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( Nasha- Light tan lioness with a awhite under coat with blue green eyes
Sasha - Dark brown lioness with a tan under coat and light brown eyes
Nu - Grey lion with black patches of fur everywhere and orange eyes
Kooptan - Golden lion with a light gold under coat and a red mane with red eyes
Anadi- Golden lion with a grey mane and yellow eyes
Kofu - Dark brown lion with a tan under coat mane still forming dark brown with green eyes
Shaka- Golden lion with a tan under coat and mane still forming red with golden eyes
Zirr- Tan lioness with a dark brown under coat and brown eyes
Dotta- Light brown lioness with yellow eyes
Spotta - Dark brown lioness with golden eyes
Modda- Medium brown lioness with honey colored eyes
Sarka- A honey colored lioness with a tan under coat and red eyes
Malka- A golden lion with a tan under coat and a red mane with green eyes very buff looking
Scarba- Dark brown lion with dark mane and yellow eyes
Kira - Bright orange lioness with a light gold under coat and brown eyes )
I walk threw the halls of the manor my light tan fur glistening in the light and my blue green eyes shined with promise . But a dark secret inside. As I walked I noticed all the servants doing their jobs . Mey-Rin and Sasha cleaning the walls and trying not to break stuff , Nu and Bar were in the kitchen cooking , and Kooptan and Finny were out gardening .
Nasha: Sebastian ? Sebastian ? .... Where are you ?
I rounded a corner and there he was . Standing tall and proud his suit was perfect no wrinkles or anything . I smiled at my master .
Nasha : Sebastian I'm going into town to pick up a thing or two for the young lords is there anything you need ?
Sebastian: no daring there's nothing I need but remember there's a ball tonight don't be late and be in human form so people won't be scared
Nasha : of corse
I grab a basket and turn into my human form . I am a demon after all you think I couldn't shape shift ? I had fairly tan skin and light blonde hair with blue green eyes and a tall body . I walked into the market at the town beside us looking for items the young masters wanted . I noticed a man following me but I payed no mind I could snap his neck in a split second. I kept walking and noticed he still followed . Time to get to work . I walked into a ally and set my basket down and waited for him to come . Once he came around the corner I got a better look at him . Just a bum was all I saw his black hair mangled into knots so tight even the worlds most talented person couldn't untie them , his face was short and chubby with only some hair prickling his jaw like he's trying to grow a beard but can't , his eyes were stone cold I couldn't sense any life from them they were a dull brown nothing there , his mouth smelled of beer , whiskey , vodka , anything like them it reeked of it , his body was like his face chubby but he was taller then me but not as tall as Sebastian, his cloths were ragged and mangled like some animal had attacked him , and his whole body smelled of beer and trouble .
Nasha : is there something you need kind sir ?
Bum : give me your money and no one gets hurt
He pulls out a little knife . How cute . I smirked slightly and pushed my hair back .
Nasha : do you think you can hurt me ? With that flimsy little thing ?
I laughed slightly as his actions . Pathetic is truly was .
Bum : Bitch I give you 7 more seconds until I plunge this thing into your heart !
Nasha : haha........ If only I had one
My eyes glowed like Sebastian's do if he gets a order from the young lords . I smirked again and jumped into the air leaving the basket on the ground and landed behind the poor confused man . I grabbed his hair and yanked him to the ground knocking him off his feet . I step on his throat and push down and taking the knife out of his hand .
Nasha : ready to give up ?
He glares at me with his dull eyes and I glare back .
Nasha : remember your place bum
I push down hard on his neck snapping it and I smile hearing that satisfying snap of his neck as I get my basket and walk away back towards the mansion .
After I get back
I walk into the mansion and turn back into my beautiful lioness from with the basket held by my tail as I go to the kitchen and drop off some things .
Nasha : Bar ! Nu ! I've got things for you to put away !!
Nu comes running and grabs some of the things putting them in there place in the kitchen . I walk around the mansion until I find the young lords and Sebastian. I bow down to my young lords .
Ciel : Nasha did you get everything on my list ?
Nasha : yes my young lord
Kofu : why do you have blood on your paws
Nasha : oh my apologies my young lords I shall go clean myself
I head off into the bathroom shifting into a human and washing my hands and face smirking into the mirror .
Nasha : that what he got for angering a demon

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