Your New "Home"

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Alice's POV-

Its been a while since we started riding of to Alois's Mansion and I've stopped playing since my fingers began to ache with the pain of my fingers changing and staying still. I looked out the window and saw my yellow bird flying to ride apon the carriages roof, I smiled seeing him and then trully looked outside and saw the world. "Why are you smiling?" Alois asked looking at me, I mearly glanced at him and back outside and said "I forgot how lovely the world is since me and my sister only go to and from the city and home, we barely pay mind to the serenity the land gives off" I said as I felt the weight of the carriage scoot a little bit. I looked to see what happened and saw Alois next to me.
He then just layed onto my lap "Don't try anything or less I'll do what I did to one of my servants" he said closing his eyes "What... did you do?" I asked "I gouged our her eye, now she wears a bandage to cover it" he said smiling. I was deeply... desterbed that he sounded so calm or NORMAL about this, I couldn't think of what to say. "Oh don't worry my little butterfly, I'm not going to do that to your pretty little eyes..." he said looking at me with a sinister smile as he crested my cheek, I mearly looked away as the carriage stopped.

He got out and so did I slowly with my violin in hand "Welcome to Tracy Manor" he said spinning happily as he went towards his home. I looked around my surroundings and saw Bluebells like mine. "Well don't just stand there" he yelled at me so I went towards the mansion. When I got in it was lovely.
"HANNAH" he yelled out and a the most beautiful young lady I have ever seen came in quickly. "Hannah I want you to fit Alice into a mains unform" he said and she bowed while not looking him in the eye. She motioned me to fallow her so I did.
"Umm... I know this may seem weird to say but, you're the most beautiful lady I have ever seen" I said smiling at her and she mearly shivered in fear "What's wrong?" I asked "N-nothing..." she said and got me into a room and gave me clothing that looked like hers. I put it on and felt like my breath was being cut off as I walked out. "This is why I don't wear a corset" I mumbled to myself as Alois saw me "It looks nice on you" he said then saw my expression "What's wrong" he asked tiling his head a little. "I feel like the corset is suffocating me" I said, so he turned me around and tighten it up as I gasped "Do you like pain?" he asked. I didn't answer him "Answer me... please" he whispered to me so I whispered back "More or less" and then he let me breath and loosened it up for me.

"This is your new home Alice, you'll be sleeping here" he said leading me to a lovely green and blue room "I can't exept this, I am now your maid" I said trying to convince him about this but he ignored it and just dragged me to another large room. It was filled with instruments "Wow..." was all I would saw before he said "Alright, I'm ready to play" and placed the violin in not the right way.
'We have so much work to do' I thought smiling a little.

Violit's POV-

I stopped playing when he began to get bratty about my playing and how I was doing a few notes wrong or how my possession was off. I glared outside the window as the sky that was a gray-white and I just plained off ignored him if he asked any questions. "Violit... VIOLIT" he yelled and I glanced at him giving his a glare and he snarled at me "We're here" he said and got out of the carriage. I got out with my instrument and walked in knowing if I wanted to get out of here I would need to get on his good side for him to trust me to leave.
But the first chance I get I will leave even if I had to escape under the cover of night.
As I walked in it was rather quiet at first until I heard an explosion and three people running out of there and I saw one person had a small fire on his head, another had glass on his hands, and the last her glasses was chipped and she couldn't tell where she was going. Ceil sighed as the butler named Sebastian scolded them so I walked pass then saying as Ilicked two of my fingers "You know it wouldn't kill you if you said that they must slow down a bit so they wouldn't crash nor brake as many things as I can suspect the did" then I touched the little fire to put it out, then I saw only one glass was broke so I took a napkin and wrapped it around the broken piece and said "It might be harder to see but until you replace those glasses this shall do" and she thanked me, and last I had to slowly take the larger pieces of glass out of the mans hand then saying "If you can find me some pliers or what some people call it tweezers I could get the smaller glass out, so in the mean time you should wrap those hands up" and he nodded and ran off with the others "DON'T RUN OR YOU MIGHT GET INTO ANOTHER ACCIDENT" I yelled then sighed to look at the boy and bis butler.
"If ever I and Sebastian are gone you are the lady of the house" the boy said and I looked away as he dragged me to a room to change. "This corset... it feels like the life is getting forced right out of me" I said and Ciel-... I mean the child... helped me a little by loosening my corset. "Thank you..." was all I said as he led me to a music room and he said "Play something to sooth me... please" and I rolled my eyes playfully and played something I didn't even know.

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