Special: Various! Black Butler x Reader

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A/N: To commemorate reaching 2k reads, I've published this chapter, which is multiple characters x reader. Basically, a reverse harem. Characters included are Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, and Claude.
Enjoy! ʕʔ

Your P.O.V.

Ciel had told you to come to his mansion today, and that Alois and Claude would be there, too. You were friends with both earls, and their butlers. He said to go to the ballroom once you had arrived.

You walked into the ballroom. It was dark, and you couldn't see anything. "Everyone? Where are you?" You called out.

You jumped as a pair of arms snaked around your waist from behind. "Hello, Y/N." You heard Alois whispering to you. You calmed down. "Hello, Alois. Why is it so dark in here?" You asked.

"I can help with that." You heard Sebastian say as he switched on the lights. "It's wonderful to see you again, Y/N." He said, bowing and kissing your hand.

"It's great to see you, too, Sebastian." You smiled. "You're finally here, I see. It really has been a while, Y/N." You heard Ciel mutter. You hugged him. "It's been too long." You replied. He awkwardly hugged you back.

"Claude, aren't you going to say hello to Y/N?" Alois asked, tugging on Claude's tailcoat. "It's a pleasure seeing you, Y/N." He nodded. "It's great to see you, too! I've missed you all." You said, kissing Claude on the cheek. He blushed slightly.

"Dance with me, Y/N!" Alois said, grabbing your arm and pulling you to the center of the room. "All right, all right." You laughed. Music started to play, and you began to dance. (Don't ask how the music started).

After he twirled you around, you found yourself in Ciel's arms, and both of you continued to dance. "You look nice today." Ciel said, looking down at the floor.

"Are you implying that I look terrible on other days?" You raised your eyebrow. Ciel's eyes widened. "N-no! That's not what I-" He stuttered, but you cut him off with a laugh. "I know, don't worry." You said.

He spun you around, and this time you found yourself dancing with Sebastian. "What an honor it is, to be dancing with such a beautiful woman." He said. "Thank you, Sebastian. You look handsome, as well." You said.

You twirled around, and you found yourself in someone else's arms yet again. Claude Faustus, the emotionless butler, began to dance with you. "Claude? I didn't know you enjoyed dancing." You questioned.

"Well, normally, I do not. But, when it's with someone as lovely as yourself, I simply could not help myself." He said, a blank expression on his face. "Thank you." You blushed. He leaned in and kissed you so gently that you could barely feel it.

"Claude! It's not fair that you get to kiss her and we don't! If anyone gets to kiss her, it'll be me." Alois whined.

"I'm afraid not. It will be me who kisses Y/N." Sebastian spoke up. "Sebastian! I order you not to kiss her. She's mine, and only mine." Ciel said.

"Stop!" You shouted. Their eyes widened, and their gazes were locked onto you. "Y/N, who do you want to be with?" Ciel asked. "I- I don't know. It's terrible of me, but I love you all." You said.

"How about a compromise? It seems that Y/N is attracted to all of us. Why don't we give her that?" Sebastian smirked mischievously.

"As in, we ALL have a relationship with Y/N? How would that work?" Alois asked. "It seems quite simple. We all spend time with Y/N, and we all get to be with her. We could do it one at a time, or just give her attention all at once." Ciel mused.

"Is it fair to Y/N, though?" Claude asked. "Well, we'll have to ask her that." Sebastian answered, looking at you. "Do you agree? Do you think it's a good idea? And, most importantly, will it make you happy?" He asked you.

You hesitated, but nodded. "It's settled, then. I am honored to be yours, Y/N." Sebastian said. "Me, too!" Alois exclaimed, hugging you. "As am I." Ciel said. "I am also happy to be yours, Y/N." Claude said dryly.

"I'm glad to be with all of you." You said. Before you knew it, Ciel had grabbed you by the waist and kissed you. It was rough and lustful, driven by passion.

"Ciel, that's not fair!" Alois yelled. "Young master, I hate to say it, but I agree with Earl Trancy. We still haven't kissed her, as of yet." Sebastian said.

"Well, go ahead, then. I've had my way with her... for now." Ciel said, letting go of you. "I believe it is my turn." Sebastian said, before swiftly dipping you, leaning in, and kissing you.

"Why do I have to be last?" Alois groaned yet again. Once Sebastian was done, he wasted no time in grabbing you and kissing you. It was as though you felt electricity running through your veins; his kiss was needy.

By the time Alois was done, you were out of breath, and starting to get dizzy. You stumbled and fell. Claude caught you, just before you hit the floor. "Y/N!" They all exclaimed in unison.

"I'm fine... I'm just a bit tired, that's all." You said wearily. "We should give her a break, I'm sure she'll need some rest. Take her to my bedroom." Ciel ordered.

Claude carried you to Ciel's bedroom. "Sleep well, Y/N." He said, putting you down. You instantly felt comfortable on the soft bed. He sat to your left, with Sebastian and Ciel sitting on your right.

"If there's no space for me, I'll make some." Alois declared, grabbing onto your leg and hugging it. "A-Alois!" You exclaimed.

You were somehow managing to hug both the earls, along with their butlers. You were completely at ease, and fell asleep.


Thank you for reading this special, and for getting me this far! I'm sorry, it took so long to write this, and I didn't have it in me to edit this chapter. But, do not worry, I'll make sure to edit it tomorrow. Love you all!

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