Chapter Three: How Time Flies

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As years passed,Takashi and Aleu grew. Time seemed to pass by so fast that both pups had grown to have curious minds. By the time Takashi and Aleu were four,Koi was five and Anubis was six. And today was a very sad day for both Aleu and Koi. Their grandfather;Roven was very ill and he wasn't getting any better. He was dying. Koi and his little sister sat down in front of their grandfather with tears in their eyes. Their parents and their grandmother sat behind them.

"My son...come closer"said Roven in his raspy voice. Savva stood up and walked over to his father."Take care of your mother for me and please make better decisions for this clan"he said. Savva nodded and stared behind. Koi and Aleu were shedding tears. Roven motioned for the two pups to come closer. Aleu limped as she walked a over to her grandfather. And the reason why she limped was because she was born crippled."*Breathes* You two are destined for great things.*Breathes*Especially you, Aleu"said Roven.

Aleu's eyes widen."Me?! But, why me?! I was born with one black paw and I was born crippled!"she said as her ears flattened."You were born with that black paw for a reson"he said."What reason,Papa Roven?" asked Aleu."You'll find out..when you're older. But,you are destine for great things.....great things..." he said as his voice faded. His eyes closed and he stopped breathing."Papa Roven?"said Aleu as she limped closer to her grandfather. She started to nudge the old wolf a little. But,Roven didn't move.

Roven was dead."Papa Roven?" said Koi."Papa Roven!!! Wake up! Wake up,please!!"shouted Aleu as she started to shake him."Papa Roven!!"shouted Aleu again. She yelled so loud that Takashi could hear her shouting all the way from ShadowClan."Mom,what was that?"asked Takashi as he walked outside his cave."It sounded like someone shouted "Papa Roven"said Manna. Takashi stared at his mother. "Who's Roven,mom?"asked Takashi.

Manna stared back at him. "Savva's father"she said. The pup's eyes widen and he stared off into the distance. Manna started down the rock stairs. Takashi followed her and soon was walking beside his mother. Kerchak saw them and ran until he was in front of his mate. "Where are you going?"asked Kerchak."I'm just going to check something. I'll be right back"she reassured him.

He got out of her way and she and Takashi continued. They reached their border and Manna stared at her son."Wait,here"said Manna."But I--Stay here"she said again. Takashi nodded and sat down at the border. Manna crossed and walked across the meadow. Then,she came across a a huge lake. There was a fallen tree that was used as bridge for the wolves and other animals to cross. She crossed the bridge and crossed another meadow. Then, she paused at WindClan's border.

"Chiku!"she shouted from the border. Chiku's ears pert up and she walked outside. She could see Manna from her cave. "Manna?"she said. Savva came outside and saw Manna as well. His eyes narrowed and he stared at Manna."I'll go see what's wrong"said Chiku as she started down the rock stairs. Savva stared at his mate."You can't trust her!"said Savva. Chiku turned around and she stared at her husband."Yes..I..Can!"she shouted before she countiuned to walk down the stairs.

Savva soon followed her and they both stopped at their border. "Is everything alright,Manna?" asked Chiku. Manna nodded."I heared someone yelled "Roven" so,I came to see if everything was okay"she said."Everything's fine! Now leave!"said Savva. "Savva!"said Chiku. Savva stared at her before walking away."I'm so sorry,Manna. Forgive his... *Sighs*Well,you know how he is" said Chiku. Manna stared at Chiku before smiling."Yes,I know how he is"she said.

Chiku smiled a little."Is Roven okay?"asked Manna."Roven is... dead"said Chiku,softly. Manna felt sorry for Chiku...and Savva."I am so very sorry,Chiku"said Manna. Chiku stared at her. "Well,I have to go. My pup is waiting for me at the Shadow-Clan border"said Manna. Chiku nodded and walked back towards her cave. After a week passed,Aleu woke up at Mid-night. She looked back to look at her parents and older brother. They were still sleeping."Aleu" whispered a voice. Aleu turned around to see an elderly wolf standing outside her cave. He glowed in the moonlight and you could see through his dull white pelt.

Aleu's ears perked up with joy and happiness."Papa Roven!"she said in a soft voice as she limped over to the wolf. It was Roven's spirit that was standing outside the cave. He smiled and bent down to nuzzle her."Follow me" he whispered. Aleu nodded and followed her grandfather down the rock stairs. She kept tripping so much that Roven grabbed her by her scruff. They crossed pass other caves and stopped at a waterhole. There was a little waterfall and pond. Roven set Aleu down next to him. Aleu bent down for a drink."I've missed you"said Aleu as she sat up.

Roven stared at her with a kind smile."I've missed you,too"he said. Aleu and Roven stared at the moon up above."How come I'm the only one that can see you, Papa Roven?"asked Aleu as she stared at him. He stared at her before looking out into the distance."Because you're special" he said. Aleu shakes her head and turns away. She gets up, limps to the other side of the pond and stares at her reflection. Her pelt glowed in the bright moonlight and her reflection is in half."Special *Scoffs*. Yeah,right! I'm a nobody!"she said as she splashed away her reflection.

She stared at her right paw. Her black paw. Everyone at Omega School called her a "weirdo",a "freak",and treated her like a runt of the litter. They sometimes called her "The Three Legged Wonder" and nobody would play with her or go near her. They said she tripped too much. They always said "a crippled pup was a useless pup". Aleu sighed and then stared at her grandfather from across the pond.

"You're not useless. I've told you that a lot of times,my little miracle"said Roven as he walked across the water. It didn't surprised Aleu that her grand-father was walking on top the water. It was only his spirit. But, it surprise her that he called her "his little miracle". Usually it was her father that called her that. "Yeah,I know"sighed Aleu. Roven nuzzled her cheek."You are special. And you were born with that black paw for a reason--remember that"he said as he sat down front of her;on top of the water.

She smiled at him and then stared at her paw,again."What reason is that,Papa Roven?"she asked. He chuckled as he shook his head."You'll find out"he said. Aleu frowned. That didn't help at all. He grabbed her by her scruff and walked back to the cave. He placed her down and walked out of the cave."Wait! Don't leave me,again!"shouted Aleu as she got up. Roven turned around and smiled at his granddaughter."I'll always be with you....always"he said as his spirit faded away.

It looked like he was made out of dust when he faded away. Aleu sighed and she began to wonder as she layed back down. "I was born with a black paw for a reason. What does he mean be that?"she thought before she closed her eyes. Oh,how time flies.

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