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Human form

(Not my picture and without the wings and horns)

Armor form

(Not my picture)

Dragon form

(Not my picture)

Powers: complete control over all elements fire, water, Ice, Earth lightning light dark air and dragon.

Ridiculously high strength able to lift over 100,000 tons easily and is extremely fast. (Fast then the speed of light).

High speed regeneration, his can heal insanely fast. but most severe injuries will take days or weeks to heal.

Hardened scales (or skin), scales that are stronger than any metal found on Earth able to take hits from several cluster nuke's and not receive damage

Fire: your control over fire is unmatched just like every other element your week is fire measures of the temperature around 5000 degrees and your strongest around 30,000,000 degrees. You can use fire along with other elements to use to make Fusion like multi Elemental attack. Such attacks would be like firestorm, Inferno, an apocalyptic rain.

Water: just like fire you are unmatched, you can use water to create giant tsunamis, rain storms, basically anything that involves pure water.

Ice: like the other elements you are unmatched in controlling said element, you can turn a bright and sunny summer day into a cold and dense blizzard with ease. And if you so desired could freeze the entirety could freeze the entirety of the underworld, Earth or heaven with ease.

Earth: (yes I Now alatreon doesn't have Earth in the game but I'm making him the Lord of all elements here so he will) like fire and water you are unmatched. You can use use the Earth element to create giant earthquakes. create mountains and ultimately just manipulate the land around you.

Lightning: you are able to control lightning from anything, the lighting is so strong that it is able to kill a normal human in one shot. stopping their heart completely. You are also able to summon gigantic thunderstorms, summon gigantic bolt of lightning which can destroy entire mountains.

Light: just like Angel and Fallen Angels you are able to manipulate light and transform this light into multiple Spears sword or any Weapon made out of light. you can even cover yourself in like to make a light armor you can even use an attack which is called the light Nova explosive nuclear cluster of holy energy.

Darkness: just like the ancient demons you control the very essence of Darkness around you. And transform it into multiple different weapons. And its really potent against Angel and anything with light magic

Dragon: a chaotic and unstable element easily the most most powerful element. With an ounce of dragon element can stopped the elemental control or powers of any living creature. All it takes for you to do this. Is hit said thing with dragon element. This will inflict Dragon blight. Some enemies are more resilient than others.

Personality: calm, peaceful, like quiet, caring for those he likes and loves

Hates: arrogant people, perverts fallen angels and devils.

(Pick which one you want)

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