First Mission

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(one week later:Friday 8:42 pm )  

"Anna you need a hero name now that you've been on the team for about a week" Artimas says. I'm sitting on my bed in Oliver Queen's 'house'. "I don't know hmmm.... Since I'm a vampire I should be call Fang. Ohh better yed Black Fang" I say. She nods in agreement and says "So listen to this last night I heard Oliver and Dinah talking about letting you live here with us. Also last night before we left and you were cleaning up the entertainment room with the boys I was doing a little spying. Batman and Oliver or Green Arrow whatever you want to call him, well they were talking about you. They said there gonna have to limit your missions because your still to young even if you were still seven you'd be too young".Tap tap tap. "Come in" Artimas says faceing the door. Roy walks in and says " did you think of a name yet because Batman says were all going to the cave for a mission". I nod and Artimas closes the door on Roy. I quickly put on my black tutu, black leggin, black tank top, and black leather jacket. I put my hair in a pony tail and tied the purple ribbin in it again. I slide on my all black converses and put black lipstick,eyeshadow,eyeliner, and maskara on. I wait for Artimas to finish putting her blond hair in a pony tail.We go to mountjustice and walk into the mission room."Kid Flash, Robin, Superboy,Miss M,Aqualad, and Beast boy you will be going to New Mexico. Our undercover hero's have spoted 'the light' by the boarder of New Mexico. Check it out and if there is 'the light' take them down.You can't let them know your there" Batman says. I glance at Roy and Artimas and realize we were the only ones not mentioned. "Wad about us" I say as the six heros left for there mission. Batman says "you three will be going to Russia you just need to-". I cut Batman off and say "so we ged da side mission. And dey ged da weal mission". Batman ignored me and continued,"you will find out who has been kidnapping people. The people go mysteriously missing on the week of the full moon". I roll my eyes and we leave for Russia. As Roy fly's the plane I stare out the window.I see the fluffy clouds and stare in amazement because I've never gotten  to see the clouds like this. "dop dareing at me" I say still looking out the window. "I"m not stareing at you I'm stareing at your markings on your back. I realize I took off my leather jacket as soon as we got on the plan and thats how she seen my back. "I don't have markings on my back" I say. I turn to look at Roy. "Roy do I have markings on my back" I ask. He puts the plane on autopilet and walks over to me. He traces his finger along my back. "Yea is black and looks like a tatto" Roy says. He grabs a notebook and starts to draw something. "See thats what it looks like" Roy says.I  grab the notebook out of his hands. I stare in disbeleif at the picture. "You just made dat up" I say.Roy shakes his head and goes back to flying the plane. A few seconds later I drift off to sleep. "Ann wake up were here" Roy says and slaps me in the face. I spring my eyes open and slap him in the face but I did it harder then he did so it would leave a mark. After we stoped fighting and got off the plane. I start to walk when Artimas pulls the back of my jacket. I turn to face her and she points to a building on the other side of the ship. "Ohhhh" I wisper as she drags me closer to the building. It was an abandon beer factory. We look around and found nothing in here just a huge creates filled with beer and another box filled with........Also more beer. We go to the next factory and look around and see the same thing, beer. In the warehouse by the forest we hear a loud crash and then yelling. We run into the building and see twenty people holdong guns ready to shoot. Roy and Artimas shot and arrow and then go to hand and hand combat. A tall french-looking guy see's me and starts to run and I chase him. Were now deep in the forest and most likely both Arimas and Roy haven't figured out I'm gone. I start to fight him and he got a few hard hits on me but I'll live. "Ya ta chicken ta figh'd" I say throwing a hard punch at him. His eye start to dialate to a redish color and I see razor sharp fangs. The man turns into a wolf and bites my right wrist. I scream in pain and I try to kick the man/wolf away. The world starts to spin and I black out. I hear someone calling my name and the I hear footsteps. Something wraps around me and I hear Artimas's voice calling my name for me to wake up. My whole body hurts and my right arm is numb. The cold forest air changes to warm. After a few minutes my eyes slowly open. Roy was flying the plane and Artimas was holding me in her arms."Wad happend" I ask my voice barely over a wisper. She looks down at me and says "thats what I wanted to know I think you chased one of the crooks and then the person knocked you out somehow. But there is something I want to know you were knocked out for almost two hours and the crook didn't hit you hard because you don't have any bruises or cuts". Then she looked at my neck and adds "other then you vampire bite but its really un-noticable". I look down at my wrist and realize there is not a bite or anything where the wolf/man bit me. I know if I told them they will think I'm crazy, well maybe the french man did just knock me out. "Batman wants us to stay till friday so we can scope out the places and try to connect the dots" Roy says. Then the sun starts coming up and shines right through my window."Aghh" I scream and then I throw my jacket to the window. "Ann you alright" Artimas says as she pulls the dark blue mini curtins down. I nod and rub my arm and sholder. "Also Batman said we needed to act like citizens here so were renting a hotel. We could most likely get some "dirt" from some people walking by" Roy says. We land the plane and Roy its a button to turn the plane invisable. We quickly change from our hero costumes so no one knows were hero's. "Roy I can't walk out the sun" I say as he opens the door. I pull shades out of my bookbag and I slide my leather jacket back on. I pull the cloth hood of my leather jacket over my head. "Leds hope dis works" I step off the plane and the beams of sunlight hit my fingers. I quickly run for the shadows so the sun doesn't vaporise me. We go into the hotel and I try to stay away from any sunlight there is. "We would like to rent a room for seven nights"Roy says. "Room thirteen on the fifth floor. May I say your daughter looks so adorable" the lady says working at the front desk. Roy and Artimas start blushing and Artimas says "she is not our daughter she is our younger sister". The lady seemed suprized by the as she hands over our room keys. "Sorry for thinking your sister was your daughter" the lady says as we walk towards the elevator. I hit the fifth floor button and we wait for it to move. The elevator music starts to play and I burst out laughing since were alone. "What" Roy says as he rolls his eyes. "One; da lady dot I was your daughter and do; dis elevator music is da exact one dey used in da James Bond movie from when da guy was goin' do figh'd da badguy" I say. Roy rolled his eyes again and Artimas starts laughing. The she says "yea it kind of does". We walk in our room and a quiet yawn excapes my lips. They unpack their things and I lay my head on the kitchen table because I'm tired. "What did you bring in your bag...Uhhh is there a reason your half asleep on the table" Artimas say. I open my eyes and sarcasticly say "I'm beat". I grab my bag and dump it on the table. "Knives, more knives, smoke pellets, more knives, shades, jeans, jean jacked, and navy blue dank dop" I say. She looks into my bookbag and says "dark makeup and black combat boots". I  smile noding and then lay my head back on the table. "Your tired"Artimas says but I shake my head. She was right though I just didn't want to admitt it. She walks away wordlessly, I know she is going to talk to Roy. After a few minutes Roy comes in and says "we're goin to patrol and then we will come back in two hours to take you out again so you can sleep". I nod and they leave for patrol. I walk over to a bed and lay on it. "Ohhh I need a coffin since I'm a vampire" I say to myself. I open a door and realize its a closet. I notice there is a shelf and it can hold my weight because I'm really light. I lay on the shelf and fall asleep.

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