Hetalia: Rose Of Reality (Rose M. Gottschalk)

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~+=Where it left off=+~

Her lips began to quivered, as she tried to smile right now, but forgotten how over centuries.

~+=(Her POV)=+~
"I accept your Offer." She said.
"Ok, but remember once you leave you can never come back to, the world of reality. So are you sure?"
"Yes." She said bluntly. A holy glow appeared shining in her room, as the darkness slowly backs away from her. "Come with me, Child," as he offers his hand to her. She obeyed the man and took his hand and walked through the glow. She the holy glow surrounds her, as it welcomed her goodness, safety and mainly warmth. She began changing, just as the voice offered her, she was in her transition.

~=+{Timeskip after the change}+=~

The young girl woke up in a valley of bright colored flowers. She lifted her hand to her head, except she couldn't remember anything. She observed her appearance silky wavy Ebony hair, which went down to her back ankles and wore a simple flowing skyblue dress. Pale skin, dainty slender fingers and silvery eyes. Then a voice told her he was the God of this world and gave her information about herself.
"You my Child, are a country now. The personification of the Countries of Wonderland. Your name is now Rose M. Gottschalk (Maylie)." He continued answering her about her countries.

"I understand now God, is there anything else you need to tell me?"She asked
(in a dainty british accent)
"There are others like you, you'll be find out sooner, or later,"His voice began to fade after he finished speaking.
"W-Wait! What you mean others. How will I know?!"
'He's gone.' She turns around and fronted a manor and a suitcase next to her.
"Welcome Mistress Rose, We have been waiting for you." He widens the door to show "we"(servants), as she enters the manor.
"This young lady here is Alice, your personal maid." He motions to long haired blond girl with a sea blue bow and a cute match uniform.Different then the others maids, they wore a darker shade uniform and a white ruffle headband. They gave her a happy smiles and she smiled back to them. They were like family; now her family as well.

~=+{ This isn't the end it's the beginning} +=~

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