Hetalia: Rose Of Reality ( Clover Vial )

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~+=Where it left off=+~

I'm not going to fight against a butler just because I was leaving without congratulating the new Earl. I walked towards the Earl.

~+={Ciel's Pov}=+~ (Before)

I was overwhelmed by other nobles congratulating me. I saw Lady Elizabeth running towards me, I waited for impact and Edward running to us scolding me for touching his sister. But, it never came which surprised me she was hugging a girl with long ebony hair wearing light shades of blue and white. A blond girl with long hair and blue frilly apron and dress following the ebony hair girl. 'The blond girl a maid.?'I unsurely. My aunt and uncle were talking to her and smiling do they know her? And so is Elizabeth and Edward?! After she left to approached the queen and chatted for a while are they both a acquaintances? And how?

Somehow this girl is interesting, it may look like she's hidden with many secrets. But my train of thought disappeared,as she began to leave the Queen's chat. I whispered to Sebastian to stop her from leaving for awhile. He smirks from afar, as I glared at him. Sebastian blocked the door and encountered the girl into a conversation. Then I see her turn around walking towards me. " Congratulations Earl Phantomhive."
"Than- " I was about to thank her until she cut me off.

"I apologize I have to leave early, I have business to attend to. Good day Earl Phantomhive." She gracefully curtsy, turns and leaves through the doors with the maid. I was speechless, I could have said something, but I just stood there looking at her.
"Having an interest on the Lady Rose? Young master?" I turned around to face Sebastian, "How long were you there Sebastian?"
"Only to where she cut you off my lord." *Still smirking*
"Sebastian we are leaving, as well!"
"Yes my Lord," he bows and follows me.

~=+{Rose's POV} +=~ (Back At The Manor)

I returned right on time on my paperworks that just arrived, from my company and the Queen's desk. It was sent to my manor when I was at the ceremony, they were placed like around 12 tall stacks surrounding my desk. 'Great.... , but I can complete this in at least 3 hours!" I groaned in my thoughts. "Well I should get started, my work is not going to finish itself if I don't." I whispered to myself. I began to walk to my desk and sit down on my chair. 'Medicine of Clovers reveal!' I yelled, as I pull out the clover shape top. (my servants can't hear these words because they are human.) A stream of green light surrounds me and changes my dress to a to a shades of green.

The stacks began to organized itself to a side of my desk on my right important and on my left due 2 weeks later. After they organized themselves I quickly start on my work very fast.

~=+{ Three Hours Later }+=~
"My lady it's dinner is ready." Alice informs me about time, I finished and so is my form which finished when I finished the task I need to use for it. "Thank you Alice." I walked downstairs to the dining table and later return to my quarters for bed with Alice behind me. When we got to my quarters I stood in front of my bed, as Alice prepares me for bed. After changing out my dress I wore my sleep gown and she tucks me into bed. "Good night my Lady" she whispered and turned of the lights. She then silently closed the door shut and left the room. 'I missed you bed. Fluffy pillows and blanket.' She thought in comfort and went to bliss.

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