Ciel x Reader

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Your P.O.V.

You sigh, knowing your fiancé would be busy with work as always, and wouldn't pay you any attention no matter how much you tried. You thought about your adorable fiancé, whom you loved dearly, but who also never seemed to care about you.

"My lady? Are you quite all right?" Ciel's butler, Sebastian, interrupted your trail of thought.

"Hmm? Oh yes, I'm fine, thank you." You answered halfheartedly. He chuckled. "My lady, forgive me, but you are a terrible liar. Is it the fact that the young master is currently busy with his paperwork?"

You started crying, trying to stop the tears but failing miserably. "My lady, if it would make you happy, I could attempt to ask the young lord if he would like to go to the seaside with you?" Sebastian asked. "That-that would be absolutely amazing. Thank you, Sebastian!" You said, hugging him then blushing. "I-I'm sorry..." You stuttered. He smiled. "It's all right, my lady." He left the room to ask Ciel, before returning shortly.

"He said, and I quote, that he 'has finished his paperwork and could spend the rest of the day with you.'" Sebastian reported. "That's great, Sebastian! Thank you!" He left you to get ready, leaving a F/C {favorite color} sundress hanging on the back of the door.

You get dressed and head outside, Ciel helping you into the carriage. You smiled as he sat next to you, and nuzzled your nose into his chest as he blushed. Sebastian announced your arrival and you were buzzing with excitement. You jumped out of the carriage holding Ciel's hand.

"Y-Y/N!" Ciel exclaimed, almost falling flat on his face. "I'm sorry Ciel, I'm just so excited!" You said. He smiled, still blushing. "It's all right, Y/N." You hugged him and dragged him along with you. You went towards the shore, and plopped down in the sand still holding Ciel's hand. He sat down beside you, and you started cuddling him, staring out at the beautiful sea. "It's amazing, isn't it? How such simple things can be so magnificent..." You said. "Quite." Ciel answered, gazing at you. You sat together for hours till the sun began to fall, as you two shared a loving kiss under the sunset.

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