Washing Windows|Sebastian x demon! reader

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I dedicate this chapter to tory_chan_is_fab because she picked this one out for me to do. She had a choice of diabolik lovers, Black Butler, or something else that I can't remember right now. So thank her for this. Follow my bestie! And plus I have a diabolik lovers one in drafting. Since she said that one first. But I wanna finish 2 parts of it first before having it published. Byeeeeee

As other demons can see, I am a very powerful demon. I am the direct descendent of Satan himself. Actually he is my great grandpa. But that's not the point! I have been sent here to do a job. To do stuff. To become a demon maid! I know it's for lower class demons but it sounds fun. Also I'm being forced to do this. By my younger sister, Tory. Plus I heard rumors about this noble boy.

Some of the rumors says that he owns a toy company called the Phantomhive Company. He also has this pretty delicious soul that's guarded by a lower class. But not only that, he is being guarded by my dear friend. He left the demon world for a while, almost 3 years I think. Beleive me, my friend is a true demon. But I didn't know that he would pick a job for a Butler.

I walked around town seeing many different mortals. I noticed that many men had their eyes on my breasts or butt. Ugh. Men. I rolled my eyes at them. A couple of men actually walked up to me and asked me out.

"No thank you." I said to each and everyone of them.

"But why?" They would all ask.

"I wouldn't date you even if you begged me to death. Then, a shinigomi will choose where you will go, and you will go to hell because your trying to ask me out." I would say.

They would all nod and walk backwards slowly before turning around and running at full speed. When I walked further into the town I saw a big mansion. It was bigger than mine. It was so obvious that it was that Phantomhive's. I know I could still see the mansion,but it was very far.

I sighed and quickly asked for a carriage.

I climbed into the carriage and sat down. I leaned my head on my hand, letting my soft, bouncy, pink curls go on my face. I started to think what my friend would look like. Would he have darker skin? A bigger nose? A wider smile? All of these thoughts raced through my head over and over again. What does he look like?

I soon arrived into full view of the mansion. I was so right. My mansion is 3 feet shorter than this one. And who lives here? Oh yeah, a little boy and a demon butler. I know my friend doesn't have a family so there are no others in the mansion. Well, except for the servants.

The carriage stopped and I paid the good men.

"Have a good day!" I smiled.

"You too miss...?" He asked.

"Miss (l/n) sir." I answered.

"Beautiful name. And thank you!" The men said as they rode off.

I waved until they were out of sight. When they were gone I had my normal expressionless face on. I turned around and marched up to the mansion. I climbed the stairs and barely glancing at the magnificent garden. I approached the door and knocked 3 times.

Right after I knocked on the door it opened. There stood my closest demon friend. I took a good look at him before smiling politely to him.

"Hello, my name is (y/n l/n) and I'm looking for a maid job."

He just stared at me, unable to speak. I looked at his expression and it looked like he saw his favorite kitten getting burned to death. My smile faltered a bit and I took a step towards him. He followed my movements with his eyes and stepped back. Slightly worried for my friend, I grabbed his chin and lowered his head so he can look at me in my shining blue and green eyes. I looked at his Ruby eyes and smiled lightly. I love those eyes.

"What is the matter? Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked.

He blushed slightly and shook his head. He softly pushed me away, breaking my heart a bit.

"You are NOT getting my master's soul. His soul is MINE. Got it?" He said sternly.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. But in the inside I was breaking. This isn't my friend that I knew...

"Sebastian who is that?" I heard a little boy's voice ask.

Sebastian's frown became a closed smile as he moved to the side. Where he was there was a little boy. He had an eyepatch, a cane, and a frown.

"Master, this is a friend of mine. She was just asking me for a maid's job here." He said gleefully. I could sense a little sarcasm in his voice.

"Hm... can you clean?" The little boy asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Are you blind" he asked.

I didn't really know how that was a question for hiring a maid but whatever...

"No I am not" I replied to the silly question.

"Do you have good fighting skills? And also good balance?" He asked.

Another silly question? "Yes I do have good fighting skills. I also have good balance."

"Your hired" he said and left after he whispered some things in my 'friend's' ear.

"So your name is Sebastian? Nice name." I said mockingly. It sounded like a dog's name.

"Hm... young master said you need a maid outfit" he said, ignoring my statement. But I could see a tick mark on his head.

"Alright, then let me in. Snob..." I muttered under my breath.

He glared at me and took me roughly by the arm. I yelped a tugged my arm back. He let go and a maid outfit came out of no where. I picked it up shaking, because I was still surprised of the attack.

"You will have to clean the windows got it? Peasant..." he muttered the last word, but loud enough to hear. I took a deep breath and glared at him.

"Stop acting like a douche" I said.

"Then stop acting like a stuck up raccoon" he said meanly. But he didn't stop there, "it should be a slut since you slept with men for their souls. So who is the ugly snob one now?"

I gasped and blushed a fiery red. I felt a couple of tears come down without them meaning to. I wiped them away and ran past him, ignoring his smirking face. I ran into a room and went to the nearest corner. I picked up a couple of towels and sat there, facing the wall. Then the water works began. I cried until I heard a door opening and closing. I stopped and sat still. The person kept wondering around the kitchen until I heard that mean voice again.

"There you are." He said.

It was almost like he was relieved. I turned my head to see Sebastian. I slowly got up and walked away from him. I looked down, so that my long hair would cover up my teary, puffy, red eyes. I kept a couple of more tears escape, falling to the ground. I heard foot steps coming my way. I saw through my hair that it was Sebastian. I walked faster but he was faster than me. He caught up to me and pushed me into the wall. I gasped and tried to wiggle free.

He put his hands on either side of my head. I stopped moving. I was freaking out in my head. What is he going to do? What is he going to do? What is he going to do? He lifted his hand and moved my hair out of my face. I stared at him. I know I could have escape from him at any time. But I didn't. He dipped his head down to my shoulder and rested his head there. I slowly put my arms around him. He did the same thing.

"I am very sorry for calling you those nasty words. You are the exact opposite of what I have said." He said sincerely.

"No no it's ok. I'm the one who started it." I said in a thick voice.

"Let's forget about it. You need to wash the windows... love." He said in a huskily voice.

I blushed and nodded in his shoulder. I heard him chuckle and he kissed my cheek, making me blush even more. He patted my head and got cleaning sup.plies out of no where.

"How did you do that?!" I asked amazed.

"A magician never gives out the trick." He smiled and handed them to me. I took it and walked away to begin to clean windows. He smiled even wider and blushed a bit, realizing that he just hugged and kissed his crush. He walked the opposite direction of where I was going. To serve his master.

2 hours later

"Holy these are a lot of windows!" I exclaimed.

"Oi yas it is." Said Mey-Rin.

"There is only one more!" I said excitedly.

"Yay!" Replied Mey-Rin. She was about to go to the last window but she slipped on some soap and fell. Before she could fall, I caught her, but fell down anyways. We landed with a 'thud' sound.

"Eek! I'm sorry (y/n)!" She said timidly.

"It's ok Mey! I don't have any bruises or anything." I said.

"Ok good." She replied. She was about to get up but she grabbed the bucket which had soap and water in it, and slipped again! But this time I couldn't catch her. She slipped and flung the bucket towards me. I dodged the bucket, but I couldn't dodged the water. So I was soaking wet.

"AHHH IM SO SORRY!" Said Mey-Rin.

"You may be punished... WITH WATER!" I yelled.

I picked up the bucket and flung the water at her. Making her as wet as me. We laughed and giggled at our silliest until we broke out dieing of laughter.

Sebastian's POV

I sighed. Why does master always want cake? I was walked down the long hallway down to the kitchen. I heard Mey-Rin obnoxious laughing and a light, soft, soothing laughter. I looked out the window down at the place where the laughing was going on. I saw Mey-Rin and (y/n) having fun with the bubbly water.

"This isn't good..." I said.

I quickly went to the kitchen to get my master's cake and ran to his office.

"Sebastian how is our new maid doing?" Master said.

"Very well. She has done all of the windows of the mansion." I replied. Slightly wincing at the lie I told my master. It's for you (y/n)...

Master spitted out his tea and slapped his hands down on his desk. "SHE IS DONE ALREADY?! I HAVE OVER 45 WINDOWS!" Master screamed.

"ER.. master please calm down. Didn't I say she was my friend? Usually a demon's friend IS a demon." I said trying to calm the master down.

"R-right..." he seemed to calm down. Once he calmed down I gave him new tea and a strawberry cake.

"Thank you Sebastian. You may now leave." Master demanded.

I bowed and left the room closing the door. I quickly ran to a closer window to where the laughing two were. They were still there. (Y/n) was as beautiful as ever. I put my body against the glass to see them more closely. Mainly (y/n). After a while they decided to clean the last window with the remaining water. When they were in the middle of cleaning windows, (y/n) looked up at me and winked, making me blush and turn away.

I suppose I can love a silly girl...


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