Chapter 3: Exam

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Third Person POV 

Couple Years Later 

Y/N sat alone in a large bus as he looked at outside, seeing people walk down the street as he looked at his phone in hand. 

Y/N: Looks like I'm going to UA now. 
He said with a small smile. 

???: Don't mind if I kill a few kids. 
He heard a whisper in his right ear. 

Y/N: As if I'm letting you out Alatreon. 
He said as he looked at the window to see his reflection but with red eyes and frost slowly covering his arm. 

Alatreon: Why not? I did nothing wrong. 
He said as Y/N rolled his eyes before looking at his phone to see a message from Ryukyu. 

Ryukyu: Are you on your way to UA? 

Y/N: Yeah, I'm on my way there. 

Ryukyu: Okay. See you later when you're done. Love you. 

Y/N: See you later mom. 
He texts back before backing out of the message to see a name. 

Y/N: Momo. 
He thought to himself as a memory flashed through his head. 


Ryukyu: Come on Y/N. It's going to be okay. 
She said with a smile as she held his hand. 

Y/N: O-O-Okay. 
He said as he looked down at the ground, walking with her into a courtyard as Y/N slowly looked up to see other kids looking at him with fear. 

Y/N: M-M-Mom. 
He said as he looked down, squeezing her hand. 

Ryukyu: Y/N. It's going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you. 
She said as she looked around before seeing a little girl with black hair tied up in a pony tail walking away from them. 

Ryukyu: Hey little girl. 
She called out to as the girl slowly turned towards her. 

Little Girl: Oh...hello. 
She said with nervousness. 

Ryukyu: know where this class is? 
She asked as she held out a class ID. 

Little Girl: Oh...I'm apart of that class. Why? 
She asked as she looked at Y/N. 

Little Girl: Are you new here? 
She asked as Y/N slowly hid behind Ryukyu. 

Ryukyu: Yeah...he's new here. Since you're...part of the class, can you take him? 
She asked. 

Little Girl: Sure. 
She said with a small smile as Ryukyu turned towards Y/N. 

Ryukyu: Y/N. This girl is going to take you to your class. 
She said as Y/N continued to look down at the ground, his hand shaking. 

Ryukyu: Everything is going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen. 
She assured him as Y/N slowly looked up at her. 

Y/N: O-Okay. 
He said as Ryukyu smiled. 

Ryukyu: I'll cook your favorite when you get home. 
She said before kissing his forehead before pushing him towards the girl. 

Little Girl: Come on. We're going to be late. 
She said and walked through the court as Y/N slowly followed behind her. 

Little Girl: What's your name? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Y-Y-Y/N. 
He answered as he slowly looked at the girl. 

Y/N: W-W-What's yours? 
He asked nervously. 

Little Girl: Momo. 

Flashback Ends 

???: For UA! 
A voice called out as Y/N shook his head before getting up. 

Y/N: Thanks. 
He said as he steps off the bus to see a large school in front of him. 

Y/N: So this is where mom works at. 
He thought to himself before hearing a voice 

???: Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you. 
A boy with blonde hair said as he walked past another with green hair. 

Green Hair: M-Morning. L-Let's both do our best...
He said as the other walked past him. 

???: Hey, isn't that Bakugo? The one with the slude villain? 
Another asked as Y/N looked at Bakugo. 

???: Oh, he's the real thing! 

Y/N: Oh...I heard about him. 
He thought to himself as he walked towards the school. 

Alatreon: He seems fun to fight with. 
He said as Y/N walked through the gate, ignoring him. 

Y/N: Let's just hope nothing goes wrong. 
He thought to himself as he walked before seeing the boy with green hair scream loudly. 

???: It's my quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first. But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right? 
A girl with auburn brown hair asked as she clapped her hands together. 

???: Aren't you nervous? 
She asked as the boy looked at her with wide eyes. 

???: Let's do our best. See ya! 
She said with a smile before walking away from him. 

Y/N: Let's see how this goes. 
He thought to himself before walking into a building. 

Y/N: Hmm...where am I supposed to go for the orientation? 
He asked himself as he looked around before seeing a sign near a door. 

Y/N: Oh... 
He said to himself before walking into the room to see other students there before sitting down in an empty seat. 


Suddenly the lights in the room came on as Y/N looked up to see a man in a black jacket, wearing a pair of headphones in front of a large monitor. 

???: For you all examinee listeners tuning, welcome to my show today! Everybody say "hey"! 
He yelled as the room remained silent. 

???: What a refined response. Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready? Yeah! 
He said as the room continued to remain silent. 

Y/N: Interesting guy. 
He thought to himself. 

Alatreon: Would have killed him already. 

???: As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!  
He said as the monitor formed a base on the screen, letters A though G popping up. 

???: After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay? Okay! 

Bakugo: In other words, they won't let you work with your friends, huh? 
He whispered as he looked at a white piece of paper. 

???: Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited. 
He said as the monitor forms 3 separate obstacles around the base. 

Alatreon: Oh fun. Can I come out for this piece? Can I? 

Y/N: Shut up. 
He growls as some of the students looked at him in confusion. 

???: May I ask a question? 
One with blue hair in glasses asked as he raised his hand. 

???: Okay. 
He said, pointing at the student with blue hair .

Blue Hair: On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A, the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. 

Alatreon: Actually...

Y/N: Shut.....Up. 
He growls louder as the students looked at him with confusion. 

???: Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111. Thanks for the great message. 
He said with a thumbs up as a fourth villain formed on the screen. 

???: The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center. An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it either. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it. 

Y/N: Just like how mom said. 
He thought to himself as he pulled out a white from his pocket. 

???: That's all from me. Finally, I'll give you listeners a present. Our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes." Go beyond. Plus ultra! 
He yells as it formed on the monitor behind him while Y/N looked at his paper. 

???: Now, everyone, good luck suffering! 


Y/N: This seems like the place. 
He thought to himself as he walked towards a large door with a group of people in front of it before seeing the same boy with green hair .

Y/N: Oh, he's here. 
He thought to himself. 

Alatreon: Looks like he can't fight. 

Y/N: And I look like him. 

Alatreon: At least you have me. If not for me, those kids would have put you in the locker and no one would have found out. 

Y/N: Do you really have to insist on that moment. 
He said with hints of anger. 

Alatreon: On that day, you LET me out. You begged before me to hurt them. And I did. I gave them a grim reminder to bow before you or else. 

Y/N: And now one of them lives with nightmares of us. 

Alatreon: Would you be in that same position? I merely gave him a reason to shut up and listen like a dog. Or would you have preferred me to kill them? Maybe a little bit of water and electricity in the hall. 

???: Okay, start! 
He heard a voice before looking up to see the same man on top of the wall. 

???: What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Run, run! The die has been cast, you know! 
He said as the large set of doors opened. 

???: I...I'm behind already! 
The man with green hair yelled as Y/N ran past him, seeing his eyes look at him. 

Y/N: See you around. 
He said as he continued to run down the street before hearing something behind him. 


Y/N: A one pointer. 
He said as the one pointer looked at the green hair boy. 

One Pointer: Target acquired. I'll kill you. 
It said before charging at the boy before stabbed through the chest by ice. 

Green Hair: I-I-Ice!? 
He yelled as the one pointer fell to the ground. 

Y/N: Hmm...
He said before running down the street. 

Green Hair: W-W-Wait! 
He yelled as he attempted to follow Y/N. 

Y/N: Need points. 
He said to himself before seeing 5 three pointers in an alleyway. 

Three Pointers: Target acquired. 
It said as ice suddenly stabbed through its chest, destroying them. 

Y/N: 16 points. 
He said as he continued to run down the street. 

Alatreon: 4 two pointers on your left. 
He said as Y/N turned towards them, seeing them charge as one slammed its arm into ground. 

Y/N: Too close. 
He said to himself as his hand grazed on the chest, frost slowly forming on its arm before slamming his fist into the ground as spikes of ice stabbed through the others. 

Y/N: 24 points. 
He said as he looks at his arm to only feel a shock.

Y/N: Son of a -
He groans in pain as he held his arm in pain. 

Somewhere Else 

In a dark room with a large screen, Nezu sat with other staff members as he watched the other examinees. 

Nezu: In this practical exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number of villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the villains out from there. Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else. Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances. Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation. And pure combat ability. These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test. 

Midnight: Doesn't this year's group look promising? 

???: Well, we can't know for sure yet. Their true test is still to come. 
One said as they slowly reached for a button and pressed it. 

To Y/N 

Alatreon: Come on. Let it all out. 
He whispers into his ear as Y/N shot out a ray of electricity, destroying 5 two pointers as he panted heavily. 

Alatreon: Look at you destroying all those so easily. It would have been much easier if I get control for a little bit. 
He whispers as the ground suddenly shook. 

Y/N: What the hell. 
He said in confusion as the group suddenly broke. 

Y/N: Is this the zero pointer? 
He asked himself before holding his arm and formed ice as he sled down to a building. 

Y/N landed on the roof and slowly turned around to look at the mech before his eyes widen. 

Y/N: Oh my god. 
He said before hearing a girl squirming from below. 

Y/N looked down at the street to see a girl with black hair in a pony tail slowly crawling away. 

Y/N: Son of a-
He said before holding his hand out, ice slowly forming as he slid down to see the mech looking at him. 

The mech slowly lifted its arm as Y/N groaned in pain once more before throwing his arm out towards the mech, a shot of lightning shooting through its leg. The mech grabbed onto the buildings as Y/N grabbed the girl before sliding away from the mech. 

Y/N: You okay? 
He asked as he continues to slide away from the mech. 

Girl: Yeah. 
She answered as she slowly looked at him, her eyes widening as she looked at him. 

Girl: Y/N? 
She asked as Y/N slowly looked at her before his eyes widen with a smile. 

Y/N: Momo? 

Here is chapter 3 of Black Dragon of UA! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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