Once upon an anime...

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Song note: A sheath of a devil's sword. (Play this in the background if you so wish Mi'Lady)

One day you and your friend F/N were on a walk through the forest, you live near. You sat down by and old Oak tree to rest when suddenly she turns to you and she asks you the one question you would dream of becoming a reality and this question was...

"Say Y/N, would you want to leave this world to be teleported into the Black Butler universe?"

You sat there laying in the cool breeze with your beautiful Red Victorian dress. You thought about meeting your favourite Black Butler characters such as Claude and Alois.

"Of course F/N, I have been dreaming of that since I first watched the anime." You said to the young H/C sitting before you. You sit up and start standing as you help your friend up also.

"Let's go for a wonder around the field." I suggested to F/N.

You wondered around the field, which wasn't as beautiful as you'd hoped.

Suddenly, a large cloud of fog suffocated you both and you couldn't see F/N anymore. "F/N, F/N!" You called out to her starting to panic. I'm You started to choke and could not see any sign of escape. You collapsed and passed out on the cold grassy ground.

End of chapter.

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