Chapter 16: Restraint

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Y/N's POV 


I asked myself as I slowly looked around to see Alaltreon staring me down. 

I asked as he glared down at me, his slit eyes staring me down. 


"Ow! What was that for!?" 
I yelled at him as I gripped my jaw, looking at him before feeling another punch, crashing into the ground. 

"What was that for!?" 
I yelled at him as he clenched his fists. 

Alatreon: That was pathetic. 
He scowls as I looked at him with confusion. 

"What the hell do you mean!?" 

Alatreon: You are pathetic. We could have ended that abomination quickly! We're now in this state because of you! 
He yelled before grabbing me by my collar. 

"Y-You were going to hurt people. People would have died if you continued to fight like an animal." 
I said as I felt his grip tighten. 

Alatreon: It was either that abomination or us you imbecile. 
He growls angrily as I felt his grip tighten more. 

Alatreon: I would have killed that abomination and taken their head if it wasn't for your weak body and mind.
He growls before throwing me into the ground. 

"I was stopping you from destroying the  school." 
I said before seeing his fist beside my head. His fist crushing the metal below us as I looked at him with widened eyes. 

Alatreon: Listen, you little, if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be here talking. So either grow up or die like the cockroach you are. 

Dream Ends 

Y/N's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling as beams of light shun all around me. 

"Where am I?" 
I asked myself as I looked around to see that I was in a medical room before seeing my arms strapped to the bed. 

"What the?" 
I asked as I attempted to move my arms, unable to move. 

"Why am I strapped to the bed?"
I asked myself before hearing the door creak open, revealing All Might and the teachers. 

"Why am I strapped down?" 

Third Person POV 

The teachers remained silent as Nezu slowly approached Y/N. 

Y/N: Why am I being strapped down? 
He asked once more as Nezu sighs softly.

Nezu: Y/N. I'm sorry to say that we have to keep you outside of the public eye for now. 
He said as Y/N looked at him with confusion. 

Y/N: W-Why? What happened? Where is my mom? 

Nezu: She's, unfortunately, can not come to this meeting. 
He said as Y/N looked at him in confusion. 

Y/N: Why. Why can't she come? 

???: Listen here kid, your actions caused a lot of damage to the school earlier! 
A man in red yelled as the others looked at him. 

Y/N: I-I-I did? 

All Might: Y/N, you've damaged the school's security gate and damaged some of the facilities. Along with the lives of the heroes stationed here. 
He said as he looked down, Y/N's eyes widen as he looked at them. 

Y/N: Alatreon... 
He growls to himself before looking at the others. 

Y/N: So what is going to happen to me now?
He asked as the others looked at each other while Nezu stared at the young student. 

Nezu: You'll be suspended from any activities from the others. 
He said as Y/N lay down, looking at the ceiling. 

Y/N: Great. 
He sighs loudly as Nezu continued to stare at him. 

Nezu: But you are to be trained those of the staff here outside of the public eye. 
He said as Y/N slowly looked at him. 

Y/N: So I'm being kicked out of the class but I'm training under one of you. 
He said as Nezu slowly nodded. 

Y/N: So who am I going to train under? 

Alatreon: The better question would be who's going to keep us on a leash. 

Nezu: All Might. Midnight. I'd want you both to train and keep an eye on Y/N. 

Somewhere Else 

???: Momo, aren't you worried about Y/N? 
A boy with green hair asked Momo as she stood silently in front of the school. Hearing drilling as the courtyard was being fixed. Hearing students mutter about Y/N. 

Momo: Yeah Deku. 
She muttered softly as she looked at him. 

Deku: What do you think will happen to Y/N?
He asked as a car stopped in front of Momo. 

Momo: Hopefully he comes back to school. 

Here is chapter 16 of Black Dragon of UA! Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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