Asta, (Y/N), & Yuno

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((Note: This will be typed the same way as my Assassin Hero book. A mix of Third Person and First Person. Let's do this!!))

3rd POV

A few babies were crying at a village out in the Boonies: Hage. A middle-aged man with short, gray hair and a goatee came out to see the three babies in front of the church's doorstep. The Father's name was Orsi Orfai. He wears a long, black robe with a wide, white band at the hem and cuffs. He also wears a high-collared, white mantle and a gold necklace with a cross.

Orsi: Here we go again.

Orsi brought the three babies in as he ignited the fireplace with his fire magic. He is holding one of the babies in his arms.

Orsi: There, there... There you are.

Orsi then puts one of the boys back as he then stretches his back.

Orsi: Those three finally calmed down.

Orsi is looking at the three boys. One has ash blonde hair, one has (H/C), & the other has black hair.

Orsi: Are they brothers... or perhaps twins? No, they're not. This one is rather calm, this one feels a bit more relaxed, but this one...seems like he has a lot of spunk. First of all, they don't look a thing alike.

Orsi then moved the cover a bit on the baby with black hair. The baby's name is on his shirt.

Orsi: Hm? "Yuno"...

Orsi looked at the necklace.

Orsi: Let's see. The middle one is...

Orsi then moved the cover a bit on the baby with (H/C).

Orsi: "(Y/N)"... & the spunky one over here is--

Orsi then got kicked by the spunky boy.

Orsi: Hey! You're a bit too spunky...

Orsi got up from the kick as he saw the name of the ash-blonde baby.

Orsi: "Asta," eh? Right! You three don't need to worry about a thing anymore. Starting today, this is your new home... Asta, (Y/N), Yuno.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Osri Orfai


It has been 15 years since Asta, Yuno, & I were adopted into the church. The spring season is always the nice one since the wind is nice, the ground is great for harvesting, & I am reading a good book about magic. I don't know why, but I want to know more about the world & magic itself. An interesting-looking Butterfly was flying around. I looked at it & smiled.

Asta: Sister Lily!

The butterfly then left. I sighed as I saw my foster "twin" brother, Asta, talking to Sister Lily. Lily is a relatively pale-skinned woman with dark blue hair. Her bangs are parted a little to the right side and cover most of her left brow. She also has kind teal eyes that are lined with long lashes, and a black beauty mark under her left eye. Lily wears a nun's habit and a gold cross on a gold bead necklace. 

Asta: I'll become the Wizard King someday & make you happy! So please marry me!

Asta is on his knees, holding a pink daisy to Sister Lily.

Lily: I'm sorry, Asta, but I'm everyone's sister.

Asta then groaned at the rejection.

Asta: Not yet!

Lily: Um... I'm sorry.

Asta again groaned at the rejection.

Me: Asta!

Asta & Sister Lily looked at me from behind her.

Me: Are you asking Sister Lily to marry you again?

Asta: Yeah!

I then facepalm my face.

Me: Asta, do you remember what I told you?

Asta: Yes, I do! But, I don't know why you are disappointed in me for catching a fish.

I then remembered yesterday that Asta did go to catch a fish, literally. 

Me: Do you remember what I said after you showed me a fish? "When I said 'to catch a fish,' I didn't mean it literally."  I mean, to find yourself a woman that loves you.

Asta: Oh.

Asta then bowed to Sister Lily.

Asta: I'm not giving up yet!

Lily: Er, um... But...

Me: You didn't listen to me, Asta.

Asta is pounding his head on the ground while Sister Lily bows her head.

Asta: I'm not giving up!

Lily: I'm sorry!

Asta: One more time, Sister Lily!

Sister Lily brought out her grimoire & opened it, causing it to glow.

Lily: Stop pestering me! Water Creation Magic: Holy Fist of Love!

Lily gathered water, formed it into a fist, & punched Asta, carrying a bunch of rocks.

Lily: I-I'm sorry, Asta. I used magic from my grimoire without thinking...

There was some clapping as I turned to see two foster kids like us, Recca & Nash. Recca is a short girl with frizzy red hair and green eyes. Recca wears a blue and white long-sleeved shirt, red capri pants, and tan shoes. Nash is a young boy with short brown hair and purple eyes. He has small freckles across his nose. He wears a moss green vest over a light purple, long-sleeved shirt and grey pants. He also wears brown shoes with light brown socks.

Recca: Well done, sister.

Nash: No mercy whatsoever.

Lily: I-I... It just happened...

Asta: I'm not done yet!

I then summoned vines from the ground & quickly wrapped Asta.

Me: Your tenacity scared me, Asta.

Nash: Sheesh. How many times does she have to dump you?

Me: I lost count of that.

I then looked at Yuno.

Me: Yuno. Can you help me convince Asta why Sister Lily couldn't marry him?

Yuno: Why? Because you're loud, short, obnoxious, & immature. Basically, you're not appealing to women in any way.

Me: Yuno...

Yuno then headed to Sister Lily.

Asta: Hey! Is that what you say to someone you've grown up with for the past 15 years, you handsome jerk?!

Yuno: Let me give you a hand

Lily: Thanks.

Asta: Don't ignore me, damn it!

Yuno: Asta, Sister Lily is a woman of the cloth, so she can't get married. Also, you're only 15, so you can't get married anyway.

Asta: Shut up! Yuno, you jerk... I oughta...

I then took a deep breath as they were about to panic.

Asta: I'm sorry! I'll listen! I'll listen!

I then gently let it out as they all calm down.

Me: Why, Asta?

The children are getting ready to boil water as Recca is using water magic & Nash is using fire magic. I let go of Asta with the Vines.

Asta: I challenge both of you to a fight!

Me: Asta, you can't do magic.

Asta: Take this... My ultimate... Attack!

Nothing came out of Asta's hand.

Asta: Nothing came out!

Asta then fell to the ground as I then walked off. I then went back under the tree. I then looked at Asta doing sit-ups fast. I then smiled, but the wind somehow blew off my glasses.

Orphan #1: Yuno's so cool!

Nash: That's Yuno for you.

I then tried to search for my glasses on the ground using my hands. I then heard the wood being chopped. I squint my eyes to try to find my glasses.

Orsi: Yuno & (Y/N) is the hope of this church!

Recca: Here you go!

Recca then handed me my glasses. I put them on my glasses & then went to Father Orsi.

Me: Father Orsi.

Lily: The awarding ceremony is coming up, Asta. Once you receive your grimoire, it should trigger something within you, & you should be able to use magic, too.

Asta: Sister...

Lily: At least, I think so.

Me: Well, we won't know unless we try. Come on, Asta.

Asta: I'll get my grimoire soon... Finally... Finally! I'll get a grimoire that's more amazing than anyone else's, get into the Magic Knights, follow in your footsteps, & become the Wizard King!

Nash: There he goes again. 

Asta: & I'll fix up this shabby, ugly church!

Me: Asta!

Orsi: Well, I'm sorry it's so shabby & ugly!

Asta: Right, (Y/N) & Yuno? 

Me: Yes.

I then looked at Yuno, who didn't answer.

Me: Yuno?

Yuno then left as I thought about that incident. That day my magic was more powerful than I realized when I held my throat.

3rd POV

Narrator: March... When firefly dandelion fluff starts to dance through the air. Once a year, all around the Clover Kingdom, all of the 15-year-olds are gathered, & an awarding ceremony is held, where they receive their own grimoires, which enhance their magical powers.

Asta, (Y/N), & Yuno are inside the grimoire tower along with other 15-year-old people.

Asta: Wow! A-Are all of these grimoires? Which one is mine?

(Y/N): Be patient, Asta. The ceremony hasn't started yet.

Asta(Mind): Once I get my grimoire, I'm sure I'll be able to use magic, too. I'll catch up to (Y/N) & Yuno in no time!

Two of the nobles are here as well.

Noble #1: Hmph. I guess today's the day I become a full-fledged mage.

Noble #2: Hey, look over there. Pathetic, isn't it? They shouldn't have to give grimoires to dregs like that.

Noble #1: You said it.

Noble #2: Don't tell me they're actually planning on taking the Magic Knights' entrance exams, too.

Noble #1: Only nobles born with immense magical power or ties to the royal family ever get in.

Noble #2: Besides, I heard that shrimp can't even use magic!

Noble #1: Wow... Then we need to take good care of him.

Noble #2: He's like a national treasure, since he's probably the only one in this whole kingdom who can't use magic.

The Noble chuckled as Nash was getting angry at them.

???: Welcome, young men & women.

Everyone is looking at the old man named Drouot. Drouot is an elderly man with a heavily bushy beard mustache and long eyebrows. He wears stereotypical wizard robes and a wizard hat.

Drouot: You all begin a new journey today. I wish you all faith, hope, & love. I am the master of this grimoire tower. We've never had a Wizard King from this area, nor anyone who's actually achieved greatness in the Magic Knights. I sincerely hope that one of you will become the Wizard King someday. No, really! Seriously! Ahem. Now it's time for the awarding... of the grimoires!

The Grimoires started to glow one by one & send to everyone in the room... well, not everyone. Asta is the only one who didn't get his.

Asta: Um... My grimoire's not coming.

Drouot: Er... Try again next year.

Asta: What?!

They are laughing at Asta.

Noble #1: If we competed to see who was most pathetic, we'd be no match for that guy.

Two Grimoires are glowing as Asta looks to see that (Y/N)'s grimoire & Yuno's grimoire is glowing brighter than everyone else. Drouot then sees that they have something on their cover.

Drouot: Two four-leaf clovers...

Everyone is stunned to see that.

Noble #1: 2 four-leaf? You mean the legendary...

Orsi: H-Hey... The one that the first Wizard King received?

Lily: The grimoire said to be filled with immense power & good luck?

Noble #1: Them? Those peasant?

Male #1: Wow.

The grimoires stop glowing as they hold them.

Yuno: I'm going to become the Wizard King.

Everyone: Awesome!

(Y/N) didn't react as he stared at his Clover on his Grimoire cover: The colors are red, blue, black, and white. But the Club is yellow as the hardcover is green.


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