Quizzes and pictures

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What Black Butler Character Are You Most Like?

For 60% you are: You are Sebastian! You are on the quiet side, but are loyal to you loved ones. And don't the soft-spoken act distract anyone from your badassery! You are reverent, caring, insightful, and protective. As they say, you really are one hell of a butler.
42% of 1194 [p1] % of [p2] quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

You could also get this result:
For 20% you are: You are Ciel Phantomhive! You are also quiet, but calculating, and intelligent. You are very loyal to your friends, and are more of a leader type. You've been through a lot, but you still keep your cool. (Most of the time. ) Profile B

Or even this one:
For 10% you are: You are Grell Sutcliff! You are showboaty, melodramatic, and susceptible to crushes (SEBAS-CHAN), you hopeless romantic, you. You are a total badass with your chainsaw, reaping the souls of the dead. A little blood won't faze you, either. You have a respect for the arts, and are skilled in at least one of the categories. Profile C

Or even this one:
For 10% you are: You are the Undertaker. Cryptic and unnerving, you are a darker (not sinister) character. You have a fairly shady past, and run a business. You can also come off as insane, and enjoy laughing and living life. You tend to be an introvert, spending a lot of your time alone. Profile D

Or even this one:
For 0% you are: You are Elizebeth! You are outgoing, and kawaii, and have a knack for design. You are a lil bit girly, and that can frustrate some people, but you try to keep your chin up. You can come off as annoying and pushy, but you have a kind heart. You like things to be in control, and are perfectionistic. Profile E


1. What is your favorite color?




2. What do you think of girls that are SUPER girly?

I'm fine with whatever and whoever

Never met one

Um... there okay...

3. How do you react to blood?

See it all the time so...okay

Love the sight of it!

It depends on who it came from

4. What Would you do if you were put in jail?

Try to escape by killing everyone

Wait until someone summons me out

Leave of boredom

5. How would you feel if you were a butler?

I would just do my duty as a butler.

Ugh! Me?....a butler!

I'm in love with one...

But no I would not like it.

6. Would you kill every person that was rude and cruel to your family?

Yes, definitely.

Yah! I LOVE blood.

Not unless it was my master's orders

7. What tea is your favorite?

I can't drink tea

Earl Grey tea.

I've never had tea

8. Which character is your favorite?

Grell Sutcliff

Sebastian Michaelis

Ciel Phantomhive

9. Was this quiz fun?

It was alright...


Yes indeed, it was very fun

10. Now it's over, bye

See ya

Until next time goodbye


Which Black Butler character are you?

For 70% you are: You are Sebastian Michaelis! You can't ( or wont ) because you demonic and dark, you love the color black.
33% of 600 [p1] % of [p2] quiz participants had this profile!

Feel free to comment your own answers, I will go online and do the quiz again for you.

How much do you know about black butler?Ultimate fan 86%
You answered 12 out of 14 questions correctly. Your a ultimate fan! Almost as much of a fan as me mwahaha

Just because

Have some more

You can't stop me


It's not a Black Butler book without it

How does Sebastian Michealis feel about you?He Loves You! How did you entrance a demon butler in your fingers? Be aware that Sebastian is not going anywhere!

Sebastian POV
I walked down the empty streets, looking for the one thing that could always interrupt my mission. A great, little, feisty, cat. I frowned slightly as there was no cats in sight or any that I could hear. Sighing, I looked at my watch and decided to turn around for else the young lord would be quite mad at my late time, until I heard a mewling noise and a giggling girl. Well, I might need to scare off that girl for the poor kitten that I so desire. Nearing the location of the sound, I was about to lean in and scare the person off until I saw that the human was more interesting to scare away.
" Oh my, I'm sorry, I just simply adore kittens. I was thinking of taking it home....." Her voice was soothing and calm, much like the purr of the kitten.

'' No no, I have an particular liking to kittens as well. Please excuse my rudeness. I am the butler of the Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian Michaelis. "
'' I see. I am ( y/n ), heir to the ( l/n ) company. '' I just noticed her exotic features along with her highly attitude and expensive clothing. '' Would you like to pet him? '' A sliver of a shocked look covered my face as I took the adorable kitten from her hands and petted it as it curled up on my shoulder. ( y/n ) laughed as she watched the scene unfold. " He likes you! ''

I needed to know more about ( y/n ). '' Would you like to come to dinner with us? ''

" Of course. " Together we walked with the jet black kitten, the bud of a new relationship, built by kittens.


What Black Butler character is in love with you

There's not much to say really. You never married but stayed together until you died as a human at 96. He loved you dearly and didn't want you to be forced into a mess. You ran the shop together and made a nice living on corpses. You had no children but adopted a little boy named Cecile. He had snow white hair and green eyes. He was a reaper child and Undertaker taught him everything. He even reaped your soul.

Even though I  said Sebastian was funnier ._.

I will take over the world

This one is awesome.

Which of the following has NOT been a name that Ciel has used throughout the anime series? Smile Black The Queen's Guard Dog Young Lord

Black was Sebastian.


Black Butler Fan Quiz!You are ready to make a contract with Sebastian Michaelis! 80%
You answered 8 out of 10 questions correctly Well, congratulations my good friends! You have answered every question perfectly and to that I say, "Jolly good"! Not only were you able to use your knowledge from each season of Black Butler, you also were able to use some important information that was found inside the manga too. Getting this far in the quiz shows not only to me, but to all of the other Black Butler fans that you are true Black Butler fan. Now that you have gotten this far I am going to give you a reward! Here are a list of some very good Sebastian Michaelis fan-fictions that I have accumulated over the past few years that I feel would be a treat to read.

The Weston Sorting Quiz6/10You wanted chips, but instead you got a demonic ritual. A certain thot has tricked you into a contract! Might as well make use of it, right? What will you want with his power at your disposal?

Attain glory and fame, the world's adoration. It would be wise to spend the remaining years of your life in luxury Unlock the mysteries of the universe and learn to understand divine knowledge, unknown to mere humans Get some ass. Like, a lot of ass What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? There isn't anything that could possibly be worth the sacrifice

Answer three...

The Weston Sorting QuizThe Scarlet Foxes! Brilliant Eden, a garden of fine plays!

"It's a delight to have you here with us. Welcome to RED HOUSE. Here we look to the fox, both beautiful and cunning. Believe us to be the most refined of all the houses.
True, you were put in here with us because of your high birth and gentility, but that doesn't mean you can slack off for a single second. We value those who work hard towards their titles, so I don't expect any poor work or that's at least a Y. We are the house that pursues philanthropy, philosophy and charity. Don't think for a second that you can sit back and let everything come to you so easily.
Well, I do admit our house is obviously the most stunning. We tend to have more parties within our walls than any other house as well. I do hope you'll join one of them so we can properly welcome you to Scarlet Fox."
- Edgar Redmond, Red House Prefect


Take some


I'm speachless...

I'm just gonna shut up now...

Would Sebastian be interested?Sebastian has now become your stalker! You've done it now! Sebastian, Sebby, Bassy whatever you like to call him, found you to be so interesting that he now follows you around. In other words, Sebastian screwed the contract with Ciel to be with you! Sebastian is now yours to control to be your butler, slave (any kind), lover, father for your demonic babies, WHATEVER! Sebastian loves you!


I'm dying...

I think I just died...



Who is your Black Butler boyfriend?Sebastian Oh dear, you have ended up with the demonic, smirking little arrogant-- Never mind. I hope you have gotten whom you wanted because your choices have ended up here. Now let your imagination take things over...

I will kill whoever made this quiz

Are you more like Sebastian Michaelis or Claude Faustus?You Got Sebastian Michaelis! Yay you got Sebastian!!
Sebastian is a dedicated butler to Ciel Phantomhive; he upholds a strong sense of duty to his master and household. He follows and completes each order faithfully while always ensuring that the Phantomhive house runs smoothly. He does not sleep, for demons view it as a form of luxury, and thus frequently performs tasks for Ciel at night. The manner in which he responds to Ciel's demands is quite notable; he says, "Yes, my Lord."

Despite his appearance as a courteous and excellent servant, Sebastian is actually a heartless and sadistic demon. He expresses these traits in a very passive and sarcastic manner. He is ruthless when attacking others on Ciel's orders, such as when he kicks Grell Sutcliff's face because it is the thing he most cherishes. His diabolic nature is also shown through his dark humor and inability to see good in much of anyone. At times Sebastian can be indifferent, and he deliberately delays ensuring Ciel's well-being to tease him. Sebastian has also put Ciel's life in mild danger for his own amusement. He calls Ciel a "brat" who treats his workers rudely. However, despite all the troubles he goes through on a daily basis, he says that he does not dislike the butler lifestyle. He is also very polite.

Sebastian views money as "rubbish" or "materialistic," and is more than willing to give out generous amounts of pocket money given to him. He is fluent in French and Latin, enough to teach the latter. He is also knowledgeable and proficient in Deutsch (German) and East Franconian, a dialect in Southern Germany. Sebastian has a strong and mutual distaste for Grim Reapers. He greatly favors cats, and keeps at least thirteen hidden in his closet . Sebastian often contemplates the behaviors and attitudes of human beings. He finds humans in general to be "difficult creatures," but he adds that their struggles and lofty goals make them interesting. He is also intrigued about how insatiable they are, as they are willing to "drag others down to get what they want, even in death." 


How well do you know Sebastian MichaelisYou're an expert! 90%
You answered 9 out of 10 questions correctlyYou answered a lot of questions good job! If i didn't know any better you just might be Sebastian yourself ;)

Nope, I am.



Who Is Your Contracted Butler?
Sebastian Michaelis You are most likely to be matched up better with this demon. During your contract you two will work great together when adding up both of your skills and intellect. Two brains are better than one after all.

Sebastian is faithful towards you and are amused by the games you play and enjoy spectating and look forward to the results. He finds you a rarity amongst other ordinary humans that only know of greed and selfishness.

He may be rather protective but at times slyly allow you to be hurt a little in the process. The more scars you harbor, the more spice will be added to the taste of your soul. You guys will form a bond without knowing it occasionally having your moments. When it is time for your soul to be exchanged, you will surely be a taste he will remember.

Okay, that's all for now. Foxflame, out.

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