Chapter 5

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The morning air was fresh and crisp. Whitepaw's mentor, Iceclaw, was training both him and Lightpaw. Lightpaw's mentor, Silverstripe, was recently discovered to be pregnant, so she wasn't able to properly train Lightpaw anymore. The light tabby she-cat was going to be given a new mentor, but for the time-being Iceclaw was temporarily keeping her busy.

"Today, we're going to be battle-training," Iceclaw explained to the two apprentices. His white fur was the color of fresh snow against the beautiful blue sky. "You two will keep your claws sheathed, as usual," he meowed. "I want to see how much Lightpaw has learned from Silverstripe. Now, get into position." Whitepaw and Lightpaw obediently crouched a few paces away from each other. Iceclaw examined them before saying, "Okay, go!"

Lightpaw didn't hesitate and lunged at Whitepaw. The white-pawed tom swiftly dodged and batted her, as if raking his claws along her side. Lightpaw smiled, a sudden feeling of playfulness tugging at her. She feigned a yowl and, as if fighting an actual enemy warrior, jumped onto Whitepaw's back. Whitepaw fell to the ground and rolled over, trying to get Lightpaw to let go. The tabby struggled, but she kept her grip by unsheathing her claws instinctively. Whitepaw's eyes widened, and he leaped to his paws up. With Lightpaw still clinging to his back, he raced into a tree, slamming his own side into it. Thanks to that, Lightpaw finally let go and rolled onto the grass.

"Woah woah woah!" Lightpaw instantly got up as Iceclaw padded towards the two. His ice-blue eyes were sharpened scornfully. "This pretend battle has gotten way too rough," he meowed sternly. "You're both acting like your StarClan-forsaken lives are in danger!" Whitepaw and Lightpaw both apologized quietly, and Iceclaw sighed. "Lightpaw, keep your claws sheathed," the white tom ordered. "I want you two to try that again. But this time, I don't want to --"

A sudden yowl sliced through the air near the sandy hollow. Lightpaw gasped in alarm, as the yowl sounded like it was full of pain and fear.

"Both of you, back to camp!" Iceclaw demanded.

Whitepaw and Lightpaw obeyed and bolted to camp with the white warrior hot on their heels. When they raced through the thorn barrier, they saw two bloodied cats in the clearing, panting for their lives. The medicine cat and his apprentice, Leaftail and Rosepaw, were already tending to them.

"What happened?" Thunderstar demanded, rushing towards them. His deputy and Whitepaw's father, Nightmist, followed close behind, and the rest of the Clan was gathering around worriedly. One of the two injured cats -- a brown-furred tom named Barkclaw -- looked up at his Clanmates weakly.

"Dogs.." he gasped. "T-three dogs are coming."

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