part 2 chapter four a new Ally

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It's been a day after the fight with kokabiel and Rias and her pregame wanted me Tiamat and ophis wanted to come help them clean the pool.

They said we would have it afterwards but I knew that was a death trap for Issei because. Tiamat hate perverts and ophis would probably find him annoying to the point where she just disintegrate him.

As for me I feel like going back to the familiars forest to go look around and remember my roots.

So that's exactly what I did I let the two of them know that I'll be gone for about a day or so because I really wanted a break from all this b*******.

And with that I created the magic circle to the familiars forest. And teleported myself to there.

(Y,N) POV familiar Forest

Ah coming back here brings me memories it's been about five years since I've been here and honestly it hasn't changed a bit.

I just started to walk around taking in the peaceful scenery I lost track of time I think it was about two maybe three hours. But honestly I couldn't care less I just wanted some peace and quiet.

But as I was walking around something caught my attention it felt familiar it was a the Scent of a dragon and it felt familiar.

Wait a minute I know that scent that's a.


What the hell is one of those things doing here is it allowed to live here any longer it could decimate this entire ecosystem.

Why the f*** is there always problems Wherever I Go.

And with that I deploy my wings and started to fly towards the scent. It was about five minutes of straight flying and I finally arrived at some weird cave entrance.

I walked through the cave entrance I looked around and I could see skin laying the walls and the ceiling I look down and it was like a pit with multiple platforms on it.

And when I look down there there it was the red dragon I was sensing.

( not my picture)

I look down at the dragon and I could tell it was female due to the scent of it. At the same time I was staring down at it she looked up at me in her eyes narrowed at me.

It looks like I wouldn't have to do battle with a Safi'jiiva today.


With a heated gaze by the two they stared into each other's eyes piercing to the other soul waiting for waiting for the other to make a move.

With that (Y,N) jump down from the cliff he was at landing on the platform. Safi'jiiva was on she got up on her four legs and let out a growl at (Y,N).

(Y,N) didn't move he could tell that she was around the same power of His armored form his guess was that she's been here for the past five plus years absorbing bio energy to make herself stronger.

In his human form he didn't stand a chance although his human form is powerful Safi'jiiva at her current state could fight with both Heavenly dragons at their Prime and still win.

So with nothing better option he transforms into his armored form.

(Not my picture)

Safi'jiiva create a white orb in her mouth before firing a pale blue laser beam at (Y,N).

Quickly see the attack approaching he Dodges it only be put into the next line of fire as she slammed her hand to the ground causing the bio energy below him in the ground below him to explode sending them flying through the air.

Quickly letting out his wings he takes flight into the air keep dodging the laser beams she is firing at him.

Seeing a opportunity he quickly dives down below her last beam bringing his armored cover Fist and slamming it into her chest.

the force of it was enough to break the scales on her chest and lifting her up into the air before she came crashing back down onto the ground on her back.

As she was getting up (Y,N) creates a fire Vortex before hurling at her she was caught in the fire Vortex and she screamed in pain.

What a powerful wind burst from her wings dispelling the fire around her taking flight into the air using her hulking mass and strength. To try and knock him out of the air only for him to make skillful Dodges around each attack.

(Y,N) concentrated lightning around his arm and then condenser it to his finger tip point before firing it.

The result was a small beam of Highly condensed of lightning as it structure her in the wing blowing a hole in her Wing five times that of a basketball.

Due to the sudden change in mass do to her Wing not being able to carry her full weight he fell to the ground with a heavy slam.

(Y,N) dove in after her only to be met by one very powerful tail swipe which sent him flying into a wall.

Safi'jiiva took this time and dug her nails into the ground pale blue and white lined started the form from the ground as is her to be absorbed into her body all the injuries she sustained up to this point we're being healed.

(Y,N) set only sigh do to her powerful physique not to mention the fact that she can heal herself this was not going to be an easy battle and unhinging himself in the wall he flew into the air and then ready to meet his fighter.

About 1 hour later

(Y,N) could tell that Safi'jiiva was starting to get annoyed and quite frankly he was getting annoyed as well he was about to end this with one attack.

As he flew after her she flew into the air and then she started to bath the area in blue fire.

(Y,N) quickly wrap his wings around him to protect himself from the fire using his wings at like a cocoon protecting himself from what she's about to do.

With a slight crack in between where his two Wings met he picked out just looked at what she was doing only to see her having a super high concentrated blue balls fire in her mouth before she dropped it.

It started to slowly fall down to the ground like a star falling from the heavens this white and pale blue star was about to connect to the ground.

Quickly realizing it that this was her most powerful attack and honestly one of her most desperate attacks he quickly tighten his wings around him forming it into a perfect cocoon.

The star landed on the ground before a massive explosion erupted from the small star the explosion last about 10 seconds.

And when the dust settled the two fighters were there.

Safi'jiiva sustained heavy damage she was panting heavily one of her arms were broken as well multiple of her scales were broken and shattered.

(Y,N) unwrap his wings around himself he was honestly doing a lot better than Safi'jiiva. He did have some broken scales and he was bleeding a little bit but he was in a lot better condition than she was.

Deciding to put an end to this fight (Y,N) stomp his foot on the ground creating a shock wave that went  around the room. The Earth around Safi'jiiva legs rised up and clamped onto her legs basically making it to where she couldn't move.

Most of the bio energy in this area was. siphoned away and with the remaining that was left over she highly doubt it she could heal all of her injuries. And in her current state she couldn't use 100% of her strength so she couldn't get out it.

(Y,N) formed to balls of energy in his hands in his right hand with a chaotic black ball of energy and in his left hand was a ball of golden light.

Slamming the two together they started to clash back and forth between each other as Lightning Sparks from between the union of the two elements.

It stared to form into some kind of grayish element he brought his hand back before throwing it Forward firing it at Safi'jiiva.

The result was a gigantic Gray beam that crashed into Safi'jiiva but keeping the power was low enough to where it would not kill her.

(That is what he does but there is no Goku and a beam is gray and this is not my gif)

The beam collided into her and sent her flying into the side of her cave the force was so great that the beam broke through the cave walls and went on for 2 miles.

When the dust was settled there was Safi'jiiva bleeding profusely and with broken bones. (Y,N) walk over to her and formed a sphere of dragon energy in the palm of his hand before pointing it at her.

She closed her eyes ready to accept her fate. But she didn't feel anything she opened her eyes to see (Y,N) disburse the energy in his hand.

She had a look of questioning on her face when he raised his hand up and white energy formed around his hand and her body.

She was shocked that her wounds began to heal she watched as her body became as fresh as a daisy. she then watched as he gave a heavy sigh before turning around and walk away.

Safi'jiiva could not understand why he was doing in the world she came from monsters and Hunters never did this.

Safi'jiiva: why didn't you kill me?

(Y,N): what's the point is in killing you the only people I kill or the ones to try and kill me. And as far as your considered I was a threat to you and I was in your territory it would be hypocritical to consider you a enemy when I did the very same thing before I came to this world.

Safi'jiiva eyes widen he was just like her he was showing different world like her.

Safi'jiiva: you said you came from another world?

(Y,N): yes it was just like you I'm guessing you got here because of the hunters?

Her eyes widen even more did he come from her world as well.

Safi'jiiva: you know of my world does that mean you were form my world.

(Y,N): yes I was from your world-

He then proceeded to change into his Dragon form. Which caused Safi'jiiva eyes too wide into their absolute maximum when she saw it.

( not my picture)

(Y,N): when I am in human form I am (Y,N) but in this form I go by my true name Alatreon the Blazing black dragon and the God of destruction

Safi'jiiva couldn't believe it she was being shown Mercy by one of the three black dragons.

He then change back into his human form and look back at her.

(Y,N): you never seen anything from outside this cave haven't you.

She could only nod her head.

(Y,N) extended his hand out towards her and getting a very kind and gentle smile.

(Y,N): then why not come with me you can get back to my house you can actually experience and interact with this world and I promise you when you're with me you will never have to fear about anything ever again.

Safi'jiiva could only stare dumbfounded at this I mean it's not every day but the Blazing black dragon offers you a chance to come with him.

Safi'jiiva: In anyway I can't argue you beat me and solid combat and now you show me mercy I guess they'll make me your servant.

(Y,N) could only shake his head in a no manner.

(Y,N): you wouldn't be my servant you'd be able to humans consider a friend or an ally let me help you.

She thought over the deal before nodding her head an approval.

(Y,N): okay cool but quick question do you have a human form it's getting kind of hard to fit a 30 ft tall 50 ft long giant red dragon in my house.

Safi'jiiva not her head before transforming into her human form.

( minus the weapon and this is not my picture)

(Y,N): great now let's go.

And with that the end of his long and yet some-what chaotic break was over.

The two walked out the cave before he grabbed her by her shoulder and teleported her back to his house.

He had a lot to tell her the history of this world the people who run this territory and a lot more stuff it looks like our boi can never catch a break.

And I guess he's just going to have to accept that no matter how pissed off he gets at it.

And there you have it folks I know included Safi'jiiva into this cuz why not and wlso not to mention that it is one of my favorite monsters ever.

Next chapter will focus on the meeting between the three factions making peace so please so bye bye

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