Chapter eight Wedding Crasher

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(Y,N) POV one day after the rating game.

After the disappointment that was the rating game me tiamat and ophis went back to our house not without leaving to impacts on rias and Issei.


The student council and ORC were together in the ORC building the members of rias pregame was obviously depressed.

Sona and her pregame try to comfort rias but to no avail.

I had no idea why me tiamat and ophis were here but apparently they wanted to have us here for some reason?

This went on for about 7 minutes.

Issei looked around you see everyone else trying to comfort rias but so the three of us just giving blank looks like we didn't even care.

This infuriated him before lashing out.

Issei: what the hell! Why aren't you doing anything? You don't even look as if you care for her! Why are you even here to begin with!

And I did with no one else expected.

I sat up walked over to him put one hand on his shorter before.

B**** slapping the f*** out of him.

The force of the smack was so loud but it could be heard through the entire room. A red mark appeared on his face as he stumbled to the ground.

My eyes changes out of my Dragon Eyes clearly I didn't want him to touch me. I looked around to see everyone was shocked before making my statement known.

Me: do you think I care? Honestly do you after what I saw? And after what went down? Do you think I care what she gets?

I replied very coldly clearly shocking most people in the room besides sona her Queen tiamat and ophis.

Issei who finally got up looked at me with pure anger and hatred.

Issei: really you don't care then what was the point of you training us? Do you even have a heart? Do you even care about people. Like koneko Asia kiba and akeno there hurt and you just say that!!!

That statement of him made me want to tear his head off.

Me: I don't say I didn't care about koneko Asia kiba or akeno I simply don't care about you or rias.

People were taking back at me those who didn't know what I discovered during the reading game looked at me with hatred.

Kiba: why that!?

I could tell he was a little upset but he honestly wanted to know why. So I decided to humor them.

Me: let me ask you all this while we were training. And you were practicing Magic how good was issei with magic.

Koneko: downright pathetic.

Me: exactly now let me ask you this during the game how did he use that technique to use against the Pawns? If what you're telling me is true. Then Issei shouldn't even be able to use Magic unless using a dragon shot. But he somehow managed to create a magic technique apparently all on his own. Even when I had to Baby him through all of his training how could he possibly do is by himself?

I stopped waiting for someone to speak up but no one did. rias looked a little scared and I guess you can tell that I was about the call her out.

I continue to speak

Me: all right you might be thinking maybe he practice maybe he actually put work on something. But then why was rias missing from training and strategies? And also why was she with issei when I found them also why did it look like Rias had torn clothing when she returned?

Most the people eyes widen finally putting the pieces together. It was rias! She decided to help him and by doing that she neglected her own training. And wasted times which could have been better put into making a good strategy.

Me: And not even that you both were so hopelessly pathetic. I thought trying to train you would make you better but clearly I was mistaken. Issei you don't even deserve to be called The Red Dragon Emperor you don't even deserve to have that power. You never should have had it.

I stopped and looked over at rias.

Me: and you you don't even deserve to be called a leader hell you don't even deserve this territory after what I seen. You wasted your time dealing with a useless servant who couldn't take care of himself. You're a spoiled brat who uses her name to get what she wants. You think because you're part of the gremory clan everything will just be handed to. No you just expected it to. And look what happened. Your own arrogance cost you. You undermined an opponent who had more experience than you had almost every advantage. But you still could have won if you would have just stuck to where I instruct you to do during your training.

I looked around to see if anyone had any objections rias pregame because their heads down they were honestly shocked and trying to cope with this.

I walk over to the four of them and you down in front of them they all looked up at me as I smiled at them.

Me: but even with your failures of teammate and king you four made me no us proud. You put effort into your training you worked hard your determination was shown, during your training. I just feel bad for you having an incompetent leader and a naive teammate I'm truly sorry for you four.

And with those final words me Tiamat and ophis left. People were still shocked but koneko asia akeno and Kiba couldn't help but be proud in themselves.

While issei and rias wallow in shame.

Flashback ended

Yes it was very hectic and honestly I didn't regret a word I said to those two they needed to know that this world won't be merciful.

But that was behind me now after making dinner getting a shower I was ready to go to bed.

That was before the gremory magic circle appeared in my room and out from that came.

Grayfia great now I have to deal with her b******* as well.

What a heavy side I set up on the side of my bed waiting for her to tell me why she came here.

Grayfia: hello (Y,N) I was sent by sirzechs to accompany you to the wedding.

(Y,N): okay why do you want me to get them. Tell me the real reason you why you just come here to invite me to some wedding for high-ranking devils. Please explain your ulterior motive.

She was shocked I caught on to her but quickly recovered and put back on her normal emotionless face.

Grayfia: my your as sharp as l they say you are. And you would be correct Lord sirzechs wishes for this Arrangement going to end he wishes you to be the one to break it.

I looked at her for a second and then it turned into full-blown laughter.

She could be there just looking at me like I was crazy.

Me: you want me to go down to the underworld to crash some wedding for a spoiled arrogant devil stop with the jokes.

She just narrowed her eyes at me.

Grayfia: I wouldn't recommend talking to miss rias like that in the only reason why is lord sirzechs. Believe you to be the only one powerful enough to do it.

She started to annoy me should I prove my point my Dragon Eyes activated I stare into her eyes. Making her unconscious take a couple steps back.

Me: let me put into the way. You see if you or your husband or your clan for this instance didn't arrange this. Or better yet didn't have the stupidest War ever. You wouldn't be in the situation and if she would have just listened to me and did her training.
She wouldn't be in this situation where someone needed to free her from it. You devil annoy me if you can't solve a problem then you get someone else to do it for you.

Grayfia wanted to protest but after everything that's happened she couldn't she could see my way of things

Grayfia: very well.

And With that she left I went to lay down on my bed before my eyes slowly started drifting off to four individuals.

Koneko asia kiba and akeno they were forced into this because their leader and their teammate were too incompetent. And they were suffering the consequences because of their actions.

After they tried so hard to do it to free her her own arrogance let her members lead to failure.

It annoyed me greatly the amount of time and dedication they put into their training. And in return they get a lost because of incompetent leader.

Maybe I could crashes wedding for the four of them. So they're suffering was not in vain what's a Sigh I start to get out of bed and start to get dressed.

Walking out of my room I could see Tiamat and ophis what looked like to be they were waiting for me.

I walked up to the two and stop when they looked at me but we're did they had Smiles on their face.

Me: I guess you're coming with me.

They just nodded their heads. With a sigh I signal ophis to teleport us to the wetting which was taking place at the Phoenix household.

During the wedding no POV

High-ranking Devils along with their servant could be seen all around the ballroom as a waiting for the union of Phoenix and gremary.

Akeno koneko kiba and Asia could be seen there as well but not issei. For some strange reason.

After Riser gave his speech the party began but they started to hear commotion Evan the door flew off its hinges and cracked the other side of the wall.

They're standing there was issei and he declared riser for a challenge to free rias.

When sirzechs was about to clear the match an extremely large pressure washed over the room singing most the devil's to the floor.

The only ones that could relatively stand was sirzechs who was sweating and breathing heavily. He's never experienced such a raw intense pressure before in his life.

But oddly five individuals were unharmed rias koneko kiba and Asia that was before a black portal opened in three individuals came out of it.

Rias and her pregame was shocked to see who it was it was (Y,N) Tiamat and ophis!!!

(Y,N) retracted his Aura to where everyone could stand and breathe. But the shock didn't wash away so quickly the devil's in the room stared at the three newcomers like they were aliens.

Riser was Furious that this Lowlife Dare to crashes wedding as well. It was bad enough that the Red Dragon Emperor was but now him.

Grayfia look shocked because she thoughts (Y,N) turn her down but clearly not.

Sirzechs just smirked knowing he would.

(Y,N): you are my be wondering why I'm here well truth be told I couldn't give a damn about rias. But those four are a different story.

He points at koneko akeno Asia and Kiba who when he pointed at them could only smile.

(Y,N): and there no way I can leave it up to issei he far too weak.

Issei: hey whose side are you on.

Riser just looked at the two and was growing angry well more towards (Y,N) because what he did to him in the human world.

Riser: this is outrageous but if you stand between riser in his bride then Riser will crush the both of you.

Sirzechs: very well it will be riser vs issei and (Y,N) does anyone object.

No one spoke.

Sirzechs: very well if the two of you win what do you want to reward to be?

Issei: for rias to be free.

(Y,N): what he said.

With your rewards for after the fight the three Fighters agree to these and were translated to the arena.

Once there issei steped forward-thinking he can take Riser on by himself. But if you wanted to embarrass himself I was going to let him so I just stayed back.

Riser: so the pain will fight Riser this will be much of a fight at all I wish to fight the both of you and Crush you completely.

(Y,N): well I think he wants to fight you first before you fight me.

Riser: Riser doesn't care because he will crush your filthy little lifes.

With sirzechs beginning of fight Lil Boosie gears activated on Issei arm before he called out.

Issei: dragon overbooster

Ddraig: Welsh dragon over booster.

He was surrounded by a tower of crimson energy and once it disbursed is showed him in his balance breaker.

(Y,N) could tell that this was not the real balance breaker but it would serve to give him an advantage for a short. Amount of time.

And with that the two of them charge that each other.

There you go another chapter for you guys and I think you know where I'm going to go with this but if you don't wait until next chapter until then bye bye.

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