Part Four Chapter One aftermath

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Three days after The clash

The underworld was in a State of shock, The clash at the dragon gods left the underworld decimated.

The council order the execution of the weakend black dragon God but the four devil King stepped in quickly.

They took the what alatreon said and put it into action. they cracked down on every noble devil family. On all the problems they looked over the strays. And freed members of devil peerage that didn't want to be in them.

The Noble devils in the council took this as an act against the devils themselves. But the devil Kings quickly said that "we're taking actions to prevent an angry God from decimating our faction. And that if you want to stand in our way and caused our faction to be on the brink of Extinction again then you need to be removed from power".

the council could not say anything because they knew they were right they were powerless in the situation.

So many of the noble families were hit pretty hard with these acts, they even put new law's to prevent the same thing from happening again.

When anyone would protest against them they would just take them to the battlefield between the two gods and tell them.

"There is a being who did this and that very same being who will destroy our entire faction if we don't get our s*** together."

So the entire underworld it was not able to do anything to stop the new laws or the new reforms they were taking on the underworld.

in less than two days majority of the crimes were exposed and the Noble families that were responsible for these were punished for their actions.

Life in the underworld was changing and it's all thanks to once very pissed off black dragon.

With (Y,N)

Over the three days (Y,N) been recovering at his house.

He would have to admit it was pretty boring him just laying around doing nothing. But there is nothing he could really do the clash between him and Fatalis left both sides on the verge of death.

Although three unsuspecting people stayed by his side asia, koneko and the most surprising vali

When he asked why the three gave a different response. Asia was that she didn't want to see a close friend of her suffer any longer. Koneko just wanted to stay by him. And vali said that she couldn't let her rival die on her so quickly she still wanted to have that rematch.

He could only chuckle at the three although he could move because his mates protested any acts of movements. They were overrated as usual and there's nothing he could do about it.

Then there was also his little sister who never left his side she always clung to his side never letting go of his hand.

Even though he was perfectly fine they said that he needed to stay in there for an at least the next two days.

You can only give a sign knowing that this was going to be a very boring two days.

Two days later

(Y,N) could finally walk and actually start doing things again.

He thought he could never leave that freaking bed has he was starting to lose his mind but there was another problem.

Mew... She never stopped clinging to him when he asked why her reply was very simple.

"I'm not leaving your side and there's nothing you can do about it".

he knew when she said her mind is something there is absolutely no way to get her off of it so he just had to accept it.

But the weird thing is that his three special guests didn't leave and even Gabriel came back.

And when Gabriel came back she was basically like a word mother. She kept persisting and asking if he was all right she kept clinging on to him saying that if you had any problems he can let her know.

(Y,N) could only sigh at this he had an over-clingy little sister and now an overprotective angel. What else the white dragon being in love with him?

Although he could see the four of them acting weird sometimes like blushing whenever he makes eye contact with Gabriel. Asia being more shy around him koneko sharing her sweet with him. And vali being shy around him.

Okay that last one threw him for a loop vali the White dragon emperor the one who wants to fight powerful and tough opponents acting shy?

When the hell did this start happening?

When he asked the four of them why they were acting like this they always tried to avoid the question but he had general idea.

They either had feelings for him or they were flat out in love with him which he had no idea how the hell this started happening?

Although he was only going to wait for them to confess to him although he did like the four of them. Asia was cute and innocent, koneko was just adorable. Gabriel got along with his sister and had a loving personality. And vali was just fun to hang around with.

Though he did get a message from vali does she wanted to talk to him later today. So you decided to appease her message.

They're meeting will begin in about 5 minutes so he got to get ready.

He got dressed in the better clothing and started to go to where vali was. That was before he saw when she was in.

She wore a leather jacket with a white tank top which clung to her chest. She had a leather pants on which hug her legs and behind, her long silver hair draped down below her shoulders and her eyes turn to face him.

When she saw what he was wearing she had a light blush across her face. Like her. He was wearing a leather jacket and leather jeans a black tank top on with those golden eyes of his were showing.

The two of them decided to walk around the town for a little before coming along a Park. Vali decided that she was ready to confess so.

She walked over to him and stop when she was right in front of him.

(Y,N): vali is there something you wanted to talk to me about?

Vali: yes I want to talk to you about-

when she try to say the last part the words died in her throat she couldn't speak them no matter how hard she tried.

(Y,N): vali it's okay speak when you're ready.

Vali just stared to his golden eyes as he felt like he could get lost in them for eternity. She walked close to him until they were basically inches apart from each other talking a deep breath and was ready to say it.

Vali: (Y,N) I never had these feelings with anyone before so... I wanted to ask if me?

She looked away as a blush appeared across her face, Albion was practically laughing his ass off.

(Y,N) was definitely shocked but he had to admit he had feelings for this girl as well.

He brought his hand out and lightly cupped her cheek as she looked up into his eyes.

(Y,N): Vali you are a beautiful woman with a likable personality if you want to be one of my mates I have no problems with it.

Vali overcome with a new emotions she's never felt leaned in and kissed him on the lips, he returned it with full passion. The kiss lasted for about 5 minutes before the two of them separated gazing into each other's eyes.

Vali face exploding into a crimson blush when she realized what happened. And (Y,N) could only laugh but there's something else that crossed his mind.

(Y,N): Vali you know you don't have to be in the chaos brigade anymore, you can live with me in the rest of my mates.

Vali thought about it why Chase revenge against the worthless good for nothing devil. And hold on to the pain she's felt for her entire life when she could just live with the one person she loves the most. That would never leave her never harm her and always protect her.

Vali: I think you're right but could you h-hold m-me for a little bit?

(Y,N): sure vali.

The two of them sat down on a bench as he let out his dragon wings and wrap them around her pulling her in close.

This truly was a special night for her, and this day Mark the day of her and her new future. With her new found love for the black dragon God of destruction.

There you go ladies and gentlemen we are not into part four the final part of this entire book I hope you're ready.

Like with all of my stories I'm going to take a lot more time writing these chapters.

There are many reasons why I'm not going to explain them all *cough cough* school *cough cough*.

Anyways I hope you guys like this new chapter and if you have any questions I'll answer to the best of my ability.

And for those of you are wondering when the remaining people for the harem are coming trust me they're coming here soon.

All right see you guys later


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