William x Reader

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Your P.O.V.

You waited, with dark circles under your eyes. (L Lawliet much?) You waited, as you had every night for months. You waited, for your husband, who was so absorbed in his work that he barely noticed your existence. You waited, till the sun started to rise, and a new day was born. You heard the sound of a door opening, and William stepped into the room.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing awake?" He asked, a worried look on his face. "The same thing as always." You said bitterly. "Waiting for you." He tried to kiss you, but you moved your head away. He had a shocked expression on his face; you had never refused a kiss from him before.

He sat down beside you, and you turned to look at him. His hair was messy, rather than neat and tidy. He had bags under his eyes, ones that were somehow even darker than yours. Your expression softened; as there was a guilty look on his face.

"I wanted us to take a break." He said, gently stroking your hand. You didn't push it away. "I arranged for extra overtime for a month so we could take a week off. Ironic, isn't it?" He said softly, averting his gaze. Your eyes widened, and you felt terrible.

Suddenly, you jumped into his arms, crying. "I-I'm sorry, Will. I missed you so much, I just-" He gave you a much-needed kiss, cutting you off. "Apology accepted." He said, smiling and picking you up bridal-style. He took you to your room and set you down on the bed, before climbing in next to you. "Good night, love." You heard him say, before you fell asleep for the first time in days.

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