Chapter 8: USJ

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Third Person POV 


Y/N: What happened? 
He asked as he looked around to see nothing but darkness surround him. 


Y/N: What was that? 
He asked in confusion as he turned around, looking for the source of the roar. 


Y/N: What is going on around here? 
He thought to himself before hearing a louder thud behind him. 

Y/N quickly spun around before his eyes widen with fear. 

Y/N: O-O-Oh my god. 
He gasped with fear as a black creature with wings glared at him. 

Y/N: W-What are you? 
He asked with fear as a light suddenly flashed at the both of them. 

Dream Ends 

???: Ryuko, he'll be okay. 
A male voice said as he sat by her. 

Ryuko: I hope so. Why did those two attack him last night? 
She asked as she looked at the other, revealing to be All-Might. 

All-Might: That is I want to know as well. I've never seen you two before. 
He told her as Y/N groaned. 

Y/N: W-What happened? 
He asked as he slowly opened his eyes, revealing his E/C eyes before feeling Ryuko's arms around him. 

Y/N: Mom? You're hurting me. 
He groans in pain as she released him from her hold, revealing her tearful eyes. 

Ryuko: Who did this to you? 
She asked as tears slowly ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: I don't know. Just two girls in armor. One in black and the other in red armor. 
He told her as All Might listened. 

All Might: Do you know why they attacked you? 
He asked as Y/N turned towards him. 

Y/N: Something about them being free. 
He answered as All Might thought to himself. 

All Might: You said the two of them were in armor? What type of armor? 

Y/N: I'm not sure. 

All Might: Hmm, interesting. I'll have to inform Nezu about this. 

Somewhere Else 

???: You've failed! 
A voice boomed throughout a dark hall as Odogaron was tossed across the floor. 

Odogaron: I-I-It was Alatreon! 
She gasped as she looked up at a man with black scales growing along his arm. 

???: Oh? Why didn't you just say so. 
The man said before turning around. 

???: I want you two to keep an eye on Alatreon. 
He said as Nargaucuga growled. 

Nargacuga: Why don't we just kill him. 
She growled as the man turned towards her. 

???: You expect yourselves, a group of wyverns take on one of the three black dragons of our species. 
He said as Nargacuga looked down. 

Odogaron: Please sir, give us another shot. 
She pleaded as she looked at him, holding her shoulder. 

???: If you want to die to Alatreon so be it. Do what you desire. 

To Y/N 

All Might: Feeling better? 
He asked as he looked at Y/N. 

Y/N: I'm doing better. 
He said as he looked at his scar on his shoulder. 

All Might: I'm surprised seeing that you're up and walking around. 

Y/N: I'm surprised as well. 

Alatreon: That's because of me. 

Y/N: Oh really? 

Alatreon: Thank me for filtering it all out. 

Y/N: How. 

Alatreon: With you out of it, it was easy to do so. 

All Might: Mr L/N? 
He asked as he looked at him. 

Y/N: Sorry... 

All Might: It's fine. 
He said as the two approached the school. 

Y/N: So what I will be doing today? 
He asked as he looked at the school. 

All Might: You will be going to USJ with Aizawa. 

Alatreon: That guy. 
He growls with disgust. 

Y/N: Oh... him. 


???: We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage. 
A boy with blonde hair wearing a black jacket with stripes running down his chest said. 

Bakugo: What's with that vocabulary, bastard!? I'll kill you! 
He yelled at the other as Y/N sighed in his seat. 

Y/N: And this is what I come back to. 
He thought to himself. 

Alatreon: I wouldn't mind getting him to shut up. 

Y/N: No. I don't need to get into another fight. 

Alatreon: That wasn't a fight. 

Y/N: For you, it wasn't. 

Alatreon: And because they weren't human. 

Y/N: What? 

Alatreon: They're just like me. 

Y/N: What do you mean. 

Alatreon: Do you know hear a voice in your head? Do you not see my abilities running along your arms? Do you not see my appearance slowly come out? 

Y/N: Alright, I get it. 

Aizawa: We're here. Stop messing around. 
He told the class as they looked at him. 

Class: Yes sir! 
They exclaimed as the bus slowly came to a stop. 

Y/N: Finally, I can finally get some peace and quiet. 
He thought to himself as he got up from his seat and exited the bus. 

Alatreon: I wonder that guy has planned for us. 

Y/N: Who knows. 
He thought as the class exited out of the bus. 

???: Where were you Y/N? 
A familiar voice called out to him. 

Y/N: Oh, hey Momo. 
He said as he looked at her with a smile. 

Alatreon: And here we go again. 

Momo: Where were you yesterday? 

Y/N: Well... I was stuck in bed. 
He said with a half smile. 

Momo: So you were sick yesterday? 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said as Momo smiled. 

Momo: Glad you feel better. 
She said as Y/N smiles at her. 

Alatreon: Do you humans always do this? 

???: Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you. 
A robotic voice called out as the class looked at a stranger in a white suit. 

Izuku: It's the space hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters! 

Thirdteen: Let's go inside without delay. 
She said as she points towards the building. 

Class: Look forward to working with you! 

To Odogaron 

Odogaron: So what are we going to do now? You know we can't fight Alatreon, let alone a black dragon head on. 
She said as she looked at Nargacuga. 

Nargacuga: Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. As long we finish this, he'll leave us alone. 
She said as pulled out her daggers. 

Odogaron: Do you believe that he'll leave us alone? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Nargacuga: We won't know until we do. 
She said as licked her dagger, a purple fluid lining along the blade. 

Odogaron: Why don't we just watch him for now then we kill him after.
She said as she leaned her head on her shoulder. 

Nargacuga: What are you doing. 

Odogaron: Nothing. Just watching my best friend poisoning her daggers. 

To Y/N 

Thirteen: Everyone, I am sure you aware of my quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust. 

Izuku: You've been able to use that quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right? 

Thirteen: Yes, but it is a power that can kill easily. Some of you also have quirks like that, right? 
She asked as she looked at the class. 

Thirteen: In a superhuman soceity, personal quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However, please do not forget that there many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, young found that about possibility of your own hidden powers and with All Might's person to person combat training, I think you are experience the danger of using those powers against others. This class is fresh start. You shall learn how to use your quirks to save other people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others. 

Izuku: Thirteen's so cool! 
He yelled to himself excitingly. 

Thirteen: That is all. Thank you all for listening. 
She says as she bows. 

Alatreon: How boring. 

Y/N: Just be quiet. 

Aizawa: Alright them, let's-
He said as the power suddenly shut off. 

Y/N: What the? 
He thought to himself as he looked around, seeing the room slowly go dark. 

Aizawa: Gather together and don't move! 
He yelled as the students looked at him. 

Aizawa: Thirteen, protect the student! 
He yelled as a boy with a hand on his head slowly walked out of a portal. 

???: Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started? 
A boy with red hair asked as Izuku stumbled forward. 

Aizawa: Don't move! 
He yelled as he placed a pair of golden goggles. 

Aizawa: Those are villains. 
He said as Y/N looked at the villains nervously. 

Alatreon: And to think I was going to die of boredom. 

Here is chapter 8 of Black Dragon of UA! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think of this chapter? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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