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Adeana Corrigan was a mistake. She had always been a mistake. From the moment that her mother got pregnant, she was a mistake. Her whole life she had been reminded of that. Always falling short of her brother who was fifteen years older than her, and everything that she wished that she could be. Stupidly she still loved him anyway.

Her brother Declan, had been in the army from the age of 18. He was their parents hero and they never failed to remind Adeana of that. When he was twenty seven he got the call that his parents had been in an accident, a train collision that killed them both. He was made guardian of his little sister and that forced him to return home.

Adeana didn't know what to expect when she found out Declan was coming home, she had been numb since she was taken out of class and told that her parents had died at the mere age of 12. She didn't cry. Not for her parents, they didn't deserve her tears. She knew that and she hated herself for not having an emotional reaction the way most kids would, but she just didn't care.

Declan bought an apartment for the two of them, saying it was too painful to live in their childhood home full of 'fond memories'. They were okay for a while and the little girl stayed out of her brothers way. But the longer he was home, the more he spiralled. He started hanging around his high school buddies who never left their hometown, drinking until all hours of the night, getting into drugs. So Adeana was on her own, she took care of herself to the best of her abilities.

When the girl was fourteen numb tears trickled down her face as she stared out the rear window of a police car, watching as her brother kicked his car tyres repeatedly, cursing into the air as the police took away his little sister. She knew that he was probably more angry over the fact he'd lost what was in the bag that he'd made her put on, rather than his sisters fate.

Juvie wasn't all that bad for her, she found comfort in the routine it had given her. Although she spent most of her time working out, she had managed to make a friend, a guy the same age as her from the boys wing of the unit who she had started training with. Becker Wendell or Bex as she called him. His sentence was shorter than hers and he got out two months before her, every single week he was back there visiting her. Unlike her brother who only visited on her birthday. She spent three of them inside.

She turned seventeen three weeks before her release date, so instead of transferring her to an adult prison the way it goes when most inmates turn seventeen, they let her spend the last three weeks where she was. It was her home after all, and she was well behaved too, that helped the outcome.

The girl remembered the sound of the gates buzzer as they opened and she took her first steps out of the facility, she was instantly picked up and spun around by Bex. The boy and his father, Greg, had come to pick her up, they were letting her live with them until she got set on her own two feet. In all honesty she was too terrified to go back to her brother. So this was the best option.

The two teens sat in the back of the car, windows down, wind blowing as Greg drove down the highway. The radio was playing a Justin Timberlake song and the two of them were singing along until the highway traffic came to a dead stop, the radio started to broadcast an emergency announcement. That was when the chaos began.

The world was ending.

Two weeks. That was how long the three of them had camped out, before the place they were hiding out at was over run with the dead in the middle of the night and Greg was bit helping them escape. They got away unharmed, but Bex was trying his hardest not to fall apart over the loss of his father. The two of them clung too each other for comfort, struggling to survive in this new world.

After a while they both got pretty good at defending themselves and each other. While they were searching a house for supplies Dean come across a saber sword mounted above the fire place and took a liking to it right away, taking it for herself. Bex preferred a gun, but ammo was an issue, so his weapon of choice was a metal baseball bat. Saving the gun for emergencies only.

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