42. Welcome to Paradise

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And it was indeed wonderful, from the moment we touched down. The "airport" at Port Blair was nothing but a single, decorative strip of tarmac, surrounded by lush green hills. In the distance, a golden sun was shimmering, set like a jewel into a misty silver sky.

"What's this?" I demanded, laughing, when I stepped out of the jet only to be pulled into the direction of a helicopter standing waiting a few dozen yards away. The Indian pilot got out and, with a big smile and a wink, held the door open for us. "You're so impatient you can't even drive to the hotel in a car, like normal people?"

Pulling me flush against him in front of the waiting helicopter, Elliot bent down to brush his lips against mine. "Where's the fun in doing things like normal people?" he breathed. "Besides, we aren't going to a hotel."

I was so dazed by the feel of his lips on mine that it took a few moments for his words to penetrate. "What? No hotel?"

"There are over six-hundred islands in the Bay of Bengal. Do you really think that with that much choice, I'd be satisfied with staying on one where there are any other people who could get in our way?"

I gasped. "Don't tell me you've rented a whole island again!"

"No. This time I bought it."

Before I could think of a reply to this, he slung his arm around my waist and lifted me into the helicopter, gently depositing me on the left back seat and getting in behind me. Jumping in, the pilot switched the controls on.

"An island?" I was staring at Elliot, still not having completely digested the news. "You actually went and bought an entire island."

Elliot shrugged. "For a few dozen millions. It seemed like a bargain."

"A bargain?"

Catching my face between his hands, he leaned over and gazed deep into my eyes. "I had a feeling that I'd be needing a faraway, romantic island more often in the future."

My heart started beating an erratic rhythm against my ribcage. That look in his eyes... "You did, did you?"

"Sir?" came a voice with a slight Indian lilt from the front of the helicopter. Somehow it seemed very, very far away. "I'll be starting the helicopter now. South Sentinel Island, yes? We'll be there in approximately two hours."

"Make it there in one hour," Elliot told the man without taking his eyes off me, "and you'll be paid double."


With that exclamation, the pilot pressed a few more buttons, and the rotor blades over our heads started turning with a low and slow thrum, thrum.

"You're crazy!" I whispered up at Elliot.

"Crazy? No." Pulling me closer, he brushed his face against mine, not kissing me, not even caressing me, really, just being close. The sparks crackling in the air between us should have been enough to set the helicopter on fire. "I just have very good reason to want to be alone with you with as little delay as possible."

And with that, he slipped the headphones over my head. The effect was staggering. I could suddenly hear nothing but the hammering sound of my own heartbeat in my ears, and maybe the thudding of the quickening helicopter blades, which seemed like nothing so much as an echo of my quickening heart. The blood rushing through my veins suddenly felt a hundred times hotter than a moment before, seeking for a release, any release. I gazed into Elliot's eyes and saw there the mirror image of my own desire.

His muscular arms slid around me, and I saw his delicious lips move, mouthing something. I didn't hear a single word. No matter. I understood anyway.

"Yes," I mouthed back, and he bent down to kiss me.

Suffice it to say that I think the pilot should have been paid triple. To me, personally at least, the flight to the island seemed remarkably short. But that might just have been because I was very, very busy.

Still, by the time the island came in sight I was beginning to exhibit slight signs of fatigue.

"Cassidy?" Cautiously, Elliot lifted one of my eyelids, which had drifted almost closed in the middle of our latest kiss. "You're exhausted, aren't you?"

"Just slightly sleepy," I yawned. "It'll pass. Come here! I'm not finished with you!"

I moved towards him, but missed his mouth and accidentally planted a kiss on his eyebrow. He chuckled.

"You're almost out for the count, admit it! How long have you been up?"

"Dunno," I mumbled, snuggling against him. He was so warm... so comfortable.

"Did you sleep on the plane at all?"

"Couldn't... the noise... can't sleep when it's so loud."

"Cassidy, we were in the air for about eighteen hours! How have you held out this long?"

"D'know. Was 'xcited."

With my eyelids drifting down as they were, I couldn't see anything of the island. But I felt the helicopter descend and finally touch down on smooth ground. The thrum, thrum of the rotor blades dwindled, until the only sounds from outside were a faint splashing of waves and the songs of birds.

"You, Cassidy, need to go to bed."

"Mm?" I mumbled.

Without further discussion, Elliot opened the door and slid out. A moment later he was in front of my door, pulling it open, and his strong arms were around me, lifting me out.

"Dn't! Perfectly fine... can walk... b'myself..."

"Of course you can."

Not paying the slightest bit of attention to my protests, Elliot lifted me bodily from the helicopter and started striding away. His shoes beat a regular, powerful rhythm on the concrete.

"Put m'down! 'lliot... Ptmmm.... Mmmm...." My protests subsided into a hum of appreciation. The feeling of his strong arms around me, rocking me gently from side to side was so intoxicating, I couldn't help it. "'ve changed m'mind... D'nt put me down."

A soundless chuckle reverberated in his chest, and I felt him bend down to press a kiss on my forehead. I couldn't have that! As quickly as my state of stupor would allow, I shifted.

"Lips!" I demanded, stretching up as far as I could.

He did as I commanded. Our lips melded together, and I opened my eyes just far enough to see his mesmerizing midnight-blue gaze bore into me, and the stars sparkle above us.

"Sleep," he breathed against my lips. "Sleep, my Cassidy. You're the only woman I've ever needed, the only woman I've ever wanted."

And the last things I heard and felt before drifting off to sleep was the gentle crunch of sand under his shoes and the feel of his lips on mine.


When I awoke, I thought for a moment or two I had been transported into fairyland—the southernmost corner of fairyland, to be exact, where the evil witches went for their summer vacation. I was lying among crisp, satin-soft white sheets in a sort of room. I say sort of, because rooms are not normally constructed simply of a few wooden beams holding up a roof, with no walls, leaving a pleasant breeze to drift in and caress my face.

At least I hope they aren't. You never know what those modern architects get up to.

Taking a breath of sweet, warm air, I turned my head and saw that on that side, the wall was missing too, opening up a view of a beautiful garden of palms and ferns, and beyond that, the glittering azure sea.


All right, in New York leaving out walls in houses might not be a good idea, especially on skyscrapers, but here... It certainly had its advantages.

Pushing myself up, I slid out of bed. With wonder I noticed that I wasn't wearing my crumpled clothes from the day before, anymore. Instead I was clad in a fine, silver-white strap dress that made me look like a cross between an amazon and a mermaid who had just lost her tail.

"I wonder who changed me," I murmured, letting my fingers slide over the smooth fabric.

"I did," came a voice from behind me, and I whirled around.

There he stood, in all his glory: E.W. Winslow, arms crossed in front of his chest, dark eyes sparkling. He was still wearing a suit, and somehow it fit him even in these tropical surroundings, a million miles away from the busy business world of New York City. His mere presence seemed to fill and dominate the beach pavilion with ease.


"Of course." Unfolding his arms, he started towards me. "Do you think I'd let anybody else touch you?"



A few feet away from me he stopped, every muscle in his body tense, his eyes drilling dark holes into my soul. "Before I come too close... are you fully recovered from yesterday?"

"Yes, I—"

I didn't get another word out. Before I had the chance to even blink he was on me, pulling me into his arms, worshiping my mouth with his.

"Very good," he growled. "I seem to have lost the virtue of patience."

I slid my arms up around him, pulling him down against me, hard. "That doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing."

"Come!" Without unlatching his arms from around me, he started pulling me in the direction of the palm garden and the ocean beyond. "Take a swim with me."

"But I didn't bring a swimsuit!"

"Who says you'll need one?" His eyes twinkled with wicked delight. "We're alone on this island, Cassidy. Completely alone."



I could feel his fingers moving up my spine, eliciting heavenly shivers with every stroke and caress, making his point very clear indeed. By the time he reached the bare skin of my neck, I was already about to dissolve into a warm puddle.

"I ask again, Cassidy—do you want to go for a swim with me?"


"Excellent. Then let's get you ready, shall we?"

With exquisite slowness, he started sliding one strap of my dress down over my shoulder, until it hung loosely at my side. The breeze intruded, gently tickling bare skin which, a moment ago, had been safely covered.


I didn't recognize my own voice. It sounded more like the sighing of the wind than anything that usually came out of my own mouth.

"Yes, Cassidy?" His fingers graced my other shoulder, and his mouth graced my burning skin in a kiss. "What do you want?"

"What do you think? Please! I need you!"

"Not yet." Another kiss, further down. "Have patience."


He smiled against my burning hot skin. "I love it when you want me so badly."

Oh, really?

One corner of my mouth twitched up in a devious serial-killer grin. "Is that so?"

"It is indeed."

"And what do you want, Elliot?"


Before he could finish his sentence, I twisted, slipping out of his embrace and skipping towards the garden.

"If you want me," I called to him, sliding the loose strap back up over my shoulder, "come and get me!"

And with that, I darted out into the jungle of palms.

"Cassidy! Come back!"

Oh, that commanding tone... I laughed, and sped up, flitting between the green branches and leaves like a forest spirit.

"Catch me if you can!" I called over my shoulder, and laughed again. Through the trees ahead, I could see the ocean sparkling. I would be safe in the water soon enough!

But now, from behind me, I heard the sound of something massive crashing through the forest—and it seemed to be coming closer.

Bah! He's wearing some kind of loafers! He can't possibly run as fast as me in those!

But then how was it that the sound of his footfalls was still coming closer? Coming closer rapidly, to be exact!

I felt his gaze bore into my back, and an eager shiver ran down my spine. What the...? I jogged through the park nearly every day, and did martial arts! How did some billionaire playboy manage to keep up with me?

Suddenly, the branches in front of me parted, and I burst out onto a gently sloping stretch of beach. If the cabin had seemed like a place from fairyland, this beach seemed as if it came from right outside the palace of Aladdin. The soft white sand whirled up in sweet little clouds as I ran and ran toward the water and sky, painted in fantastical colors: copper, purple, gold and royal blue—a kaleidoscope of glory streaming over the beach towards me. My feet slowed, and for a moment, I almost came to a halt, staring.

That was when he caught me.

"Got you!"

A pair of strong arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into a hard chest covered by the smooth fabric of a business suit. Teeth nipped my neck, and I let out a shriek of laughter.

"Let go!"

"Not on your sweet life! You're not getting away from me again!"

"Oh yeah?"

In a lightning quick move, I hooked my left leg behind his, and pulled.


With a loud thud, we both landed in the sand, his arms still around me. But his hold had loosened now.

"You've got to put in a few more hours at the gym before you can get the better of me!" I grinned at him, twisted, and pushed. His arms flew apart and I was already halfway to my feet, when suddenly, something grabbed my dress from behind. Looking around, I saw his hand had shot out, catching hold.

"Really?" His eyes shone with dark promise. "I don't think so. Now come here."

"Hm..." I pretended to think for a moment. Finally, with another grin, I told him my decision. "No way!"

"There's nowhere you can go."

"That's what you think."

And, with a leisurely gesture, I reached up and slid the straps of my dress off my shoulders. The garment slid down and pooled around my feet, one corner still clutched in Elliot's fist. I stepped out of the circle of cloth, and sent him another smile over my shoulder. The breeze played over my body, making me ache for another kind of caress.

"Well?" I raised an eyebrow at Elliot. "Do you still think you can get the better of me?"


My smile widened. "What did you say? I didn't catch that."

More silence—unless you counted his heavy breathing. More heavy now that he was lying on the ground, staring up at me, than it had been when he was running like an Olympic athlete.

I should perhaps mention that when he had undressed me and put me in new clothes, he had apparently capitulated before the complexities of female underwear. Under the dress, I wasn't wearing a single stitch of clothing.

"You're being strangely silent," I said, innocently. "Is something the matter?"


"What? Just my name? Is that all?" With a sigh, I flung my hair back over the shoulder. "Really, I thought you had better conversation skills. Oh, well. If you're not in the mood for me right now, I might as well take a swim." My smile turned a little bit evil. "Hm... I wonder how the water is...?"

And I bent forward to dip my finger into the waves, until my behind, along with anything else down there he might find of interest, was on show for him. From behind me, I heard a noise somewhere between the whimper of a sheepdog and the growl of a lion.

"Seems a nice temperature," I mused, my finger—and my derrière—from left to right experimentally. "Maybe I should go in and—"

I heard him before I felt or saw anything. There was another growl, and a sort of rough, hard scratching noise as he leaped up from the sand and started towards me. Before he had gotten more than two paces, however, I sprang out into the surf and hurled myself forward. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw his arms dart forward to grab me, but before they could, I slid into the ocean. Two powerful strokes carried me far enough away, and I turned, laughing, splashing water in his face.

"What now, huh?" Treading water, I waved at him, keeping just enough of me underwater to not show anything naughty, but just enough above to let him know what was out of his reach. "What was that about me not getting away from you?"

He said nothing. Instead, he just stood there, arms crossed, eyes burning with a midnight-blue fire that almost made me want to climb out of the waves and throw myself at him. Almost. If I wasn't having this much fun.

"Well?" I cocked my head, and pushed myself further above the water just a few inches, teasing. "What now, Mr. Winslow?"

Ha! He's never going to follow you in here! He's still wearing his pretty suit!

Suddenly, his jaw tightened with decision, and his eyes became harder. Hotter. Filled with rock-hard determination. One corner of his mouth twitching in wicked delight, he cast the dress he was still holding in one hand aside, and strode forward, into the surf.


My dear homicidal maniacs,

No time for an author's note today. As you might have heard, I'm working on a secret new project - but psht! It's secret!

That's why I'm publically announcing it, of course ;-)

Yours Truly

Sir Rob

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