Chapter 18: Camping Trip Part 2

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Third Person POV 

Odogaron: Nargacuga, how are we going to hide from Fatalis? 
She asked as she sat down, looking away from the other. 

Odogaron: Even if we hide away from him, hide on the other side of the planet, he'll find us and kill us. 
She said as she looked at the green forest. 

Odogaron: Just like Schrade. 

Nargacuga: Then let's find Alatreon and report back to him. 
She said as she looked at her, standing up. 

Odogaron: Fine. Let's hope that keeps him busy. 

To Y/N 


Y/N: Is that it? 
He asked before smashing his fist into a stone monster. His fist crashing into the ground as the stone monster crumbled onto the ground before him. 

Aizawa: It seems like he's improving. 
He said to himself as a girl in red stood by him. 

Girl in Red: So this is the student I've heard so much about. 
She said as she watched Y/N, seeing his hand out as fire rushed towards the stone beast. 

Aizawa: What do you think? 
He asked as the two watched him. 

Girl in Red: Your report said that he is... a unique case .
She said as she continued to watch Y/n. Seeing the young student back up from a stone, seeing its claws stabbing into the ground before him. 

Girl in Red: What do you mean by that exactly? 
She asked as she looked at him while Y/N swiped his hand towards the beast, a pillar of ice rushing towards the beast before ripping through it's chest. 

Aizawa: He has a unique quirk of having two different minds. 
He answered as she looked at him with confusion. 

Girl in Red: Two different minds? Like two different mindsets? 
She asked as she continued to look at him. 

Aizawa: No. 
He said as a stone beast rammed Y/N into a tree. 

Girl in Red: Oh no. 
She gasped with shock, her eyes widening as she got ready to jump, only to be stopped by Aizawa. 

Girl in Red: We need to make sure he's okay! 
She yelled at him as she looked at the teacher. 

Aizawa: Wait. 
He said as the stone beast roared in agony. The two watching silently as eletricity flickered around its body before suddenly being forced into a tree. 

Girl in Red: What the... 
She said with shock, her eyes widen as Y/N stood where he was last seen. His hand out as electricity flickered around his arm. His E/C eyes replaced with slit eyes as bits of black scales formed around his neck. 

Alatreon: That was weak Y/N. A simple stone monster and you've forced me awake for this pathetic excuse of a threat? 
He growls angrily, showing his black fangs as his slit eyes slowly turned into his E/C eyes. 

Y/N: Like you said, either we die or it dies.

Girl in Red: Oh...

Aizawa: That is what we're working with. 

Somewhere Else 

???: I don't like this. It's not cute. 
A girl with blonde hair said, wearing a black mask as she cupped her face. 

???: This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right? 
A boy with a green helmet and gas mask said. 

???: Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense. 
The boy said before looking away from her. 

Girl with Blonde Hair: I'm not talking about that. I just don't want to wear this. 
The girl said as she shook her arms. 

???: Hi! Sorry for the wait. 
A man with brown hair said as he approached the two. 

A man in a black strait jacket muttered as he followed the man. 

???: That makes seven. 
A man with burnt scars said as a green lizard stood beside him. 

???: I don't care, just let me at 'em. 
A man wearing a white mask in a black cloak said, cracking his fingers as he looked at a cabin. 

Man in Cloak: I'm getting too pumped up. 

Man with burnt scars: Shut up, you crazy bastards. 
He said, looking at the group. 

Man with burnt scars: Not yet. We'll move when all ten of us are here. 
He said before turning to look at the cabin. 

Man with burnt scars: Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk. It's better to have a small group of experience elites. First, we make them realize that their peace is resting in our hands. 

To Y/N 

Y/N: Why do we have to do this? 
He asked as he stood by Deku. 

Deku: A-A test of courage they said. 
He said as he looked at him. 

Y/N: Meaning? 
He asked before hearing a scream. 

Deku: C-Class B is trying to scare class A. 
He answered as he looked down. 

Y/N: Oh. 
He said before looking at the entrance into the forest, crossing his arms. 

Deku: H-How are you feeling about this? 
He asked him as he slowly looked at him. 

Y/N: Too tired to care. 
He answered as Deku continued to look at him. 

Deku: Why?

Y/N: Had to test out my quirk in the forest. See what I can do and not. 
He answered as he continued to stare at the forest before catching a whiff of ash. 

Y/N: What the? 
He asked himself. 

Alatreon: Something's burning. 

Y/N: Can't be us. 
He said as he looked into the forest. 

Deku: What do you mean? 
He asked as he looked at him in confusion. 

Y/N: You said something's burning? 
He asked once more as Deku looked at him with confusion. 

Deku: Something's burning? 
He asked before seeing Y/N charge into the forest. 

Deku: Y/N! Wait! 
He called out to him as Y/N ran deeper into the forest. 

Alatreon: What do you think you're doing. 

Y/N: Need to find the rest of the class.

Alatreon: Don't lie to me. You and I both know why you're doing this. 

Y/N: And? 

Alatreon: Running out to find your quote on quote friend. 

Y/N: What do you even mean by that. 
He said as he continued to run into the forest. 

Alatreon: And how long do you plan to downplay it. I see everything you do with her. 

Y/N: I don't need this from you right now. 
He growls angrily before running through a purple-like mist. 

Alatreon: Hmm, poison. 
He hummed as Y/N's eyes widen. 

Y/N: Poison? 
He asked with his eyes widen. 

Alatreon: Hmm, not too bad. 
He hummed to himself before hearing a scream as Y/N charged towards the source. 

Alatreon: Look at like you trying to look like a hero while everyone sees you as a monster. 
He chuckles as Y/N charged at the source, hearing revving as he got closer. 

Somewhere Else 

???: Yaoyorozu! Hey, are you alive! 
A voice screamed as a boy in blue ran, carrying Momo by her arms. 

???: Hey! Please, run! 
The boy screamed as he ran from a Nomu, hearing the rev get louder behind them. 

Momo: I'm sorry...Awase.
She muttered weakly as blood ran down her face. 

Momo: I-I'm fine. 
She muttered weakly as the rev got louder and louder. 

Boy: What the hell!? 
He screamed as he turned to see a Nomu with multiple drills and chainsaws. 


Boy: W-What the? 
He asked with fear, his eyes widening as the nomu was impaled from below and the sides by ice. 

Boy: W-W-What the hell? 
He asked with fear as a pillar of ice shoved through the nomu's head, killing it as blood spewed everywhere. 

Momo: W-W-What happened? 
She asked weakly, opening her eyes as Y/N slowly approached them. 

Momo: Y-Y/N? 
She asked as Y/N looked at the two. 

Y/N: Get her to the cabin. 
He orders with hints of anger as he glared at the boy, seeing him nod before running away. 


Y/N: There. 
He growls before running through a wall of purple mist, his E/C eyes slowly forming into slit eye as more black scales formed. 

Alatreon: Need me ag-
He asked before seeing Y/N grab a man wearing a green helmet before slamming his head into the ground. 

Alatreon: Now, this is entertaining. 
He said with a smirk, revealing his black fangs as electricity coursed around his black horns. 

Man with green helmet: H-How? 
He gasped as Y/N slammed his foot onto the boy's head, cracking the helmet. 

Y/N: Get up. 
He growled angrily before tossing the boy into a tree, seeing him gasp, his eyes widen as blood ran down his face. 

Man with green helmet: W-W-What the? W-W-Who ar-THUD 
He asked before feeling a knee in his gut. His eyes staring into Y/N's slit eyes as he glared into him. 

Y/N: I said, get up! 
He yelled before cracking his fist across his jaw, sending the man into the ground as his gun dropped to the ground. 

Alatreon: This is going pretty well. 
He chuckles as he watched with a grin. 

Y/N: Why are you here. 
He growls angrily, his hands around the man's throat as the man looked at him with fear. His eyes staring into Y/N's as he tried to pry his hands away from his throat. 

Man: A-A-All Might. 
He answered weakly, blood running down his face before being tossed into the ground. 

He yelled before reeling his fist towards the man's back, hearing a crack as the man fell to the ground. 

Man: T-T-That's all I know! 
He screamed with fear as Y/N gripped him by his hair, seeing his fearful eyes before feeling a hand on his shoulder. 

???: Stop it Y/N of Class A! 
A girl yelled out as Y/N turned to the side, seeing a girl with ginger hair. 

Girl with Ginger Hair: Stop it. He's had enough. 
She said as Y/N looked at her. 

Girl with Ginger Hair: We need to know why they're here. 
She pleaded with him, his slit eyes staring into hers. 

Y/N: Fine. 
He growls before punching the man in the back of the head, knocking him out as he fell to the ground. 


Y/N: What the. 
He growls before seeing a man in a black strait jacket, metal coming out from his teeth laying on the ground. 

Man in Strait Jacket: Flesh...Flesh.... 
He muttered as his eyes looked at Y/N. 

Man in Strait Jacket: Give it to me! 
He yelled as metal shot out towards Y/n. 


The man gasp as a pillar of ice shot the man into a tree. His body impaled into the tree as blood dripped down the pillar. 

Alatreon: Killing people now? Starting to enjoy it now? 
He chuckles as Y/N turned around, walking back to the camp site. 

Y/N's POV 

Somewhere Else 

Alatreon: Come on, continue to show me  that you've the killing. The thrill of taking another's life. 
He cackled, his slit eyes staring into me as he sat upon throne made of bones. 

I growled as I glared up at him. 

Alatreon: Oh? 
He asked, grinning. 

Alatreon: You certain showed me that you've enjoy the killings. 
He said with a grin, revealing his black fangs. 

"I'll never enjoy it." 
I growled angrily. 

Alatreon: Oh? Then tell me, what did you exactly do that poor man with the green helmet? You didn't just knock him out. 
He said as I turned away from him. 

Alatreon: You've specifically aimed at his spine. And for what? 
He asked, grinning more and more as he stood up from his throne. 

Alatreon: It's because you wanted to hear him beg for his life. 
He spoke once more but hearing him right next to me. My eyes widening as he now stood by me, his slit eyes looking at from the side as he smirked. 

Alatreon: Don't lie to yourself Y/n. You are now just like me. 
He said as I reeled my fist towards him. 


"I'll never be like you!" 
I yelled at him as he now stood afar from me. 

Alatreon: Then tell me, what have you been doing all this time? 
He asked as I held my hand up before shooting a fireball at him. 

Alatreon: So uncreative. 
He comments before clasping his hands together, seeing water slowly leaking out of his hands as my eyes widen. 

Alatreon: Here we go. 
He said before releasing his hands, releasing a wave of water. 

"Oh shit." 
I cursed to myself as I slammed my hand onto the ground, forming an ice wall before me. 

"There we go." 
I thought to myself before seeing him standing by my side. My eyes widening as he smirked at me. I quickly spun around before throwing a roundhouse kick. 


I felt his scaly hands on my leg before feeling the ground against my cheek, his weight above me as he looked down at me. 

"D-Damn it." 
I cursed loudly as he looked down at me. 

Alatreon: No matter what you do, I'll always be superior to you. 
He said as I glared at him. 

Alatreon: But I will say, I'm impressed with how quick you've killed that big one. You've truly took my lesson to heart. 
He chuckles as I glared at him, feeling his hand's tighten around my wrist. 

Alatreon: But, what did I say earlier. 
He said as he released his hold. 

"The strong live. The weak perish." 

Here is chapter 18 of Black Dragon of UA! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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