️💛

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