part 2 chapter Two Battle of the school

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So alot happened between the time of when the members of the church revealed themselves. And to up till now so we're to begin.

To start after the duel (Y,N) Tiamat and ophis were enjoying a peaceful night.

Well this was happening kiba ran into a stray priest named freed sellzen. A f****** psychopath in the form of a priest.

(Not my picture)

He injoys killing a little too much. But Kiba ran into him while walking back to his home. And was forced to do battle.

But freed had the upper hand. With the Excalibur that he stole he put kiba at a far greater disadvantage. One cut from his sword would be enough to cause Kiba immense amount of pain. And it honestly could lead to his death.

The two engaged in combat with each other and as the fight progressed Kiba could realize that he was losing ground. The priests who has had lots of experience with this combined with the fact he has an Excalibur and one that approved his speed as well.

Is Excalibur made him able to fight at high speeds putting him faster than Kiba. Keeper tried many times to counter-attack but due to the speed difference. He could barely Linda hit on him while the priest was able to land multiple hits on him.

The flight included with Kiba who was now bleeding pretty badly. As the priest was called away by his boss.

Fast forward a day and rias has decided to stay out of the way of the to church members when the other members protested she stated that it was their job not theirs.

And also apparently she ordered her service not to look for kiba family my ass.

But later Issei koneko decided that they wanted to destroy the Excaliburs and also try and find Kiba. But they will need more Hands-On job koneko wanted to contact (Y,N).

But Issei was against it he wouldn't say this out loud but he honestly hates the guy. He saw he came from a high ground he put himself on but the fact was he was just lying to himself to try and cover up the fact that he's worthless.

So they decided to get help elsewhere they got saji who was against it from the start. But the two didn't give him much of an option so he was forced to join.

The three started to go around the town to find freed and hopefully more Rogue priest.

But they had absolutely zero luck in finding anything that could help. But they did find xenovia and irina. On the side of the road begging for money.

The three could only sweat drop at see the two. So the three of them invited the to of them to lunch.

After a long discussion the two groups decided to join forces in order to destroy the Excalibur.

Along with that they also found Kiba and the two Precinct let him in on the secret one of the church's darkest secrets that apparently a man named
valper galilei was responsible for kiba's horrible pass.

while they were waiting for night they decide to come up with a plan.

So later that night they went out on the street wearing nun uniforms or priest clothing. The uses of the way to lure out the stray Exorcist.

And it worked cuz you were able to find freed. Who the demon group was able to find and then gave them in battle.

But unlike the last encounter with him something was a lot more different he had more fragments of Excalibur.

During the fight it came to a point where saji use his sacred gear. Which surprised many people.

It was vritra a longinus class sacred gear made from one of the evil dragons who was split into five parts.

The gear allowed the users to Steal strength from the target once a cable was attached to the Target. It was called absorption line and he used it on freed to keep him in place.

During this time the two church members happened to appear upon in this area. and start to resist the devil's any way they can.

Issei then transferred some of his power to kiba to give him more of a Fighting Chance which. Work for a little bit.

That was until a mysterious man appeared in gave freed some advice on how to cut through the cable. By concentrating the holy energy from his Excalibur and threw his body to amplify The Cutting power.

Once this man revealed himself from the Shadows the to church members instantly identify him as. Valper Galilei

(Not my picture)

Once being identified Kiba try to kill him I was unable to because they teleported back to their home base because their boss commanded it.

After that the group will run into the respective teams and get punished for it.

And that was the end of that night moving on to the next day.

During this day the church members still continued on their mission but something happened. Irina was found injured when Rias and sona and their respective pre-games went to investigate being counted a special person.

kokabiel the warmonger.

(Not my picture)

What's the to two devil kings met kokabiel he openly identified his want to start another War.

Claiming that the Fallen Angels were Superior to all other races and that if they didn't pull back that they would have won the war.

( God damn fools and they're stupid ideologies an I right)

So the two heir decided on a way to stop him it would go to the school set up a barrier and give a prayer for one of the fight of their ages.

And that's exactly what they did sona and the rest of her pregame all helped set up a barrier on the school.

While rias and her pregame were on attack her group will try to take down the warmongering before anything happens.

And eventually kokabiel arrived with the help of freed and Valper he begins plans.

Valper set up a gigantic magical Circle which forged 4 of the seven pieces of Excalibur into one sword.

There's Excalibur since it contained for fragments of it contained the four separate abilities.

Not also to mention that kokabiel also summoned what appear to be juvenile cerberus's which was forbidden apparently?

And is that about covers everything up to this point.


Currently I was laying on my bed trying to get some well earned sleep I must admit it was great not being bothered by Devil's for about 3 days.

But something strange was happening I could sense a large source of magical power.

Then my phone went off.

I look down it was a message from koneko. I know you might be wondering how I koneko got my number and quite frankly the reason why she has it is because she wanted it for some reason.

( why must these MCS keep breaking the fourth wall great now I'm getting to get the flex tape)

Anyways I read the messages instantly became serious.

Okay so let me get this straight kokabiel leader class Fallen Angel what's currently in this town. And was now attacking the academy trying to start the next Great War and rias and sona thinks now this is the best time to contact me not you know like 3 days ago.

What did they want to prove that they can solve this on their own the only thing rias has proved. Is a she's an incompetent leader who shouldn't you be ruling this place.

Well I'm glad that koneko contacted me because I'm worried because kokabiel could kill all of them there they're nowhere near his power.

And yet she thinks she can handle him she can't even beat riser what makes your thinks you can stop the warmongering Fallen Angel.

With a very heavy sigh I stand up I walk over to my closet and I put on some fresh clothes.

I throw my jacket in my shoes and I went towards the door but if we stop by both tiamat and ophis.

Tiamat: let me guess Devil's contacted you. About some problem that you need to go solve.

Me: yeah unfortunately there currently fighting the warmonger kokabiel.

Tiamat: and they contacted you now who was it?

Me: it was koneko apparently they can beat him by themselves.

Tiamat: damn yet another problem you got to go solve them this is like what the second time third time.

Me: I think around the third time anyways you two don't need to worry I'll be back for dinner.

As I was about to leave I buildsomething tug on my jacket I look down to see ophis with an adorable expression on her face.

I put my hand on her head and started to pat her head she closed her eyes as she was leaning into my hand.

Damn it she's way to cute sometimes.

Ophis: Why do you have to go and can't you just stay here and make dinner i I don't like you when I'm here with her.

Tiamat: Do you have something you want to say ophis?!

Ophis: why yes you way too noisy and annoying sometimes.

Tiamat: why you little-

Me: girls come down the only take about 10 minutes at Max I'll be here to cook dinner for you so please don't try to kill each other.

Tiamat just sighed and walked away and ophis gave me an adorable pout.

Me: don't be like that when I get back I'll cook you your own custom made dinner how about that.

That means brighten in her mood. She was slightly drooling over the food that she's was probably thinking of having me cook.

God please have mercy on my soul and God please have mercy on these devil cuz I swear to God I'm going to tear them apart.

And there you go so I took me so long to update I had a lot of stuff on my mind and a to mention stuff to do so we're getting to around the end of part 2 trust me these next part will be around three to four chapters before we move on to part 3

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