Part four Chapter Six this damn fox

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2 days after the date

(Y,N) currently woke up inside of his hotel with his mates all laying on top of him.

Quickly looking for a way to escape he teleported out from underneath all of them and walk toward the bathroom to get a shower.

He already had a pretty good idea of the plan he had for today, he was going to go too yasaka and ask if she can train him to use senjutsu.

After about 45 minutes of a straight shower and getting dressed he came out of the bathroom and was greeted by the side of tiamat.

She looked at him curiously before she narrowed her eyes at him.

Tiamat: don't you think it's a little early to be going anywhere?

(Y,N): yeah well you know me I like do not like wasting time not to mention the more training I can get involved in the better.

Tiamat: so you really do plan on learning senjutsu?

(Y,N): yes from what you guys told me 2 days ago it sounded very powerful and can give me a clear edge against a white Fatalis.

Tiamat knew that no matter what she said he wasn't going to change his mind he was stubborn like that, and she's come to accept it. But it's not like she was against the fact of him learning senjutsu it's who's he learning it from she has a problem with it.

Yasaka. She knew damn well but the fox was into (Y,N) and wouldn't even hesitate to take him. During the meeting where she was giving their "things", tiamat couldn't keep her eyes off the fox cuz she was staring at HER (Y,N) with those eyes of her's filled with lust. That made tiamat want to vaporize the Fox on the spot.

Tiamat: okay I know that will be able to change your mind but just please be careful when you're around the fox.

(Y,N): Tiamat are you afraid that you're trying to do something?

Tiamat: look all I'm saying is that foxes are cutting creatures and she clearly has an interest in you so just watch your back when you're around her.

(Y,N): don't worry I will.

You walked over to her and kissed her on the lips and he could feel tiamat melt into it. She was even bold enough to grab the back of his head and pull it inwards deepening the kiss.

After about 5 minutes of making out two of them separated tiamat face was covered in a blush and she was breathing in heavily. (Y,N) was in the same predaking but just not as bad.

Tiamat: you best get going before I do something to you~.

(Y,N) didn't need anything else and just teleported away from the horny dragon.

Tiamat just realizing what she just said couldn't help but kick herself on the leg.

Tiamat: damn it that was a perfect opportunity.

Time skip brought to you by my cute ass dog.

(Y,N) arrived at the shrine were yasaka lived and started to walk towards the entrance, the guards guarding it immediately stepped aside letting the black dragon through.

When he got inside he took a look around to see if he could see yasaka, that was before he felt a presence behind him and instantly turned around and grabbed whoever it was by there arm flipping whoever was behind him over his shoulder and pinning them on the ground.

That person was yasaka and she looked shocked that he was able to send her presents even though she was concealing it. But it quickly vanished when she realized the position that she was in.

He was on top of her, her arms we're paying down and she couldn't move and he was staring her down with his Golden Dragon eyes.

Yasaka could once again feel her Fox instincts crying out at her to take him or at least try to, but she quickly suppressed those desires do address him "formally".

Yasaka: my my and what does the big ol black dragon want with little ol me~~?

(Y,N): I was wondering if you could teach me senjutsu.

Yasaka looked shock but then it quickly went away for a smirk to take over her face as she stared up at him.

Yasaka: I would be more then happy to teach you. But are you sure you can handle it~.

(Y,N) seeing where she was going with this decide to have a little fun.

He's brought his face down next to her ear before speaking.

(Y,N): I know what you're trying to do little fox~ and if you don't want me to devour you right here and now I recommend you stop~. But if you really want to see my endurance I'll be more than happy to show you~.

Yasaka face exploded into an atomic blush she could feel his breath on her ear and honestly she was shivering just hearing his voice.

Yasaka: o-ok we-well we should get started.

(Y,N) got off her to quickly see the fox jump up quickly recomposing herself but still having the blush across her face.

Yasaka: all right now that I'm going to be teaching you this please come with me.

The two of them walk through the shrine into the back part of it where they were surrounded by a beautiful garden as well as wilderness.

Yasaka: this is where we will train now please come I have to explain a lot.

(Y,N) follow the fox until they were deep inside of the wilderness were then she gestured him to sit down and he obliged facing her waiting for his instructions.

Yasaka: now in order to begin your training you have to connect to nature.

(Y,N): okay and how do I do that?

Yasaka: meditation, meditate until you can feel yourself becoming one with nature let your aura spread free and let it just ooze out into the nature.

(Y,N) get As told in a dense black aura surrounded him as I started to ooze around the area completely covering the ground completely blocking the view of the ground.

Yasaka was completely shocked at this she just keep looking around and for as far as the eyes could see the entire ground was covered in his Aura.

Yasaka turned around to face the meditating black dragon and could only stare at him in shock. She had trained many in the art of senjutsu but she's never seen a reaction this powerful before.

On (Y,N) part he could feel everything it is as if his very mind has been transferred to the land around him. He could see the slightest movement of ants that were hundreds of feet away. He's felt every pulse every movement but soon he started to lose his grasp on this and opened his eyes gasping for air.

(Y,N): the hell was that?

Yasaka: well that was completely unexpected I never expected you to be able to connect to nature so quickly. Normally it takes days if not years to be able to connect to the nature around you. But you on the other hand did it like it was nothing.

(Y,N): *brings his hand up and starts to coat it in different types of elements* Do you think it has anything to do with me being able to control all the elements so fluently?

Yasaka: that's a possibility after all the elements are connected point of nature. And form what I've been able to sensed from you. The elements you use isn't the like the standard basic elemental magic that I've seen. It is like you are connect to the very elements of nature around you and is able to store it inside of you. You truly are an interesting being.

(Y,N): well my species does have a stronger bond to the elements than most others.

Yasaka curiosity was instantly picked up at that comment they were more like him? But from what she's seen he's the only dragon she's ever seen who is like this. And every other Dragon God she's heard there's only been one of them so him saying that does that mean there's more dragons like him?

Yasaka: you're saying there is more of you like in a species wise?

(Y,N): yeah but they're not from around here and I've always been different than most of my other species.

Yasaka: different how?

(Y,N): well you see I've always been stronger even when I was a hatchling I've always been stronger than most other of my kind.

Yasaka: that's very interesting but I won't dive too deep into your personal life after all we got training to do.

(Y,N): all righty then then let's keep going.

And soon after that they began their training again yasaka had him do the exact same thing he did originally but each time he was to hold the connection longer and longer each time.

And each time he did it he was getting better and better at keeping the connection between him and nature stable. He figured that this training was to have him be able to keep us stable mind for long periods of time.

And soon seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours as they're training kept progressing.

And yasaka was blown away by the results he could keep his connection to nature for about 1 hour. Compared to most beings who has never used senjutsu in their entire life and then deciding to try and use it, it was absolutely ridiculous.

And soon a week went by and yasaka decided to ramp it up, they would start sparring and he had to keep his connection to nature even during a fight.

He performed better than expected he could still keep his connection as well as fight a tricky to hit opponent. (Even though he wasn't going at her with killer intent)

As well as during this time (Y,N) and his fellow classmates left from the field trip the only one staying were his mates who moved into the shrine with him. So they can stay close to him while he was training... And you know keeping an eye on a certain Fox.

Soon another week went by and yasaka decided that this was the perfect opportunity to start teaching him certain senjutsu arts.

She trained his perception and awareness to the point where he could sense people without even trying.

She taught him multiple sage arts all them being elemental in nature so that way he would be more fluent for him.

All in all the training was going incredibly well.

Even (Y,N) mates decided to start learning senjutsu safi, tiamat, vali all wanted to learn.

And yasaka "happily" accepted them into their training regiment even though she would glare at the girls who were training alongside the black dragon.

But yasaka start to get worried she could feel herself getting more and more attached to black dragon. and she could feel something else coming along the way that might change things for the two of them.

Mating season.

Yep she was going into heat and right in the middle of their training she could feel her instincts almost at a primal level roaring at her. They got progressively harder and harder for her to resist them, but she did try her best to keep them at bae.

She was just worried how long this was going to last and if she was capable of holding out for that long.

Time skip one week

Another week has passed and at this point yasaka couldn't teach him anything she knew that it would be short. Because knowing him originally and how connected he was with the elements meaning how connected he was with nature. She know when she opened this door for him to actually access nature itself it wouldn't take too long.

Though they were still living at The shrine and he would always keep training himself always fine-tuning his skills higher and higher as the days progress.

His relationship with yasaka kept growing and soon the girls started to accept her into their little group. Not fully because the fact that she wasn't one of his mates but they were accepting her nonetheless.

But that was the least of their worries because yasaka was already showing signs of her going into heat. And they knew what the f*** was going to happen when she did.

So they had a little talk with her and as long as he accepts her they'll be fine with it but as long as she knows her place.

She was happy nonetheless being able to hopefully find love with the black dragon.

And with her first day in heat being the next day only fate could tell what's going to happen.

The next day time night

Everyone that was at the shrine was ready for bed except a certain Fox who was currently panting heavily with her Fox features exposed and when an enormous blush or face.

Yasaka was already feel her inside and they were extremely warm knowing what she wanted to do and not being able to stop herself anymore she got up from her room and started to walk towards, (Y,N) room

When she opened the door she could see none of his mates there probably knowing what was going to happen so they probably slept in another room.

When she stepped into the room (Y,N) turn to face her and when he did he immediately got hit with all of her pheromones.

Because she was in heat she was emanating a pheromone which attracts other powerful males to her, and sense (Y,N) was a dragon the minor intake of her pheromones causes draconic side to claw and roar at him to take the Fox right in front of him.

Knowing that she's in heat and knowing his growing feelings towards her he could already guess where this was going.

(Y,N): Yasaka I can already guess where this is going but are you sure?

Yasaka said nothing except dropping her clothing fully exposing her exotic body for the black dragon to see.

Yasaka locked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck squeezing her extremely large chest into his and started to nibble on his neck.

Yasaka: absolutely~~.

(Y,N) eyes started to shine brighter as is draconic instincts were screaming at him when yasaka looked up at the black dragon she stopped as he stared into her eyes. A fiery inferno was held behind them, and Yasaka knew what she was in for a rough night after she teased the Dragon.

(Y,N): very well you naughty Fox~~.

The night was filled with moans and screams for about 14 hours, after their little session yasaka passed out due to the exhaustion but snuggled up close next to her new-found love.

(Y,N) wrapped his arms around his new mates waist and smiled at the fox in his arms.

(Y,N): you know you're quite the naughty Fox.

With that he fell asleep resting his head on top of yasaka letting the sweet darkness of sleep take him.

There you go ladies and gentlemen this chapter of black dragon God of destruction is done now I have some bad news.

This story is almost at its end there's only two chapters left just to let you know.

So y'all better be happy because this has been a f****** roller coaster and it's nearly coming to an end.

I hope you are ready.

All right DIO OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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